John W. Gruber, Tanner A. Matson, David L. Wagner (2021)
Alypiodes flavilinguis Grote, 1883 as a Valid Species (Noctuidae, Agaristinae).
The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society75: .
DOI: 10.18473/lepi.75i2.a1
Paul Z. Goldstein, Michael W. Nelson (2017)
Two psammophilic noctuids newly associated with beach plum, Prunus maritima (Rosaceae): The Dune Noctuid (Sympistis riparia) and Coastal Heathland Cutworm (Abagrotis benjamini) in Northeastern North America (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae).
ZooKeys661: 61.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.661.10867
Sebastián Espinoza-Donoso, Marcelo Vargas-Ortiz, Héctor A. Vargas, Andrés O. Angulo (2018)
Larva and Pupa of the Little-Known Neotropical Moth Melipotis walkeri (Lepidoptera: Erebidae).
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society72: 276.
DOI: 10.18473/lepi.72i4.a5
J. Donald Lafontaine, B. Christian Schmidt (2015)
Additions and corrections to the check list of the Noctuoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) of North America north of Mexico III.
ZooKeys527: 127.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.527.6151
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