Sinoxychilus melanoleucus gen. nov. and sp. nov. A Genitalia in general view, paratype, HBUMM08236 specimen 2, showing the median section of epiphallus is not wrapped inside the penis sheath B, C holotype, HBUMM08236 specimen 1 B interior view of penis C a section of magnified penial pilaster, showing apical spinelet on each tubercle consisting the penial pilaster. At-atrium; BCD-bursa copulatrix duct; Ep-epiphallus; FO-free oviduct; OE-orifice of epiphallus; P-penis; PC-penial caecum; PP-penial pilaster; PR-penial retractor muscle; PS-penis sheath; PVG-perivaginal gland; Va-vagina; VD-vas deferens.

  Part of: Wu M, Liu Z (2019) The first proven oxychilid land snail endemic to China (Eupulmonata, Gastrodontoidea). ZooKeys 870: 33-50.