Location of study sites in the United Kingdom. Key: 1 ADAS Arthur Rickwood; 2 Church Farm; 3 Coombelands Farms; 4 Elmley Nature Reserve; 5 Glendell Livery, Mill Lane; 6 Frimley; 7 Mudchute Farm; 8 Northney Farm, Hayling Island; 9 White Lodge, Bisley; 10 Bartley Heath; 11 Dee Marsh.

  Part of: Hernández-Triana LM, Brugman VA, Nikolova NI, Ruiz-Arrondo I, Barrero E, Thorne T, de Marco MF, Krüger A, Lumley S, Johnson N, Fooks AR (2019) DNA barcoding of British mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) to support species identification, discovery of cryptic genetic diversity and monitoring invasive species. ZooKeys 832: 57-76. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.832.32257