Tonkinodentus lestes Schileyko, 1992; Holotype (Rc 6358) 10 LBS 20–21, ventro-lateral view 11 LBS 20–21, ventral view; non-type (Rc 6555) 12 LBS 21 and ultimate legs, dorso-lateral view 13 head plate and LBS 1, dorsal view 14 LBS 13, ventral view; (as) – apical spine(s) of coxopleural process, (cp) – coxopleural process, (cps) – coxopleural posterior spine, (cs) – corner spine of ultimate prefemur, (f) – femur, (g) – gonopod, (pf) – prefemur, (ps) – paramedian sutures, (sas) – subapical spine(s) of coxopleural process, (t) – tibia, (t1) – tarsus 1, (t2) – tarsus 2, (us) – ultimate sternite, (vlp) – distal ventro-lateral process, (vs) – ventral spine(s) of coxopleural process.

  Part of: Schileyko AA, Solovyeva EN (2019) On the taxonomic position of the enigmatic genus Tonkinodentus Schileyko, 1992 (Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha): the first molecular data. ZooKeys 840: 133-155.