Laocaia simovi Dedov & Schneppat, sp. nov. genital anatomy, the whole sexual system (A), male part of the sexual system (B), sexual system, opposite view (C), position of the sarcobelum inside of the penis (D), and inverted (E). Abbreviations: p – penis; sb – sarcobelum, mrp – musculus retractor penis, vd – vas deferens, at – atrium, bc – bursa copulatrix, pd – pedunculus, ag – albumen gland, hg – hermaphroditic gland, hd – hermaphroditic duct.

  Part of: Dedov I, Schneppat U, Vu MQ, Huy NQ (2019) A new semislug of the genus Laocaia (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicarionidae) from Vietnam. ZooKeys 846: 19-30.