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Catasetum queirozii (Orchidaceae: Catasetinae): a new species from the Brazilian Amazon. Acta Amazonica 54: .
The genus Lycianthes (Solanaceae, Capsiceae) in Mexico and Guatemala. PhytoKeys 168: 1.
Taxonomic Revision ofBredemeyera(Polygalaceae). Systematic Botany 48: 231.
Synopsis of the genus Polystemma (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) and recognition of three new species. Botanical Sciences 102: 1318.
Dalechampia seccoi (Euphorbiaceae), a threatened new species from Southeastern Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 37: .
Novedades taxonómicas y sinopsis del género Blakea (Melastomataceae, Pyxidantheae) en la Cordillera Oriental, Colombia. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Revision of “Aemilia” pagana Species-Group (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae), with a Description of a New Endemic Species and Comments on the Conservation Status. Neotropical Entomology 47: 852.
Cola subgenus Distichae subg. nov. (Malvaceae-Sterculiaceae) of tropical Africa, a synoptic taxonomic revision with five new species. Kew Bulletin 79: 807.
Two New Species ofEugenia(Myrtaceae) from Coastal Brazilian Rainforest. Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 23: 442.
New island record and conservation status of Puerto Rican Bank endemic plant species, Ruehssia woodburyana (Acev.-Rodr.) Goyder, comb. nov., formally transferred from Marsdenia. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: .
A morphometric approach and recircumscription of the Stachytarpheta longispicata complex (Verbenaceae). European Journal of Taxonomy 833: 12.
The Wallacean Shortfall and the role of historical distribution records in the conservation assessment of an elusive Neotropical snake in a threatened landscape. Journal for Nature Conservation 72: 126350.
The endemic plants of Mozambique: diversity and conservation status. PhytoKeys 136: 45.
Adonis fucensis (A. sect. Adonanthe, Ranunculaceae), a New Species from the Central Apennines (Italy). Biology 12: 118.
Widespread, but less than assumed: Populations of Euphorbia amygdaloides (Euphorbiaceae) from western Asia represent two new cryptic species. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 58: 125717.
Breeding Range Survey of the Kamchatka Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus examinandus in Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology 56: 194.
Look at the trees: synopsis of Terminalia s.s. in the Brazilian Amazon with conservation and distribution implications. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 94: .
Tetrathylacium vraem (Salicaceae), a new remarkable tree from the highly threatened forest in the southern Peruvian Amazon. Kew Bulletin 77: 497.
A new species of Collaea (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) from South Brazil. Brittonia 76: 341.
A systematic revision of the Encyclia adenocarpos complex (Orchidaceae: Laeliinae) from Megamexico, including two new species from Mexico. Plant Systematics and Evolution 304: 631.
A New Gonolobus Species (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from Sinaloa, Mexico. Taxonomy 4: 1.
Mitochondrial sequence data indicate “Vicariance by Erosion” as a mechanism of species diversification in North American Ptomaphagus (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) cave beetles. Subterranean Biology 29: 35.
Bonamia semidigyna (Convolvulaceae): a new generic record for Eastern Himalaya region, India. Vegetos 37: 1116.
Coccoloba burkeae and C. najarroi, two new species of Coccoloba sect. Coccoloba (Polygonaceae) from Mexico. Botanical Sciences 102: 211.
A new species of Schlegelia (Schlegeliaceae) from wet montane forest of Colombia and a key for the species of the genus. PhytoKeys 230: 257.
Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 14. Italian Botanist 14: 81.
Propuesta de evaluación para asignar tentativamente riesgo de extinción (ETRE): el caso de Peltogyne mexicana (Leguminosae). Botanical Sciences 96: 609.
Ceropegia europaea (Guss.) Bruyns, (Apocynaceae; Asclepiadoideae; Ceropegieae) in Tunisia: occurrence and conservation. Bradleya 2022: .
Genetic diversity and population structure of naturally rare Calibrachoa species with small distribution in southern Brazil. Genetics and Molecular Biology 42: 108.
Flora of Espírito Santo: Droseraceae. Rodriguésia 73: .
Two new species of Staurogyne (Acanthaceae) from northern Myanmar. Kew Bulletin 77: 751.
Systematics of the Giant Sedges of Carex Sect. Rhynchocystis (Cyperaceae) in Macaronesia with Description of Two New Species. Systematic Botany 46: 304.
Central Asian wild tulip conservation requires a regional approach, especially in the face of climate change. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 1705.
Anthropogenic disturbance has altered the habitat of two Azorean endemic coastal plants. BMC Ecology and Evolution 24: .
Flora da Reserva Biológica Guaribas, Estado da Paraíba, Brasil: Erythroxylaceae. Hoehnea 45: 372.
The largest endemic genus in New Caledonia grows: three new species of. Australian Systematic Botany 34: 510.
Rediscovery of Siphocampylus viscidus (Campanulaceae): additional notes on a rare and endangered species from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Feddes Repertorium 131: 125.
Novelties in Erythroxylum P.Browne (Erythroxylaceae) from the Comoros Archipelago: two new, range-restricted and threatened species, and notes on the Mount Choungi biogeographical singularity. Adansonia 44: .
Preliminary placement and new records of an overlooked Amazonian tree, Christiana mennegae (Malvaceae). PeerJ 9: e12244.
Elusive species distribution modelling: The case of Natrix natrix cypriaca. Ecological Informatics 71: 101758.
A new Ypsilopus (Orchidaceae, Angraecinae) from Zimbabwe and notes on the parallel evolution of extreme column exsertion in African angraecoids. Plant Ecology and Evolution 156: 374.
A taxonomic revision of Thai Fernandoa Welw. ex Seem. (Bignoniaceae). PhytoKeys 235: 249.
Multiple Sources of Evidence Reveal That Liolaemus cinereus Monguillot et al., 2006 is a Synonym of L. montanezi Cabrera and Monguillot, 2006. South American Journal of Herpetology 30: .
Four new species of Acalypha L. (Euphorbiaceae, Acalyphoideae) from Madagascar, with notes about their conservation status. South African Journal of Botany 146: 634.
Three New Species of the Megadiverse Genus Microlicia (Melastomataceae) with Notes on Leaf Anatomy. Systematic Botany 48: 564.
Two new species of Timonius (Guettardeae: Rubiaceae) from Samar Island, the Philippines. Botany Letters 167: 363.
Distribution and conservation status of Speleonycta ozarkensis (Insecta, Zygentoma, Nicoletiidae) from caves of the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas and Oklahoma, USA. Subterranean Biology 14: 51.
Buchnera carajasensis (Orobanchaceae), a new species from the canga vegetation of the Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brazil. Kew Bulletin 72: .
Reinstatement and revision of the genus Adelmeria (Zingiberaceae) endemic to the Philippines. TAXON 68: 499.
A new species of terrestrial toad of the Rhinella festae group (Anura, Bufonidae) from the highlands of the Central Cordillera of the Andes of Colombia. ZooKeys 1196: 149.
Dioscorea compacta (Dioscoreaceae), a new endangered dwarf species from the Jalapão region, Tocantins, Brazil. Kew Bulletin 71: .
A new endemic species of Sesuvium (Aizoaceae: Sesuvioideae) from the Caribbean Basin, with further notes on the genus composition in the West Indies. Kew Bulletin 76: 651.
Towards Conserving Crop Wild Relatives along the Texas–Mexico Border: The Case of Manihot walkerae. Sustainability 14: 5392.
Catalogue of the vascular epiphytic flora of Uruguay. Acta Botanica Brasilica 33: 683.
Two new species of Clusia (Clusiaceae) endemic to Costa Rica. Kew Bulletin 79: 881.
On Hydrangea peruviana, an endangered species from Ecuador, and Hydrangea oerstedii, very common in Costa Rica and Panama, and seven threatened Central and South American Hydrangeas, which have been confounded with these. PhytoKeys 171: 91.
Morphological Studies of Chamaecrista sect. Absus ser. Setosae (Leguminosae) With Emphasis on the Chamaecrista setosa Complex, Including a New Species. Systematic Botany 47: 978.
Hedyotis longiramulis (Rubiaceae), a new species from south China. PhytoKeys 230: 271.
Wedelia figueiredoana (Asteraceae, Heliantheae), a winged cypselae new species of Wedelia for Brazil. PhytoKeys 249: 37.
Nuevos datos sobre la distribución, morfología y conservación de Micrurus silviae (Serpentes: Elapidae), una serpiente coral amenazada poco conocida. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 86: 1041.
Nombrando lo conocido: una nueva especie de Desmopsis (Annonaceae) endémica de México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Two New Species of Dyschoriste (Acanthaceae: Ruellieae: Petalidiinae) from Northeastern Brazil. Systematic Botany 47: 152.
Revision and new species of the African genus Mischogyne (Annonaceae). Kew Bulletin 74: .
Two new species of Microlicia D.Don (Melastomataceae, Microlicieae) from Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás State, Brazil. PhytoKeys 164: 115.
Freshwater mussel conservation in southern South America: update on distribution range and current threats. Aquatic Sciences 86: .
Arisaema brinchangense Y.W. Low, Scherberich & Gusman (Araceae), a New Threatened Species Endemic to the Cameron Highlands (Peninsular Malaysia). Candollea 71: 83.
Capsicum carassense (Solanaceae), a new species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. PhytoKeys 140: 125.
Conservation of the Goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) under climate changes in Iraq. Heliyon 9: e12501.
Lectotypifications of Three Names in Garcinia, Synonymy of Garcinia pedunculata and Detailed Descriptions of Three Species in Garcinia Section Brindonia (Clusiaceae). Diversity 14: 556.
Addressing the Vepris verdoorniana complex (Rutaceae) in West Africa, with two new species. Kew Bulletin 74: .
A New Jacquemontia (Convolvulaceae) Species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Systematic Botany 47: 762.
A synopsis of the genus Smythea (Rhamnaceae). Kew Bulletin 73: .
Riqueza, distribución geográfica y estado de conservación del género Dahlia (Asteraceae) en México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Pogostemon nudus sp. nov. (Lamiaceae) from Thailand. Nordic Journal of Botany 35: 289.
A new purple-flowered Butia (Arecaceae) from the highlands of the Chapada dos Veadeiros (Brazil). Plant Ecology and Evolution 156: 383.
Scleria cheekii, a new species of Scleria subgenus Hypoporum (Cyperaceae, Cyperoideae, Sclerieae) from Cameroon. Kew Bulletin 73: .
