Paracondeellum paradisum sp. nov., holotype A head, dorsal view (cp = clypeal pore, fp = frontal pore) B pseudoculus C canal of maxillary gland D labial palpus E maxillary palpus F foretarsus, exterior view G foretarsus, interior view H dorsal thorax, right side I tergite I, right side (al = anterolateral pore, psm = posterosubmedial pore) J tergite VI, right side K comb L female quama genitalis. Arrows indicate pores. Scale bars: 10 μm (B, K); 20 μm (A, C–J, L).

  Part of: Bu Y, Xiong Y, Luan Y-X, Yin W-Y (2019) Systematic and biogeographical study of Protura (Hexapoda) from Hainan Isaland of China: new species, checklist and distribution. ZooKeys 879: 149-21.