V. V. Spodareva, A. V. Balushkin (2014)
Description of a new species of plunderfish of genus Pogonophryne (Perciformes: Artedidraconidae) from the Bransfield Strait (Antarctica) with a key for the identification of species of the group “marmorata”.
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Genome survey and microsatellite motif identification ofPogonophryne albipinna.
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New species of the toad plunderfish of the “albipinna” group, genus Pogonophryne (Artedidraconidae) from the Ross Sea (Antarctica).
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An analysis of maximum body size and designation of size categories for notothenioid fishes.
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Pogonophryne sarmentifera sp. nov. (Artedidraconidae; Notothenioidei; Perciformes) – the deep-water species of Antarctic plunderfishes from the Ross Sea (Southern Ocean).
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Molecular data support the existence of two species of the Antarctic fish genus Cryodraco (Channichthyidae).
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Reproductive traits and age of barbeled plunderfishes from the Weddell Sea.
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Diversity and biogeography of larval and juvenile notothenioid fishes in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.
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Checklist of the species of notothenioid fishes.
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