Pseudotulostoma volvatum (Elaphomycetaceae, Ascomycota) from an Amazonian white-sand forest in Brazil: odd and rare in the Neotropics?. Plant Systematics and Evolution 307: .
Phylogenetics and historical biogeography of Encyclia (Laeliinae: Orchidaceae) with an emphasis on the E. adenocarpos complex, a new species, and a preliminary species list for the genus. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 23: 41.
A new Bolitoglossa (Amphibia, Caudata, Plethodontidae) from the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia. ZooKeys 1158: 27.
Octomeria (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) no estado do Paraná, Brasil. Rodriguésia 71: .
Systematics and biogeography of Oleaceae subtribe Schreberinae, with recircumscription and revision of the Malagasy members. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 202: 476.
One new endemic plant species on average per month in New Caledonia, including eight more new species from Île Art (Belep Islands), a major micro-hotspot in need of protection. Australian Systematic Botany : .
Notas taxonômicas em Verbenaceae da Flora do Brasil. Hoehnea 46: .
Chrono-spatial reproductive phenology of Swertia bimaculata Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke reveals suitability as climate-changing bio-indicator along the Sikkim Himalayan altitude. Heliyon 10: e35275.
Sertulum Ternstroemiacearum VI. Revisiting the Colombian Ternstroemia (Ternstroemiaceae): A Clarification of the Taxa Present in the Country and Four New Species. Systematic Botany 49: 427.
Two new non-spiny Solanum species from the Bolivian Andes (Morelloid Clade). PhytoKeys 47: 97.
Two New Species of Guapira (Nyctaginaceae) from Montane Humid Forests in Northwestern Venezuela. Harvard Papers in Botany 27: .
Taxonomic reappraisal of Henckelia hookeri and H. collegii-sancti-thomasii (Gesneriaceae): two little-known endemic species of the Eastern Himalaya in India. Kew Bulletin 78: 625.
Taxonomic revision of neotropical Connarus (Connaraceae) identifies three undescribed species. Willdenowia 51: .
Keetia gordonii sp. nov. (Rubiaceae - Vanguerieae), a new species of threatened forest liana from Gabon. Kew Bulletin 79: 841.
A new species and a new synonym in Peruvian Senecio (Compositae). Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 80: e142.
Two New Species and Two New Records of Marsdenia (Apocynaceae) From Thailand. Annales Botanici Fennici 57: 9.
Artabotrys byrsophyllus and A. tipuliferus spp. nov. (Annonaceae) from Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand. Nordic Journal of Botany 33: 562.
Novelties in Phyllanthus sect. Phyllanthus subsect. Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae): two new species, two new synonyms, and a lectotype. Nordic Journal of Botany 2024: .
Doubtful no more: the case of Strophanthus angusii F. White (Apocynaceae). Kew Bulletin 70: .
The first epiphytic species of Valeriana in the world: Valeriana rudychazaroi (Caprifoliaceae). PhytoKeys 236: 145.
Three new species of Asemeia (Polygalaceae) from the Brazilian cerrado. Kew Bulletin 78: 159.
Morphometric and taxonomic studies of Senna ser. Coriaceae (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, Cassieae), including a new species from Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Botany 48: .
Bringing some order to chaos: two new species of Myrcia separated from M. pubipetala (Myrtaceae). Kew Bulletin 76: 427.
Mikania mellosilvae sp. nov. (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae) from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil and lectotypification of Mikania candolleana. Nordic Journal of Botany 39: .
Coussapoa curranii: an endemic species of the Atlantic Forest, rare and threatened in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Rodriguésia 72: .
Etlingera lacerata (Alpinieae, Zingiberaceae), a new ginger species discovered in Mindanao Island, Philippines. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 17: 764.
The role of citizen science in a global assessment of extinction risk in palms (Arecaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 182: 543.
ConR: An R package to assist large‐scale multispecies preliminary conservation assessments using distribution data. Ecology and Evolution 7: 11292.
Clusia salicifolia (Clusiaceae), a new hemiepiphyte species from Costa Rica and Panama. Kew Bulletin 79: 185.
Habitat characteristics, ecology and biodiversity drivers of plant communities associated with Cousinia edmondsonii, an endemic and critically endangered species in NE Iran. Community Ecology 24: 201.
A new species of Chalybea (Melastomataceae: Pyxidantheae) for Bolivia and comments on the ocurrence of Meriania franciscana (Melastomataceae: Merianieae). Brittonia : .
Talbotiella couteronii (Leguminosae: Detarioideae), a new gregarious tree species from Cameroon. Plant Ecology and Evolution 157: 407.
Standing on the shoulders of giants: molecular data confirm Kükenthal’s systematic placement of the Australian endemic Carex archeri (Cyperaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 37: .
A new species ofMonoon(Annonaceae) from Peninsular Malaysia. Webbia 70: 99.
How to predict fine resolution occupancy from coarse occupancy data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 2273.
Revising the diversity within the Dwarf Dog-faced Bat, Molossops temminckii (Chiroptera, Molossidae), with the revalidation of the endangered Molossops griseiventer. ZooKeys 1180: 237.
Distribución, riqueza, endemismo y conservación del género Dasylirion (Asparagaceae, Convallarioideae). Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
The Pristimantis trachyblepharis species group, a clade of miniaturized frogs: description of four new species and insights into the evolution of body size in the genus. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 195: 315.
The true identity of Serapias nitida, a species of Buchtienia (Orchidaceae) from Brazilian Atlantic Forest. TAXON 64: 355.
Eugenia sarahchazaroi (Myrtaceae, Myrteae), a new species from the cloud forest of Mexico. PhytoKeys 236: 53.
Notes on Strobilanthes (Acanthaceae) with capitate inflorescences in Thailand. PhytoKeys 244: 89.
The identity of Utricularia trinervia (Lentibulariaceae): Taxonomic re‐establishment and unpublished descriptions of trap morphology. TAXON 70: 854.
A taxonomic revision of Garcinia sections Dicrananthera and Macrostigma (Clusiaceae) in Thailand. PhytoKeys 248: 339.
Eugenia guapiassuana (Myrtaceae), a remarkable new tree species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Kew Bulletin 79: 233.
Rafflesia in Mount Leuser National Park, Indonesia: An updated distribution, habitat characteristics, and conservation status. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 17: 179.
Taxonomy, anatomy and palynology of Paepalanthus fonsecae (Eriocaulaceae), a new species from central Brazil. Nordic Journal of Botany 2025: .
Morphological and Genetic Evidence for the Stigmatodon goniorachis Complex (Tillandsioideae, Bromeliaceae) Reveals a New Species on Inselbergs in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Systematic Botany 49: 673.
The genus Hypobathrum (Rubiaceae) in Thailand. Kew Bulletin 79: 627.
Heteropterys parvifructa: a new species segregated from the widely distributed H. syringifolia (Malpighiaceae). Webbia 74: 281.
Calea sessilifolia(Asteraceae, Neurolaeneae), a New Species from the Diamantina Plateau, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Systematic Botany 47: 586.
Four new threatened species of Rinorea (Violaceae), treelets from the forests of Cameroon. Kew Bulletin 76: 705.
Clusia chuj (Clusiaceae), a new tree species from the border between Guatemala and Mexico. Kew Bulletin 78: 533.
New Distributional Records of the Stygobitic CrayfishCambarus cryptodytes(Decapoda: Cambaridae) in the Floridan Aquifer System of Southwestern Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist 16: 163.
Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 10. Italian Botanist 10: 73.
Another Recently Recognized Monotypic Genus Is No Longer Monotypic: A Second Species of Pachycaulos (Gesneriaceae) from the Huancabamba Depression in Northern Peru. Systematic Botany 48: 410.
Amended Description and Notes on Campanula kamariana (C. sect. Quinqueloculares, Campanulaceae), an Endangered Endemic of Southern Peloponnesus, Greece. Annales Botanici Fennici 57: .
A New Species of Vochysia (Vochysiaceae, Section Ciliantha, Subsection Ferruginea) from the Colombian Amazon Forest. Harvard Papers in Botany 28: .
A revision of Lycianthes (Solanaceae) in Australia, New Guinea, and the Pacific. PhytoKeys 209: 1.
Two new species of Pachira (Bombacoideae, Malvaceae) and typification of Pachira patinoi. Rodriguésia 74: .
Important plant areas (IPAs) in the Fergana Valley (Central Asia): The badlands of the northern foothills. Nature Conservation 49: 1.
Piriqueta velutina (Turneraceae, Passifloraceae s.l.): a new endangered species from the Brazilian Cerrado. Kew Bulletin 79: 251.
Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XXX: More New Species ofPalicourea(Palicoureeae) from Western South America. Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 24: 296.
Remap: An online remote sensing application for land cover classification and monitoring. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 2019.
Rhynchospora section Pleurostachys (Cyperaceae): a phylogeny and three new species from the dry forests of Bahia and Espírito Santo, Brazil. Plant Ecology and Evolution 157: 257.
Una especie nueva de Polystemma (Apocynaceae) de Aguascalientes, México. Botanical Sciences 103: 311.
A New Endangered Species of Tragia (Euphorbiaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Systematic Botany 45: 839.
Reestablishment, new records, and a key for the species of Aspidosperma (Apocynaceae) from the Brazilian Amazon. Acta Botanica Brasilica 33: 1.
Hyptis pastorei, an unusual new species of Hyptis sect. Eriosphaeria (Lamiaceae: Hyptidinae) from the Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás, Brazil. Kew Bulletin 74: .
Oocephalus rhodocalyx, a new species of Hyptidinae (Lamiaceae) from Catolés, Bahia, Northeastern Brazil. Kew Bulletin 76: 251.
Two new species of Microlicia (Melastomataceae) from the Cadeia Do Espinhaço, Brazil. Brittonia 70: 445.
Extinction risk to the endemic trees of Papua New Guinea. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET 5: 508.
A new species of Varronia P. Browne (Cordiaceae) from the Brazilian Cerrado. Brittonia 75: 333.
Triolena anisophylla (Melastomataceae), a new and threatened species endemic to Panama. Kew Bulletin 79: 889.
Agalinis marianae (Orobanchaceae), a new endangered species endemic to the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 36: .
A new species of Barleria (Acanthaceae), its morphotaxonomy, cytogenetics and phylogenetic placement. Plant Systematics and Evolution 305: 933.
