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Host Range ofCaloptilia triadicae(Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae): An Adventive Herbivore of Chinese Tallowtree (Malpighiales: Euphorbiaceae).
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G. S. Wheeler, K. Dyer, E. Broggi, Jianqing Ding, Matthew Purcell, P. Madeira (2018)
Molecular comparisons of native range collections ofGadirtha fusca, a potential biological control agent of Chinese tallowtree.
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Age-dependent resistance and tolerance of an invasive tree to above- and belowground herbivore interactions: Implications for invasiveness and biological control.
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Lauren S. Pile, G. Geoff Wang, Jeremy P. Stovall, Evan Siemann, Gregory S. Wheeler, Christopher A. Gabler (2017)
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James T. Vogt, Rabiu Olatinwo, Michael D. Ulyshen, Rima D. Lucardi, Daniel Saenz, Jessica L. McKenney (2021)
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Juli Carrillo, Evan Siemann (2016)
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