Synanthedonini adults 1, 2 Synanthedon auritinctaoidis sp. nov. 1 ♂, holotype, Taiwan: Hualien (NHMUK). 2 ♀, paratype, Taiwan: Hualien (NTNU). 3, 4 Paranthrenella helvola sp. nov. 3 ♂, holotype, Taiwan: Nantou (NHMUK) 4 ♀, paratype, Taiwan: Nantou (NTNU). Scale bar: 10 mm.

  Part of: Liang J-Y, Hsu Y-F (2019) Two new species of the tribe Synanthedonini (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae), with new hostplant associations from Taiwan. ZooKeys 861: 81-90.