A revision of Drosera (Droseraceae) from the central and northern Andes, including a new species from the Cordillera del Cóndor (Peru and Ecuador). Plant Systematics and Evolution 302: 1419.
High levels of genetic diversity and population structure in an endemic and rare species: implications for conservation. AoB PLANTS 8: .
A New Species of Comolia (Melastomataceae, Marcetieae) from the Sand Dunes of Bahia, Brazil, with Notes on Leaf Anatomy. Systematic Botany 46: 834.
Chromosome numbers of some annual Veronica (Plantaginaceae) with report of V. tenuissima from flora of Iran. Feddes Repertorium 132: 158.
Taxonomic updates in Amphitecna (Bignoniaceae): A new Mexican species and the re-establishment of the giant-leaved A. megalophylla. PhytoKeys 171: 75.
A review of the indigenous coffee resources of Uganda and their potential for coffee sector sustainability and development. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: .
An updated phylogeny ofDeprea(Solanaceae) with a new species from Colombia: interspecific relationships, conservation assessment, and a key for Colombian species. Systematics and Biodiversity 16: 680.
Ipomoea vespertilia (Convolvulaceae), a new species revealed by pollinator observation. Brittonia 71: 190.
A new species of rheophilic armored catfish of Rineloricaria (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Vaupés River, Amazonas basin, Colombia. Journal of Fish Biology 103: 1073.
Una especie nueva más del género Dahlia (Asteraceae, Coreopsideae): ¿estamos cerca de conocer su diversidad total?. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Rhynchospora psammophila (Cyperaceae), a new species from the northern Amazonian savannas . Botany Letters 171: 484.
A synopsis of Rhinacanthus (Acanthaceae) in Angola and Namibia. Kew Bulletin 73: .
Testing a species hypothesis with morphometric analysis:Pithecellobium insigne(Leguminosae, Mimosoideae,Ingeae)1. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 142: 314.
Island mysteries in the spotlight: Barbitistes kaltenbachi and Rhacocleis buchichii, the only bush-cricket species endemic to Croatia (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae). ZooKeys 936: 25.
Dalechampia L. (Euphorbiaceae) in the Brazilian Amazon. Biota Neotropica 21: .
The montane trees of the Cameroon Highlands, West-Central Africa, with Deinbollia onanae sp. nov. (Sapindaceae), a new primate-dispersed, Endangered species. PeerJ 9: e11036.
The Sampled Red List Index for Plants, phase II: ground-truthing specimen-based conservation assessments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370: 20140015.
Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 11. Italian Botanist 11: 131.
Piper saurodermus (Piperaceae), a new peltate-leaved species restricted to the tropical rainforest of southern Mexico. Kew Bulletin : .
Ruehssia quirinopolensis (Apocynaceae), a new species from the Cerrado Domain, Brazil. Rodriguésia 72: .
El género Mitreola (Loganiaceae) en México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Notes on the systematics of Cuscuta sect. Subulatae (subg. Grammica) with the description of Cuscuta mantiqueirana, a new species from Brazil. PhytoKeys 184: 27.
Myrcia longipetiolata (Myrtaceae), a New Species from the Atlantic Forest of Bahia, Brazil. Systematic Botany 46: 1026.
Lost and found: the rediscovery of the lost fern species Asplenium achalense (Aspleniaceae) and assessment of its conservation status. Oryx 58: 607.
Hiding behind the rocks: rediscovery of Connarus beyrichii (Connaraceae), an endangered species endemic to montane outcrops of southeast Brazil. Kew Bulletin 77: 505.
A new dry forest species, Phyllarthron arenicola (Bignoniaceae: Coleeae), from North-Western Madagascar. Kew Bulletin 77: 851.
Taxonomic notes onApostasia nipponicaandCrepidium cordilabium(Orchidaceae), two species newly recorded from Hong Kong. Feddes Repertorium 133: 268.
A new species of Eremitis (Poaceae, Bambusoideae) from Rio Doce State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil, marks the furthest inland distribution of the genus. Brittonia 72: 133.
Biogeography, distribution and conservation status of maples (Acer L.) in Iran. Trees 31: 1583.
Comparing traditional and automated conservation assessments for Himalayan species of Buddleja. Oryx 58: 618.
Galianthe holmneielsenii (Spermacoceae-Rubiaceae): A New Rheophilous Species from the Pacific Coast of Colombia and Ecuador. Systematic Botany 46: 427.
Kaempferia noctiflora var. thepthepae (Zingiberaceae), a New Taxon from Thailand. Annales Botanici Fennici 61: .
Conservation and ecological interactions of Astragalus bozakmanii Podlech (Fabaceae). Hoehnea 48: .
Aristolochia franzii (Aristolochiaceae, Piperales), a new species discovered from French Guiana and Brazil (Amazonas) by geometric morphometry. Brittonia 75: 358.
Bomarea pastazensis (Alstroemeriaceae), an exceptionally small new species from the eastern Andean slopes of Ecuador. PhytoKeys 235: 31.
A new cryptic species in a new cryptic genus in the Caesalpinia group (Leguminosae) from the seasonally dry inter‐Andean valleys of South America. TAXON 64: 468.
Three new endemic species of Lepanthes (Orchidaceae, Pleurothallidinae) from the highlands of Ecuador. PhytoKeys 180: 111.
Salvia ayecarrenoi (Lamiaceae), una nueva especie con estambres exsertos de Guerrero, México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
A new species of Amphitecna (Bignoniaceae) endemic to Chiapas, Mexico. PhytoKeys 65: 15.
Bulbophyllum gopalianum (Orchidaceae), a new species from Mizoram (India), the westernmost region of the Indo‐Myanmar biodiversity hotspot. Nordic Journal of Botany 2024: .
What is Astragalus wiesneri? Disentangling a new species from its relatives in section Anthylloidei. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 77: e103.
Three new species of Millettia (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae: Millettieae) from the Indo-Chinese region. Kew Bulletin 78: 175.
Phylogenetic analyses and morphological characteristics support the description of a second species of Tridimeris (Annonaceae). PhytoKeys 74: 79.
Global and regional IUCN red list assessments: 12. Italian Botanist 12: 77.
A new species of Lippia Sect. Dioicolippia (Verbenaceae) from Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Brittonia 73: 353.
The role of a local rediscovery in the evaluation of the conservation status of a plant species: Testing the hypothesis of the biodiversity knowledge gap. Journal for Nature Conservation 48: 91.
A New Species of Neea (Nyctaginaceae: Pisonieae) for the Flora of Colombia. Harvard Papers in Botany 26: .
A New Species of Evolvulus (Convolvulaceae) with Golden Hairs from the Brazilian Cerrado. Systematic Botany 48: 140.
Floristic inventory of Melastomataceae of the Iguaçu National Park, Paraná, Brazil. Rodriguésia 75: .
Rediscovering Ternstroemia Killipiana (Pentaphylacaceae, S.L.), a Colombian Andes Species Not Collected Since 1926: Its Geographic Distribution and Current Conservation Status. Harvard Papers in Botany 26: .
Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 8. Italian Botanist 8: 17.
Descriptions of two new species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) from Thailand and their phylogenetic analysis based on AFLP technique species confirmation. Kew Bulletin 77: 105.
Hornschuchia (Annonaceae), an endemic and threatened genus from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. European Journal of Taxonomy 828: 75.
Phyllanthus capixaba (Phyllanthaceae), A New Species Endemic to Brazil Supported by Macromorphological and Palynological Evidence. Systematic Botany 48: 307.
Vepris onanae (Rutaceae), a new Critically Endangered cloud-forest tree species, and the endemic plant species of Bali Ngemba Forest Reserve, Bamenda Highlands Cameroon. Kew Bulletin 77: 435.
Range extension and conservation status of the rare Solanaceae shrub, Solanum conocarpum. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: .
Vanilla calamitosa (Orchidaceae), a new aphyllous species from eastern Brazil. Kew Bulletin 78: 309.
Mammillaria ariasii (Cacteae, Cactaceae), una nueva especie del Bajío y regiones adyacentes, México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Habitat Suitability, Population Structure and Conservation Status of Pinanga arinasae (Arecaceae), an Endemic Palm in Bali Island, Indonesia. Diversity 14: 10.
Tmesipteris alticola (Psilotaceae), a new fern species endemic to New Caledonia . New Zealand Journal of Botany 63: 53.
Evaluating the IUCN conservation status of Tritaxis kurnoolensis (R.R.V.Raju & Pull.) R.Y.Yu. & Welzen (Euphorbiaceae), an endemic tree species found in the Eastern Ghats region of Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 16: 26013.
Cuphea (Lythraceae) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Rodriguésia 73: .
Diversity, distribution and regional conservation status of the Egyptian tree flora. African Journal of Ecology 60: 1155.
Impact of alternative metrics on estimates of extent of occurrence for extinction risk assessment. Conservation Biology 30: 362.
Cola species of the limestone forests of Africa, with a new, endangered species, Cola cheringoma (Sterculiaceae), from Cheringoma, Mozambique. Kew Bulletin 74: .
Conservation assessment using the IUCN criterion B: A case study on palms of the Mexican portion of the Yucatán Peninsula Biotic Province. Kew Bulletin 75: .
Extinction risk predictions for the world's flowering plants to support their conservation. New Phytologist 242: 797.
Discovery of a new population of the federally endangered Alabama Cave Shrimp, Palaemonias alabamae Smalley, 1961, in northern Alabama. Subterranean Biology 32: 43.
Petunia toropiensis (Solanaceae): A surprising new species endemic from Toropi river basin in southern Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 37: .
Molecular and morphological assessment of the Liopholis inornata (Rosén, 1905) species group (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae), with descriptions of two new species from northern Western Australia. Zootaxa 5551: 299.
Taxonomic review of the species of Parkinsonia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae) from the Americas. Rodriguésia 72: .
Two new species and two new country records for Meriania (Melastomataceae) from northern Peru. Nordic Journal of Botany 39: .
Three new species of Bernardia (Euphorbiaceae) from coastal forests of Bahia, Brazil. Brittonia 73: 323.
Goeppertia mendesiana sp. nov. (Marantaceae) from Bahia, Brazil, with a key to the species of Goeppertia with ornamented leaves in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Nordic Journal of Botany 35: 692.
From stowaways to karst‐aways: unloading the Peninsular Malaysia endemic Polyalthia brunneifolia (Annonaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 36: .
