Barylestis saaristoi Jäger, 2008. 4–6 Left male palp (4 prolateral 5 ventral 6 retrolateral) 7 epigyne, ventral 8 vulva, dorsal. Abbreviations: AB–anterior bands, CD–copulatory ducts, CO–copulatory opening, GS–glandular structures of internal duct system, LW–lateral winding of internal duct system, PP–posterior pits of lateral lobes. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.

  Part of: Zhong Y, Lin Y-J, Liu J (2019) First description of the male of Barylestis saaristoi Jäger, 2008 (Araneae, Sparassidae) from China. ZooKeys 832: 153-160.