Female genitalia of the paratypes of Conothele baoting sp. n. showing the intraspecific variations in spermathecae A (LH-2017-165) B (LH-2017-166) C (LH-2017-167) D (LH-2017-168) E (LH-2017-169) F (LH-2017-179) G (LH-2017-180) H (LH-2017-187) I (LH-2017-196) J (LH-2017-198) K (LH-2017-209) L (LH-2017-211) M (LH-2017-212) N (LH-2017-213) dorsal view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.

  Part of: Liu H, Xu X, Zhang Z, Liu F, Li D (2019) Four new species of the trapdoor spider genus Conothele Thorell, 1878 (Araneae, Halonoproctidae) from China. ZooKeys 833: 133-150. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.833.32736