Three new species of Pseuderanthemum (Acanthaceae) from the Neotropics. Kew Bulletin 75: .
The rediscovery of Griffinia alba (Amaryllidaceae), a poorly known and endangered species. Brittonia 71: 134.
A new synonym for Micropholis gardneriana (Sapotaceae) with complete description, anatomy and distribution notes. Biota Neotropica 20: .
The species of Scrophularia L. (Scrophulariaceae) with white margined leaves in Flora Iranica. Adansonia 40: 67.
Lepidaploa urceolata (Vernonieae, Asteraceae), a new species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Kew Bulletin : .
Three New Species of Justicia (Acanthaceae) from the Brazilian Amazon. Systematic Botany 46: 433.
IUCN Red List assessment of the Cape Verde endemic flora: towards a global strategy for plant conservation in Macaronesia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 180: 413.
Dichocarpum hagiangense—a new species and an updated checklist of Ranunculaceae in Vietnam. PeerJ 8: e9874.
Clusia falcata (Clusiaceae), an endangered species with exceptionally narrow leaves endemic to Chiapas, Mexico. Kew Bulletin 76: 645.
An assessment of Coutaportla (Chiococceae, Rubiaceae) with the description of a new species from Mexico. Plant Ecology and Evolution 156: 3.
An assessment of the conservation status of Restrepia (Orchidaceae) reveals the threatened status of the genus. Plant Ecology & Diversity 13: 115.
Conservation opportunities for rare and endemic tropical mistletoes. Flora 317: 152555.
Nicotiana azambujae (Solanaceae): A wild tobacco presumably extinct rediscovered after 73 years. Acta Botanica Brasilica 37: .
Distinct geographic parthenogenesis in spite of niche conservatism and a single ploidy level: A case of Rubus ser. Glandulosi (Rosaceae). New Phytologist 242: 1348.
From tree tops to the ground: Reversals to terrestrial habit in Galeandra orchids (Epidendroideae: Catasetinae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127: 952.
Biogeography and conservation status of the pineapple family (Bromeliaceae). Diversity and Distributions 26: 183.
A sticky and heavily armed new species of Solanum (Solanum subg. Leptostemonum, Solanaceae) from eastern Brazil. PhytoKeys 111: 103.
A New Species of Carpotroche (Achariaceae) from Honduras and Nicaragua. Harvard Papers in Botany 26: .
Possible horizontal gene transfer: Virectaria stellata (Sabiceeae-Rubiaceae), a new sandstone cliff species from the Republic of Guinea with stellate hairs recorded for the first time in the Rubiaceae. Webbia 79: 227.
One species with a disjunct distribution or two with convergent evolution? Taxonomy of two South American garlics. TAXON 70: 842.
Flora do Espírito Santo: Micropholis (Sapotaceae-Chrysophylloideae). Rodriguésia 68: 1871.
A Taxonomic Revision of the Lathberry Clade ofEugenia(Myrtaceae). Systematic Botany 47: 769.
Taxonomic Novelties in Senna ser. Bacillares (Leguminosae, Cassieae). Nordic Journal of Botany 2023: .
New distributional records, conservation status and propagation of the critically endangered and narrow endemic tree Actinodaphne quercina Blume (Lauraceae). Journal for Nature Conservation 79: 126613.
Two new species of Raphia (Palmae/Arecaceae) from Cameroon and Gabon. PhytoKeys 111: 17.
Conservation biology of three threatened Limonium species endemic to Zakynthos Island (Ionian Islands, Greece). Oryx 58: 587.
Three New Species of Mimosa L. (Leguminosae) from the Brazilian Cerrado Hotspot of Biodiversity. Brittonia 74: 361.
Dos especies nuevas de Crassulaceae del sur de Jalisco, México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : 71.
Expanding our knowledge of the coffee family in continental Africa: a synopsis of the genus Pyrostria (Rubiaceae). Kew Bulletin 79: 283.
A new species and a new record of Myriopus (Boraginales: Heliotropiaceae) from Colombia. Kew Bulletin 78: 327.
Notes on the genus Distichium (Distichiaceae, Distichiales) in China. Herzogia 37: .
Inselbergs Again: Four New Species ofMandevilla(Apocynaceae) from Brazil. Systematic Botany 47: 1080.
Eschweilera foetulenta and E. magnifica (Lecythidaceae), two new species from the rainforest of the Caribbean slopes of Panama. Brittonia 75: 318.
A threatened new species of Dioscorea from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Dioscorea hurteri (Dioscoreaceae). Kew Bulletin 73: .
Collaborative electronic infrastructures to accelerate taxonomic research. ZooKeys 150: 1.
Cololobus ruschianus (Vernonieae, Asteraceae), a Threatened Narrow Endemic Species from Atlantic Forest Inselbergs, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Systematic Botany 46: 1114.
A new species of Casearia Jacq. from Brazil. Rodriguésia 73: .
A taxonomic revision of Santisukia Brummitt (Bignoniaceae) in Thailand. Kew Bulletin 77: 555.
Karyomorphological and SEM studies in newly discovered populations of a critically endangered medicinal plant — Lilium polyphyllum D. Don ex Royle from a high altitude protected area of north‐western Himalaya. Microscopy Research and Technique 84: 2291.
Dizygostemon riparius (Plantaginaceae, Gratioleae), a new species from Maranhão, northeastern Brazil. Willdenowia 49: 177.
Conservation status assessments of species-rich tropical taxa in the face of data availability limitations: insights from Sulawesi Begonia. Scientific Reports 14: .
Gonolobus cthulhui (Apocynaceae), una nueva especie de Oaxaca, México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Argythamnia (Euphorbiaceae) from biogeographic provinces of the Chaco and Pampa in South America. Brittonia 75: 393.
Dalea verticillata (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Amorpheae), una nueva especie de Oaxaca, México y segunda para el subgénero Psoropteris. Brittonia 76: 19.
Pilea danxiaensis (Urticaceae), a new species in the Danxia landform from Guangdong, China including a description of the entire chloroplast genome. PhytoKeys 204: 109.
Eriotheca paganuccii (Bombacoideae, Malvaceae), a new endangered species from montane forests in the Atlantic Forest of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. PhytoKeys 243: 215.
Species delimitation and biogeography of Cyphostemma (Vitaceae), emphasizing diversification and ecological adaptation in Madagascar. TAXON 72: 766.
A new species of Rhynchospora section Pluriflorae (Cyperaceae) from the southwestern edge of the Brazilian Amazon. Acta Amazonica 53: 208.
Narrow endemics in Mediterranean scrublands: high gene flow buffers genetic impoverishment in the annual monospecific Castrilanthemum (Asteraceae). Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 2607.
A reassessment of the extinction risk of the Critically Endangered Oxapampa poison frog Ameerega planipaleae (Dendrobatidae). Oryx 53: 557.
O gênero Polystachya (Orchidaceae, Polystachyinae) no estado do Paraná, Brasil. Rodriguésia 70: .
Rapid Least Concern: towards automating Red List assessments. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: .
Peperomia dryadica (Piperaceae), a new karstic species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Kew Bulletin 79: 963.
Population Survey Combined with Genomic-Wide Genetic Variation Unravels the Endangered Status of Quercus gilva. Diversity 15: 230.
Faramea baturitensis (Rubiaceae: Coussareeae), a new species from “Serra de Baturité,” Northeast Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 34: 778.
Taxonomic differentiation among Portulaca minensis (Portulacaceae) and its allies occurring within the Espinhaço Range, Brazil, based on macro and microcharacters. Plant Systematics and Evolution 307: .
The pendent species of Anthurium sect. Porphyrochitonium from Costa Rica and Panama: synopsis, nomenclatural notes, new species, and conservation status. Webbia 79: 311.
Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 15. Italian Botanist 15: 177.
Taxonomic revision of Sturisoma Swainson, 1838 (Loricariidae: Loricariinae), with descriptions of four new species. Journal of Fish Biology 104: 989.
Extinction risk and conservation gaps for Aloe (Asphodelaceae) in the Horn of Africa. Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 77.
Bulbostylis itremoensis (Abildgaardieae, Cyperaceae), a new sedge species from Madagascar. Kew Bulletin 77: 301.
A new species of thick-toed gecko (Pachydactylus) from Serra da Neve and surrounding rocky areas of southwestern Angola (Squamata: Gekkonidae). Vertebrate Zoology 73: 325.
Chemistry, taxonomy and ecology of the potentially chimpanzee-dispersed Vepris teva sp.nov. (Rutaceae) endangered in coastal thicket in the Congo Republic. PeerJ 10: e13926.
Two new species of Miconia (Melastomataceae) from Espírito Santo, Brazil. Nordic Journal of Botany 2022: .
Encyclia naranjapatensis Dodson (Orchidaceae), a new record for the Peruvian flora. Botanical Sciences 102: 598.
Securidaca aurea (Polygalaceae, Polygaleae), a new species from the Brazilian Amazon. Kew Bulletin 79: 955.
Calceolaria flavida (Calceolariaceae) a new endemic species to central Chile. PhytoKeys 185: 99.
Taxonomic notes on Stachytarpheta (Verbenaceae) from Brazil. Kew Bulletin 75: .
A new cryptic species of Imparfinis (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) from the Orinoco River basin, revealed by an iterative approach. Journal of Fish Biology 103: 1015.
A new characid species with remarkable sexual dimorphism (Characiformes: Characidae: Stevardiinae) from the upper Guayabero River, Orinoco basin, Colombia. Journal of Fish Biology 104: 1947.
Subtropical species of Sinningia (Gesneriaceae): Distribution patterns and limiting environmental factors. Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 222: 86.
Synoptic checklist of Trioleneae (Melastomataceae), including 15 new lectotypes and an expert-validated taxonomic dataset. Brittonia 76: 355.
Coutaportla helgae (Rubiaceae), una especie nueva de Sinaloa, México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
An endangered West African rattan palm: Eremospatha dransfieldii. Biodiversity Data Journal 5: .
Global and regional IUCN Red List assessments: 7. Italian Botanist 7: 107.
A Phylogenetic Analysis of Marcetia (Melastomataceae, Marcetieae) and Three New Sprawling Species from Bahia, Brazil. Systematic Botany 48: 544.
Hyptis melittiflora (Lamiaceae), yet another new species from the Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás, Brazil. Kew Bulletin 76: 235.
