Maximum Likelihood (ML) tree of combined COI and 16SrDNA haplotypes of Monacha cantiana s.l. (see Table 4). Numbers next to the branches indicate bootstrap support above 50% calculated for 1000 replicates (Felsenstein 1985). The tree was rooted with M. cartusiana and M. parumcincta combined sequences obtained from GenBank (Table 4).

  Part of: PieÅ„kowska JR, Manganelli G, Giusti F, Barbato D, Hallgass A, Lesicki A (2019) Exploration of phylogeography of Monacha cantiana s.l. continues: the populations of the Apuan Alps (NW Tuscany, Italy) (Eupulmonata, Stylommatophora, Hygromiidae). ZooKeys 814: 115-149.