1 Map of Vietnam showing the places of collection (black circles) of the holotype (Dak Lak Province) and the second specimen (Dong Nai Province) of Tonkinodentus lestes Schileyko, 1992; Tonkinodentus lestes Schileyko, 1992, holotype (Rc 6358) 2 general view, dorsally 3 general view, ventrally 4 head plate and LBS 1, dorsal view.

  Part of: Schileyko AA, Solovyeva EN (2019) On the taxonomic position of the enigmatic genus Tonkinodentus Schileyko, 1992 (Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha): the first molecular data. ZooKeys 840: 133-155. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.840.33635