High extinction risk for wild coffee species and implications for coffee sector sustainability. Science Advances 5: .
Riqueza de especies, endemismo y evaluación del riesgo de extinción del género Bursera (Burseraceae) en la Península de Baja California. Botanical Sciences 102: 796.
Two New Cauliflorous Species of Aristolochia subseries Anthocaulicae (Aristolochiaceae) from Southern Central America. Systematic Botany 47: 915.
Gonolobus imladrisanthus (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), una especie nueva de frutos comestibles de Durango, México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Taxonomic notes in Myrcia sect. Gomidesia (Myrtaceae) from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: reestablishment of M. dolichopetala, and a new species, M. macrobracteosa. Nordic Journal of Botany 2025: .
Four new endemic genera of Rubiaceae (Pavetteae) from Madagascar represent multiple radiations into drylands. PhytoKeys 99: 1.
Resolving the Drymonia killipii (Gesneriaceae) complex results in a new species from the northwestern Andes of South America. PhytoKeys 248: 207.
A long-flowering Hechtia (Bromeliaceae): Hechtia sanchezii, a new species from San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Botanical Sciences 101: 313.
A microendemic and enigmatic new cactus species from the campo rupestre of Minas Gerais, Brazil: Uebelmannia nuda (Cactaceae, Cactoideae). TAXON 73: 992.
Revised Species Delimitation in the Giant Water Lily Genus Victoria (Nymphaeaceae) Confirms a New Species and Has Implications for Its Conservation. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: .
Synopsis of Commelina L. (Commelinaceae) in the state of Rio de Janeiro, reveals a new white-flowered species endemic to Brazil. PhytoKeys 78: 59.
Four new deciduous species of Hyperacanthus (Rubiaceae: Gardenieae) from western Madagascar: the sofikomba alliance. Kew Bulletin 79: 345.
A New Ant‐Friendly Aiouea (Lauraceae) From the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. Feddes Repertorium : .
Seven new species of Rinorea (Violaceae) from the Neotropics. PhytoKeys 242: 241.
Unveiling an enigma from the Cerrado: taxonomic revision of two sympatric species of Apostolepis Cope, 1862 (Dipsadidae: Xenodontinae: Elapomorphini) from central Brazil. European Journal of Taxonomy 817: .
New species and new records of Artabotrys (Annonaceae) from peninsular Thailand. PhytoKeys 151: 67.
New Entities ofPaspalumand a Synopsis of the Dilatata Group. Systematic Botany 47: 125.
Calycosiphonia or Kupeantha (Coffeeae, Rubiaceae)? A morphological and molecular study of a new species from the Albertine Rift. European Journal of Taxonomy 935: .
Taxonomy and Distribution of Spiraea hypericifolia in Italy and Typification of the Name S. flabellata (Rosaceae). Plants 12: 536.
Duguetia leucotricha (Annonaceae), a new species from the Atlantic Coastal Forest of Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 37: .
Forecasting Suitable Habitats of the Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) in Asia: Insights into the Present and Future Climate Projections Within and Beyond Extant Boundaries. Biology 13: 902.
Chicomendes (Euphorbiaceae, Tragiinae): a new Amazonian genus segregated from Tragia. Plant Systematics and Evolution 307: .
Two new species of Chamaecrista sect. Absus (Leguminosae, Casesalpinioideae) from Brazil and Bolivia with phylogenetic delimitation. Brittonia 71: 299.
First record of Aristolochia wankeana (Aristolochiaceae, Piperales) from Brazil with a key to the species of Aristolochia subser. Anthocaulicae from the Brazilian Amazon. Acta Amazonica 54: .
Advances in knowledge of Manihot (Euphorbiaceae) from Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 94: .
First record of the tarantula genus Euathlus (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae) in Peru, with the description of a threatened new species. Iheringia. Série Zoologia 111: .
Araceae of Grumari restinga: contribution to the conservation of the flora of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 32: 55.
Cola dorrii sp. nov. (Sterculiaceae), a threatened Maputaland Forest endemic of South Africa. Kew Bulletin 73: .
Bridging the research-implementation gap in IUCN Red List assessments. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37: 359.
Cyperus volkielloides (Cyperaceae), a new ephemeral species from Tanzania. Kew Bulletin 70: .
Amalophyllon miraculum (Gesneriaceae), an exceptionally small lithophilous new species from the western Andean slopes of Ecuador. PhytoKeys 242: 307.
Pentagonia plicatifolia (Rubiaceae, Dialypetalantheae) a new species from the Middle Magdalena Valley of Colombia, with a key for the Colombian species of the genus. Brittonia : .
Comparative phylogeography of five bumblebees: impact of range fragmentation, range size and diet specialization. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 116: 926.
Baccharis funkiae (Compositae: Astereae), a New Narrow Endemic Species from Uruguay. Systematic Botany 45: 937.
Ipomoea lanifolia sp. nov. (Convolvulaceae), a new species endemic to the Ibiapaba plateau in northeastern Brazil. Rodriguésia 72: .
Maracujá on the rocks: a new Passiflora species (Passifloraceae sensu stricto) from the rupicolous ecosystems of the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. Willdenowia 51: .
Pavonia paludicola (Malvaceae), a new record for Mexico. Botanical Sciences 101: 931.
Novelties in Bertolonia (Melastomataceae) from northeastern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Botany 43: 563.
A new species of critically endangered edible yam endemic to northern Madagascar, Dioscorea irodensis (Dioscoreaceae) and its conservation. Kew Bulletin 72: .
Two new species of Myrcia sect. Reticulosae (Myrtaceae) from the campo rupestre of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Brittonia 72: 393.
Re-evaluation of Praxelis (Asteraceae, Eupatorieae) in Brazil and Description of Praxelis scaturicola, an Unusual Riverine Species. Systematic Botany 46: 1131.
Two distinctive new species of Commicarpus (Nyctaginaceae) from gypsum outcrops in eastern Ethiopia. Kew Bulletin 71: .
Remarkably low genetic diversity in the widespread cave spider Phanetta subterranea (Araneae, Linyphiidae). Subterranean Biology 50: 105.
Dolichos kasetsartianus (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae), a new species from Thailand, and clarification of the identity compared with D. junghuhnianus and Wajira grahamiana. Kew Bulletin 78: 337.
Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Novelties in Microlicia (Melastomataceae) with an Updated Checklist to the Genus in the Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Systematic Botany 46: 812.
Species conservation profiles of a random sample of world spiders IV: Scytodidae to Zoropsidae. Biodiversity Data Journal 6: .
Eithea lagopaivae, a new critically endangered species in the previously monotypic genus Eithea Ravenna (Amaryllidaceae). PhytoKeys 85: 45.
Novelties inCaleasect.Meyeria(Asteraceae, Neurolaeneae) from Brazil. Systematic Botany 47: 575.
Mimosa brevicalyx (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae): a new species based on molecular, anatomical, and morphological data. Plant Systematics and Evolution 307: .
Mollinedia lorencei (Monimiaceae, Laurales), a new species endemic to the Atlantic Forest in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Nordic Journal of Botany 2024: .
Vanilla lindmaniana and V. palmarum (Orchidaceae) are distinct allopatric species. Plant Ecology and Evolution 158: 53.
Diversification of Aeonium Species Across Macaronesian Archipelagos: Correlations Between Genome-Size Variation and Their Conservation Status. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: .
Phyllanthus dardanoi, a New Species of Phyllanthaceae from Northeastern Brazil. Systematic Botany 46: 96.
The native South American crayfishes (Crustacea, Parastacidae): state of knowledge and conservation status. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 25: 288.
Diversity and conservation of legumes in the Gran Chaco and biogeograpical inferences. PLOS ONE 14: e0220151.
A taxonomic revision ofGarciniasectionXanthochymus(Clusiaceae) in Thailand. PeerJ 11: e16572.
Rinorea spongiocarpa and Rinorea dimakoensis (Violaceae), new threatened species of forest trees from East and South Regions of Cameroon and Gabon. Kew Bulletin 78: 83.
The “Ants of Cyprus” website: a dynamic, online awareness raising and conservation tool. Biodiversity Data Journal 13: .
Less is more. Adjusting the taxonomy of the polytypic Mimosa setosa (Leguminosae, Mimosoid). Rodriguésia 68: 515.
Increasing the known floristic diversity of Brazilian inselbergs: two new species of Mandevilla (Apocynaceae) from Espírito Santo. Acta Botanica Brasilica 34: 107.
El clado Gustavia (Lecythidaceae) en América Central: un nuevo registro de Gustavia sessilis y una clave para sus especies. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Wandering throughout South America: Taxonomic revision of Tradescantia subg. Austrotradescantia (D.R.Hunt) M.Pell. (Commelinaceae). PhytoKeys 104: 1.
Elaphoglossum matogrossense (Dryopteridaceae), a new and threatened species from Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Kew Bulletin 77: 721.
Thesium schmiedeliae (Santalaceae), a new species from Knersvlakte quartz fields, South Africa. Kew Bulletin 78: 509.
A striking new species of Rhipidocladum (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae: Arthrostylidiinae) with single, terminal-spikelet synflorescences, endemic to Jalisco, Mexico. Plant Ecology and Evolution 155: 417.
Taxonomic studies on Malagasy Dalbergia (Fabaceae). V. Eight new large tree species and notes on related Malagasy species. Candollea 78: .
Notas taxonómicas y distributivas sobre Serapias lingua subsp. tunetana (Orchidaceae), una rara espècie endémica de Túnez. Collectanea Botanica 38: 005.
Leucheria cantillanensis (Nassauvieae, Asteraceae), a new species endemic to Central Chile. PhytoKeys 169: 99.
A new species of Begonia section Baryandra from Zamboanga Peninsula, Southwestern Philippines. Webbia 78: 87.
Tricky Morphology: A New Species of Chamaecrista (Leguminosae) Shows Strong Morphological Convergence Among Not Closely Related Species Found in Similar Habitat. Systematic Botany 46: 962.
Berberis setifolia (Berberidaceae), a new rank for Berberis macrosepala var. setifolia. Kew Bulletin 79: 359.
Geographic distribution, conservation status and lectotypification of Pedersenia weberbaueri (Suess.) Holub (Amaranthaceae), an endemic and highly threatened shrub from the Marañón valley of Peru. Revista Peruana de Biología 29: e23214.
Updating the distribution range of the maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus in Argentina. Oryx 57: 248.
