Symphylella macropora sp. n. A habitus B left antenna, 15th–18th segment, dorsal view (bo-bladder-shaped organ, co-cavity-shaped organ) C right Tömösváry organ D head, dorsal view E first pair of legs (arrows indicate the legs) F stylus and coxal sacs of leg 3 (arrows indicate styli) G 4th tergite, left side (al-anterolateral seta, as-apical seta, cs-central seta, ibs-inner basal seta, is-inserted seta, lms-lateromarginal seta) H 1st–3rd tergites I 4th–5th tergites J 13th–15th tergites. Scale bars: 100 μm (A); 20 μm (B–J).

  Part of: Jin Y-L, Bu Y, Jiang Y (2019) Two new species of the genus Symphylella (Symphyla, Scolopendrellidae) from Tibet, China. ZooKeys 845: 99-117.