Syntype of Cerastoderma rhomboides (Lamarck, 1819), stored in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle Paris (MNHN.F.A50142), Pliocene, Tuscany, Italy. Photograph by E Porez.

  Part of: Wesselingh FP, Neubauer TA, Anistratenko VV, Vinarski MV, Yanina T, ter Poorten JJ, Kijashko P, Albrecht C, Anistratenko OYu, D’Hont A, Frolov P, Gándara AM, Gittenberger A, Gogaladze A, Karpinsky M, Lattuada M, Popa L, Sands AF, van de Velde S, Vandendorpe J, Wilke T (2019) Mollusc species from the Pontocaspian region – an expert opinion list. ZooKeys 827: 31-124.