Marijordaania (Celastraceae: Cassinoideae), a new monotypic genus from South Africa. Plant Ecology and Evolution 157: 100.
Least concern to endangered: Applying climate change projections profoundly influences the extinction risk assessment for wild Arabica coffee. Global Change Biology 25: 390.
Microlicia woodgyeriana (Microlicieae, Melastomataceae), a critically endangered new species from campo rupestre in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Kew Bulletin 76: 443.
Ceratozamia gigantea (Zamiaceae), a new species of cycad, endemic to the mountain karst forests of Tabasco, Mexico: what the reproductive structures revealed. Kew Bulletin 79: 543.
Taxonomic revision of Martinella Baill. (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae). PhytoKeys 177: 77.
Taxonomy of the genus Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Mindanao, Philippines II: lectotypification of two Begonia section Petermannia species from the Zamboanga Peninsula. Kew Bulletin 77: 139.
A revision of Lycianthes (Solanaceae) in tropical Asia. PhytoKeys 245: 1.
New and resurrected species in the Collaea speciosa complex (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae). Brazilian Journal of Botany 48: .
Habitat Loss in the IUCN Extent: Climate Change-Induced Threat on the Red Goral (Naemorhedus baileyi) in the Temperate Mountains of South Asia. Biology 13: 667.
Gesneriaceae, una familia poco estudiada en México: Riqueza y taxonomía en el estado de Tabasco. Botanical Sciences 99: 910.
Coulteria sousae (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae), a New Species from the Rio Balsas Depression, Mexico. Systematic Botany 47: 691.
A synopsis of the genus Embelia in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Studies in Malaysian Myrsinaceae III. Kew Bulletin 70: .
Hiding in Plain Sight: A Fourth New Cryptic Species of the Adenomera andreae Clade (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from Southwestern Amazonia. Herpetologica 76: 304.
A new epilithic bromeliad (Stigmatodon, Tillandsioideae) from Pedra dos Três Pontões, Espírito Santo, Brazil, with an emended combination for the genus. Plant Ecology and Evolution 156: 215.
International Biological Flora: Nervilia nipponica. Journal of Ecology 109: 2780.
Reduction of Blinkworthia (Convolvulaceae) based on multilocus phylogenetic reconstruction and resurrection of a species from synonymy revealed by phenetic analyses. Kew Bulletin 77: 859.
Anthyllis dalmatica (Fabaceae), a New Endemic Species from Croatia. Systematic Botany 48: 435.
Loricaria cuffyi (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), a new species of loricariin catfish from the Guiana Shield. Journal of Fish Biology 98: 154.
Floristic inventory of Myrtaceae of Parque Nacional do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil. Rodriguésia 74: .
Taxonomic notes on two stenoendemic species of Lepidagathis Willd. (Acanthaceae: Barlerieae) from Tamil Nadu, India. Nelumbo : 168.
A new record of Tillandsia candida Leme (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) and notes on its taxonomy. Hoehnea 47: .
A New Species of Turnera (Turneraceae, Passifloraceae s. l.) from the Brazilian Cerrado. Systematic Botany 45: 826.
Automated conservation assessment of the orchid family with deep learning. Conservation Biology 35: 897.
Studies in Neotropical Araliaceae. XI. Three new species of Sciodaphyllum P. Browne from the eastern Andean Cordillera in Colombia. Brittonia 76: 411.
Guadua guzmanii (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae: Guaduinae): A new woody bamboo species endemic to Jalisco, Mexico. Advances in Bamboo Science 7: 100084.
The use and misuse of herbarium specimens in evaluating plant extinction risks. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 374: 20170402.
Two new species of Eugenia (Myrtaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Kew Bulletin 78: 95.
Miconia lucenae (Melastomataceae), a new species from montane Atlantic Forest in Espírito Santo, Brazil. PeerJ 8: e8752.
A natural hybrid, an autopolyploid, or a new species? An integrative case study of a distinctiveCostusspecies (Costaceae) from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Systematics and Biodiversity 18: 42.
Gaultheria gonggashanensis sp. nov. (Ericaceae) from Sichuan, China. Nordic Journal of Botany 33: 582.
New distributional records and conservation implications for the threatened Sumatra endemic Nepenthes lavicola Wistuba & Rischer (Nepenthaceae). Journal for Nature Conservation 74: 126441.
Morpho-anatomical novelties of a dwarf Syagrus (Arecaceae) of canga: implications for ecology, conservation, and taxonomy. Plant Systematics and Evolution 309: .
Taxonomic revision of five species groups of ebracteate-erect. Australian Systematic Botany 34: 252.
Justicia guerrerensis, a new species of Acanthaceae from Guerrero, Mexico. Brittonia 76: 259.
Description of Four New Species of the Habenaria repens Complex (Orchidaceae) from Brazil Based on a Biosystematic and Molecular Phylogenetic Approach. Systematic Botany 47: 215.
A new species of Sturisoma Swainson, 1838 (Loricariidae: Loricariinae), from the Madeira River basin, with a discussion of historical biogeography of western Amazonas and Paraguay River basins. Journal of Fish Biology 102: 188.
A taxonomic revision of Madagascan Gardenia (Rubiaceae, Gardenieae). Nordic Journal of Botany 30: 712.
Pradosia golfodulcensis (Sapotaceae) Una Nueva Especie Del Pacífico Central y Sur de Costa Rica. Harvard Papers in Botany 27: .
A new genus and endangered species of euptychiine butterfly from isolated mountains in southeastern Brazil (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). Zootaxa 5346: 83.
A revision of the florbella group of Miconia (Melastomataceae, Miconieae) with description of three new species. Brittonia 73: 85.
Monograph of Acalypha L. (Euphorbiaceae) of the Western Indian Ocean Region, with the description of a new species from Mayotte. Adansonia 45: .
Bulbophyllum mascarenensePailler and Baider sp nov.: a new endemic orchid species from the Mascarenes. Botany Letters 167: 417.
Recircumscription and taxonomic revision of Siderasis, with comments on the systematics of subtribe Dichorisandrinae (Commelinaceae). PhytoKeys 83: 1.
Croton L. (Crotonoideae, Euphorbiaceae) in a protected area in Northeast Brazil. Biota Neotropica 23: .
Notable Changes in Conservation Status of Vultures in Uttar Pradesh, India: A Study Based on Occupancy and Habitat Modelling. Proceedings of the Zoological Society 76: 288.
Kindia (Pavetteae, Rubiaceae), a new cliff-dwelling genus with chemically profiled colleter exudate from Mt Gangan, Republic of Guinea. PeerJ 6: e4666.
Conservation Need for a Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations Linked to Ephemeral Streams in Adverse Desert Environments. Water 14: 2638.
Macrolobium paulobocae (Leguminosae, Detarioideae), a new species from seasonally inundated black-water floodplain forests in the Brazilian Amazon. Brittonia 75: 180.
Cuatro especies nuevas de Agave (Asparagaceae, Agavoideae) del sur de México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
The maximum and the minimum: two new species of Tovomita Aubl. (Clusiaceae) from the Guiana Shield with an unusual number of stamens. Adansonia 44: .
Garcinia apostoloi: a new species of Clusiaceae from the Brazilian Amazon forest. Brittonia : .
Cave-roosting specialisation of an oceanic island endemic microbat elevates extinction risks as caves face multiple threats. Journal for Nature Conservation 82: 126735.
High extinction risk of the endemic tree flora in a hyper‐diverse region of the Amazon. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET : .
Beware my spines: a new spiny fern (Dennstaedtia, Dennstaedtiaceae) from central and western Amazonia. Acta Amazonica 52: 142.
Rapid population decline of an endemic oceanic island plant despite resilience to extensive habitat destruction and occurrence within protected areas. Plant Ecology & Diversity 10: 293.
New Reports of Galeandra (Orchidaceae) from Mexico. Harvard Papers in Botany 26: .
A new genus of Lythraceae emerges from rocky outcrops of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 200: 85.
Re-discovery of Catasetum mojuense (Orchidaceae: Catasetinae), a poorly-known Amazonian species. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 15: 447.
A new species of Parianella (Poaceae, Bambusoideae, Olyreae) marks the southernmost distribution of the genus in Brazil. Plant Ecology and Evolution 155: 425.
Checklist and molecular phylogenetics reveal three taxonomic novelties in Habenaria (Orchidaceae, Orchidoideae) from Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás, Brazil. European Journal of Taxonomy 891: 51.
Dahlia merckii y D. rupicola (Asteraceae, Coreopsideae), dos nuevos registros para la región de la Nueva Galicia, México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : 49.
A New Endangered Species of Senna (Leguminosae) from the Atlantic Forest of Bahia, Brazil, Supported by X-ray Analysis of Leaflets. Systematic Botany 46: 828.
Assessment of conservation status of Ferula huber‐morathii: association with population genetic structure and regional climate. Nordic Journal of Botany 2025: .
Tacinga paiaia (Cactaceae), a New Species From the Semi-arid Region of Brazil. Systematic Botany 48: 579.
Borreria kelleri (Spermacoceae, Rubiaceae), a new species from Argentina and Paraguay. Nordic Journal of Botany 2022: .
A revision of Gomphostemma (Lamiaceae). Kew Bulletin 77: 27.
Species conservation profile and revision of Salvia korolkowii (Lamiaceae, Lamiales), a narrow endemic of the Western Tian-Shan. Biodiversity Data Journal 10: .
A matter of warts: a taxonomic treatment for Drypetes verrucosa (Putranjivaceae, Malpighiales) and a new cauliflorous species from Cameroon and Nigeria, D. stevartii. Plant Ecology and Evolution 156: 160.
An amazing new Capsicum (Solanaceae) species from the Andean-Amazonian Piedmont. PhytoKeys 167: 13.
A New Species of Justicia (Acanthaceae) from the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula: 100 Years of Confusion with J. carthagenensis. Systematic Botany 49: 48.
Kielmeyera fatimae(Calophyllaceae): A New Species from Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 26: 168.
Bioclimatic Envelopes for Two Bat Species from a Tropical Island: Insights on Current and Future Distribution from Ecological Niche Modeling. Diversity 14: 506.
Voacanga madureirae (Apocynaceae), a new species from Atlantic Central Africa. Kew Bulletin 79: 333.
Eucorna sanarita (Schaus) (Riodinidae: Riodininae): Distribution, systematic position, and conservation of a threatened brazilian butterfly in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Insect Conservation 27: 167.
Disentangling Species Delineation and Guiding Conservation of Endangered Magnolias in Veracruz, Mexico. Plants 10: 673.
Two new species of Salvia (Lamiaceae) from the dry forests of Dominican Republic. PhytoKeys 249: 299.
Phlegmariurus vanuatuensis (Huperzioideae, Lycopodiaceae) a new species from Vanuatu, re-circumscription of P. nummulariifolius and new combinations in Phlegmariurus. PhytoKeys 109: 53.
The genus Indigofera (Leguminosae) in New Caledonia: two new species and a key for the species. PhytoKeys 119: 53.
Revisiting Psyllocarpus intermedius (Rubiaceae, Spermacoceae): an updated description with a new synonym. Nordic Journal of Botany 2023: .
Rhynchospora unguinux (Cyperaceae), a new species of Rhynchospora sect. Pauciflorae from the Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brazil. Kew Bulletin 74: .
The rediscovery of Philcoxia goiasensis (Plantaginaceae): lectotypification and notes on morphology, distribution and conservation of a threatened carnivorous species from the Serra Geral de Goiás, Brazil. Kew Bulletin 71: .
Taxonomic and floristic novelties for Echeveria (Crassulaceae) in Central Michoacan, Mexico. PhytoKeys 75: 1.
Gonolobus gonzaleziarum (Apocynaceae), especie nueva de la ecorregión Madrense Tropical de la Sierra Madre Occidental, México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Contribution à l'étude des Orchidaceae de Madagascar. XL. Deux nouvelles espèces du genre Aeranthes Lindl.. Adansonia 47: .
Athyrium bipinnatum K.Hori (Athyriaceae), a new cornopteroid fern from Japan. PhytoKeys 148: 93.
Salvia rupestris (Lamiaceae), a new species endemic to Arapuá Mountain in Pernambuco State, Brazil. Brittonia 72: 303.
Revision of Clinopodium (Lamiaceae) in Iraq with a new species, Clinopodium dokanicum, and an identification key. Kew Bulletin 79: 131.
A new species of Evolvulus (Cresseae-Convolvulaceae) from the Brazilian savanna. Brittonia 76: 253.
A taxonomic revision ofRhizophoraL. (Rhizophoraceae) in Thailand. PeerJ 12: e17460.
An account of a new and endangered tiny species of Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae) from Serra da Gandarela, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Brittonia 76: 26.
Additions to and revisions of the endemic and near-endemic Acanthaceae of Ethiopia. Webbia 79: 201.
Hymenophyllum subg. Hymenophyllum (Hymenophyllaceae) in the Atlantic Forest Domain, Brazil: Phylogenetic Relationships and Taxonomic Review. Systematic Botany 48: 173.
Una Una nueva Asclepias (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) de la Sierra Gorda, Guanajuato-Querétaro, México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Comprehensive Red List Assessment Reveals Exceptionally High Extinction Risk to Madagascar Palms. PLoS ONE 9: e103684.
Aphyllorchis periactinantha (Orchidaceae, Neottieae), a new mycoheterotrophic species from peninsular Thailand. PhytoKeys 215: 107.
A new species of Lorostemon (Clusiaceae) from the eastern Amazonia. Brittonia 76: 132.
Plastome Characterization, Phylogenetic Relationships, and Regional Conservation Status of Ficus populifolia Vahl. (Moraceae), a Peripherally Isolated Plant Population in the Arabian Peninsula. Forests 13: 2063.
Mitigating the extinction risk of globally threatened and endemic mountainous Orthoptera species: Parnassiana parnassica and Oropodisma parnassica. Insect Conservation and Diversity 18: 54.
O gênero Philodendron (Araceae) no estado do Paraná. Rodriguésia 67: 795.
Nomenclatural Synopsis, Revised Distribution and Conservation Status of Ranunculus gracilis (Ranunculaceae) in Italy. Plants 11: 3094.
Begonia corazoniae (Begoniaceae, section Petermannia), a new endemic species from southeastern Mindanao, Philippines. Nordic Journal of Botany : .
A look at endemic manihot species for northeastern Brazil: Taxonomy, richness, distribution and conservation. Acta Botanica Brasilica 38: .
Two New Species of Polygala (Polygalaceae) Endemic to the Phytogeographic Province of La Payunia, in Argentina. Systematic Botany 47: 232.
Two New Species of Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae) from Southeastern Brazil. Systematic Botany 47: 853.
Five new species of Vernonieae (Asteraceae) from Espírito Santo, Brazil. Rodriguésia 69: 595.
Is there a need for accepting paraphyletic taxa? A case study in the Sardinian endemic Cymbalaria muelleri (Plantaginaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 191: 325.
Conservation status of native plant hybrids in the British Virgin Islands. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: .
A New Forest-Dwelling Frog Species of the Genus Adenomera (Leptodactylidae) from Northwestern Brazilian Amazonia. Copeia 108: .
Friesodielsia parvimitra (Annonaceae), a New Species from Peninsular Thailand and a Note on F. argentea. Plants 13: 189.
Phylogeny, species delimitation and revision of Pleioluma (Sapotaceae) in New Caledonia, a frequently gynodioecious genus. Australian Systematic Botany 31: 120.
Monograph of the western Indian Ocean genus Paracephaelis (Rubiaceae – Pavetteae), with description of thirteen new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 801: .
Una nueva especie de Acanthocereus (Cactaceae) de Honduras. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Solmsia Baill.: a taxonomic revision of an endemic New Caledonian genus of Thymelaeaceae. Adansonia 43: .
A nonet of novel species of Monanthotaxis (Annonaceae) from around Africa. PhytoKeys 69: 71.
The Morelloid clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in Argentina: nomenclatural changes, three new species and an updated key to all taxa. PhytoKeys 164: 33.
Revisiting Psyllocarpus goiasensis (Rubiaceae: Spermacoceae): a new synonym, notes on type specimens, and conservation status assessment of this endemic species from the campo rupestre of Goiás state, central Brazil. Kew Bulletin 73: .
Red-list of Italian bryophytes. 1. Liverworts and hornworts. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 157: 746.
Two new species and new synonyms in Microlicieae (Melastomataceae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Brittonia 73: 106.
New records of Pouteria macrocarpa (Sapotaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Rodriguésia 68: 1493.
A New Distinctive Species ofSchizanthus(Solanaceae) and the Reinstatement ofSchizanthus fallax. Systematic Botany 46: 456.
Evaluación de la diversidad y patrones de distribución de Passiflora subgénero Astrophea (Passifloraceae) en Colombia. Un reto para la investigación taxonómica, florística y de conservación de las especies. Acta Agronómica 65: 422.
Taxonomic revision of Ceropegia sect. Huernia (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae) in Saudi Arabia with three new combinations. PhytoKeys 174: 47.
The recently discovered Principe Scops-owl is highly threatened: distribution, habitat associations, and population estimates. Bird Conservation International 33: .
Species limits and taxonomic revision of the bracteate-prostrate group of southern hemisphere forget-me-nots (Myosotis, Boraginaceae), including description of three new species endemic to New Zealand. Australian Systematic Botany 31: 48.
Two new pendulous epiphytic Columnea L. (Gesneriaceae) species from the Chocó forests of the Northern Andes. PhytoKeys 196: 49.
Integrative taxonomy helps to assess the extinction risk of anuran species. Journal for Nature Conservation 45: 1.
New Italian records of Lichenophanes varius (Illiger, 1801) (Coleoptera, Bostrichidae). Nature Conservation 19: 219.
Phylogeny of the tribe Marsdenieae (Apocynaceae), reinstatement of Ruehssia and the taxonomic treatment of the genus in Brazil. Kew Bulletin 74: .
Systematic Position, Immature Stages, and Geographic Distribution of Glennia pylotis (Godart, 1819) (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea: Pieridae). Neotropical Entomology 52: 709.
Important plant areas (IPAs) in the Fergana Valley (Central Asia): The Bozbu-Too-Ungortepa massif. Nature Conservation 51: 13.
Phylogeny and Conservation Status of Mascarene Aerodramus Swiftlets. Ardea 112: .
Novelties in the genus Acalypha (Euphorbiaceae, Acalyphoideae): two new species from northern Madagascar. Plant Ecology and Evolution 156: 365.
An enigmatic genus on an enigmatic island: the re‐discovery of Kalappia on Sulawesi. Ecology 100: .
Notes on distribution and conservation status of three Echinocereus (Cactaceae) species from northwest Mexico. Bradleya 2022: .
Global Estimation and Mapping of the Conservation Status of Tree Species Using Artificial Intelligence. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: .
A noteworthy new species ofMicrolicia(Melastomataceae, Microlicieae) from the highlands of the state of Goiás, Brazil. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 145: 175.
Phylogeny and re‐circumscription of Cheniella (Leguminosae: Cercidoideae) based on plastome data and morphology, with description of three new species. TAXON 73: 475.
Expanding the Distribution of Prosthechea jauana (Orchidaceae) in the Pantepui and Highlighting the Urgent Need for Conservation Strategies in the Region in Face of Climate Change. Plants 13: 222.
Two new species of Psyllocarpus (Spermacoceae, Rubiaceae) from the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. European Journal of Taxonomy 806: .
Impatiens karenensis (Balsaminaceae), a new tiny flowered species from Myanmar. PhytoKeys 243: 113.
Herbarium-Based Preliminary Conservation Assessments of Lesser Antillean Endemic Seed Plants Reveal a Flora at Risk. The Botanical Review 83: 107.
Two new alpine species of Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) from Iran. Kew Bulletin 74: .
A New and Rare Ithomiini from Northeastern Brazil (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Danainae). The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 75: .
Ethnomedical Applications and Conservation Status of Leguminosae- Caesalpinioideae Plants in Uttar Pradesh, India. Recent Patents on Biotechnology 17: 106.
Two new species of Scutellaria (Lamiaceae) from Thailand and Burma. Kew Bulletin 71: .
Peperomia (Piperaceae) endemic to Brazil: Distribution, richness, and conservation status. Flora 297: 152170.
Habitat characterization and decline of Critically Endangered Onobrychis conferta subsp. conferta. Journal for Nature Conservation 79: 126603.
Five new species of Vaccinium (Ericaceae) from New Guinea, including one with a superior ovary. Kew Bulletin 79: 33.
Reassessment of conservation status of the Senecio trapezuntinus Boiss. (Asteraceae). Turkish Journal of Forestry | Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi : 109.
Ctenium bennae (Poaceae; Chloridoideae), a new rheophytic species from Guinea-Conakry. Kew Bulletin 76: 745.
Atacamallium minutiflorum (Amaryllidaceae, Allioideae), new genus and species from the coastal desert of northern Chile. TAXON 71: 552.
Phylogenetic Placement and Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Monochilus (Lamiaceae), a Rare Brazilian Endemic. Systematic Botany 47: 1112.
Comparison of Catasetum bicolor and C. ochraceum (Catasetinae: Orchidaceae) habitat preferences: implications for their conservation. Acta Agronómica 70: .
“The Old White Lady of Kew Gardens”, Hechtia argentea (Bromeliaceae: Hechtioideae), found her homeland in Mexico. TAXON 69: 1042.
Morphological analyses support recognition of three new threatened species of bracteate–prostrate. Australian Systematic Botany 35: 364.
Bromelia longipedicellata and Bromelia stellata (Bromeliaceae): Two new species from the Brazilian Amazon. Feddes Repertorium 135: 124.
Phyllanthaceae in the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil. Biota Neotropica 22: .
A new species for the legume genus Chamaecrista (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae) supported by molecular, morphological, and anatomical data. Plant Systematics and Evolution 305: 325.
A taxonomic revision of Acanthaceae tribe Barlerieae in Angola and Namibia. Part 1. Kew Bulletin 74: .
Three New Species of Neocalyptrocalyx (Capparaceae) for South America. Systematic Botany 46: 852.
A new species of Lepidaploa (Cass.) Cass. (Vernonieae, Asteraceae) from Mantiqueira range, southeastern Brazil. Brittonia 75: 215.
Phyllarthron longipedunculatumCallm. & Phillipson, sp. nov. (Bignoniaceae): a new species from Northern Madagascar. Adansonia 38: 275.
Distribution Model Reveals Rapid Decline in Habitat Extent for Endangered Hispid Hare: Implications for Wildlife Management and Conservation Planning in Future Climate Change Scenarios. Biology 13: 198.
O gênero Catasetum Rich. ex Kunth (Orchidaceae, Catasetinae) no Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Hoehnea 42: 185.
Flora do Espírito Santo: Campomanesia (Myrtaceae). Rodriguésia 68: 1767.
Descripción de Meriania alexandrae (Melastomataceae, Merianieae), una nueva especie de Colombia y sinopsis del complejo Selvaflorensis. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de Zamia prasina en la Provincia Biótica Península de Yucatán. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 91: 913012.
Current GBIF occurrence data demonstrates both promise and limitations for potential red listing of spiders. Biodiversity Data Journal 7: .
Multiple genetic lineages challenge the monospecific status of the West African endemic frog family Odontobatrachidae. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15: .
Regional Conservation Assessment of the Threatened Species: A Case Study of Twelve Plant Species in the Farasan Archipelago. Conservation 3: 127.
Leucheria peteroana (Nassauvieae, Asteraceae), a new species of Leucheria endemic to the Andes of Central Chile, and insights into the systematics of Nassauviae. PhytoKeys 248: 315.
Population genetics and distribution data reveal conservation concerns to the sky island endemic Pithecopus megacephalus (Anura, Phyllomedusidae). Conservation Genetics 19: 99.
Decoding the Prognostic Significance of Lymphadenectomy Extent in Esophageal Cancer: A Navigational Study. Gazi Medical Journal 36: 52.
Nothodissotis (Melastomataceae), a new genus from Atlantic Central Africa, including the new species N. alenensis from Equatorial Guinea. PhytoKeys 118: 89.
Species distribution modeling in the cloud. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 28: 1056.
Different Criteria for Evaluation of the Conservation Status of Ceratozamia Miqueliana (Zamiaceae). Tropical Conservation Science 13: .
Two new Pleroma species and an updated key: Melastomateae from the Serra da Canastra National Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil. PhytoKeys 247: 11.
Molecular and morphological data reveal a new species of Sclerorhachis (Compositae, Anthemideae) and the reassessment of another species of the genus. Plant Systematics and Evolution 309: .
One more piece to the puzzle: Diadorimia, a new monotypic genus in the Spermacoceae (Rubiaceae), endemic to the campo rupestre of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. TAXON 71: 396.
Eriospermum adpressifolium (Asparagaceae) and Emilia blittersdorffii (Asteraceae) — two new species from Tanzania with nearly identical leaves. Kew Bulletin 70: .
Extending Marine Species Distribution Maps Using Non-Traditional Sources. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: .
Redlistr: tools for the IUCN Red Lists of ecosystems and threatened species in R. Ecography 42: 1050.
Conservation Assessment of a critically endangered endemic Polygonum samsunicum (Polygonaceae) with emended description from Turkey. Hacquetia 21: 197.
Argyrella richardsiae, a new species of Melastomataceae from the wet miombo woodlands of south-central Africa. PhytoKeys 82: 113.
Una especie nueva de Sedum sección Pachysedum (Crassulaceae) y un análisis de la diversidad del género en la Sierra Madre Occidental, México. Botanical Sciences 101: 302.
Incorporating citizen science, museum specimens, and field work into the assessment of extinction risk of the American Bumble bee (Bombus pensylvanicus De Geer 1773) in Canada. Journal of Insect Conservation 23: 597.
An Extended dataset of occurrences of species listed in Resolution 6 of the Bern Convention from Ukraine. Biodiversity Data Journal 10: .
A new species of dragon’s blood Croton (Euphorbiaceae) from Serra dos Órgãos (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). PhytoKeys 126: 13.
1006. ANTHORRHIZA ECHINELLA: An ant‐plant of the Rubiaceae. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 38: 524.
Hidden Species of Anacardiaceae in the Andean Cloud Forests: A Revision of Schinus section Myrtifolia. Systematic Botany 47: 1031.
A taxonomic revision of Garcinia section Garcinia (Clusiaceae) in Thailand. PhytoKeys 244: 175.
Genetic data improve the assessment of the conservation status based only on herbarium records of a Neotropical tree. Scientific Reports 9: .
Le genre Oxyanthus DC. (Rubiaceae) en Afrique de l'Ouest: Description D'une Nouvelle Espèce. Candollea 70: 241.
Croton sertanejus, a new species from Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest in Brazil, and redescription of C. echioides (Euphorbiaceae). European Journal of Taxonomy 839: 14.
Six new species of coffee (Coffea) from northern Madagascar. Kew Bulletin 76: 497.
Two new species of Caryodaphnopsis (Lauraceae) from the Magdalena Medio, Colombia, with an updated key for the Neotropical Caryodaphnopsis species. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Coleocephalocereus superbus (Cactaceae), a new magenta-flowered species from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Bradleya 2024: .
Nomenclatural, taxonomic, and distribution novelties concerning Evolvulus chrysotrichos (Convolvulaceae): a rare and endangered species from Brazil. Rodriguésia 73: .
A new combination for an endangered species of Schwannia (Malpighiaceae) endemic to the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Nordic Journal of Botany : .
Deguelia tenuiflora (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae), a remarkable new species from the Brazilian Amazon. Rodriguésia 73: .
red - an R package to facilitate species red list assessments according to the IUCN criteria. Biodiversity Data Journal 5: .
Conservation challenges regarding species status assessments in biogeographically complex regions: examples from overexploited reptiles of Indonesia. Oryx 51: 627.
Three new species of Boesenbergia (Zingiberaceae) from Sabah, Malaysia. PhytoKeys 247: 39.
Two new species of Harpalyce (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) from the Cerrado hotspot of biodiversity in Brazil. Kew Bulletin 74: .
POPULATION STUDY AND REASSESSMENT OF CONSERVATION STATUS OF AN ENDEMIC DIPTEROCARP, Hopea bilitonensis. International Journal of Conservation Science 15: 1513.
Lastreopsis abscondita (Dryopteridaceae), a new fern species endemic to New Caledonia. New Zealand Journal of Botany 59: 409.
Taxonomy and Conservation of the Genus Noronhia Thouars (Oleaceae) in Mauritius. Candollea 69: 157.
Perrottetia taronensis B.M.Barthol. & K.Armstr., sp. nov. (Dipentodontaceae), a new species from northwestern Yunnan Province, China and northern Kachin State, Myanmar and a re-examination of the Asian and Australasian taxa of Perrottetia. PhytoKeys 183: 67.
On the origin of feces: Fungal diversity, distribution, and conservation implications from feces of small mammals. Environmental DNA 4: 608.
Ayenia albiflora, (Malvaceae, Byttnerioideae) a new species from the Cerrado of Goiás, Central‐West Brazil. Nordic Journal of Botany 2022: .
A fourth species of Chrysobalanus (Chrysobalanaceae): an endemic tree in the Atlantic Forest. Brittonia 76: 348.
Strategic taxonomy in a biodiverse landscape: a novel approach to maximizing conservation outcomes for rare and poorly known flora. Biodiversity and Conservation 24: 17.
A phylogeny of Cereus (Cactaceae) and the placement and description of two new species. TAXON 72: 1321.
Paepalanthus roqueae: a new critically endangered Eriocaulaceae in campo rupestre of Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil. Nordic Journal of Botany : .
Revealing two centuries of confusion: new insights on nomenclature and systematic position of Argyrogena fasciolata (Shaw, 1802) (auctt.), with description of a new species from India (Reptilia: Squamata: Colubridae). Vertebrate Zoology 71: 253.
Phyllanthus novofriburgensis and P. pedrosae, two new species of Phyllanthus subsect. Clausseniani (Phyllanthaceae) from Southeastern Brazil. European Journal of Taxonomy 935: 293.
Star myrtle, a new Myrcia (Myrtacae) from Espírito Santo, Brazil. Brittonia 73: 304.
A new species of Eremitis Döll (Poaceae, Bambusoideae) from the Baixo Jequitinhonha region, an area of extreme importance for the conservation of the flora of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 36: .
Garcinia siripatanadilokii (Clusiaceae), a new species from Peninsular Thailand. Kew Bulletin 77: 905.
The West and Central African species of Vepris Comm. ex A.Juss. (Rutaceae) with simple or unifoliolate leaves, including two new combinations. Adansonia 43: .
A new tetraploid species of Tacinga (Cactaceae) from Ceará, