Gnorimoschema habitats 43 Tadzhikistan, Pamir by Zugwand, habitat of G. pamira sp. nov. 44 Russia, Buryatia, Gusinoe Ozero, habitat of G. brachyptera sp. nov. 45 Russia, Altai Mts., steppe near Kurai, habitat of G. yakovlevi sp. nov. 46 Russia, Altai Mts., Kurai District, steppe in the surroundings of Dzhangyskol (= Salagana) Lake, habitat of G. altaica sp. nov. and G. tabazhok sp. nov. 47 Russia, Altai Mts., Ulagan District, Chulyshman Valley, habitat of G. tabazhok sp. nov. 48 Russia, Altai Mts., Russia, Altai Mts., Krasnaya Gorka Hill, near Chagan-Uzun, habitat of G. tabazhok sp. nov.