Male (A–E, H–L) and female (F, G, M, N) genitalia of Cephalobyrrhus spp. A–G Cephalobyrrhus latus Pic, 1923 H–N C. japonicus Champion, 1925 A–C, H–J Aedeagus in ventral (A, H), dorsal (B, I), and lateral (C, J) aspects D, K sternite VIII E, L sternite IX F, M spiculum ventral G, N ovipositor. Scale bars: 0.1 mm(A–C, H–J); 0.5 mm(D–G, K–N).

  Part of: Yoshitomi H (2019) Revision of the genus Cephalobyrrhus of Japan and Taiwan (Coleoptera, Limnichidae). ZooKeys 817: 61-72.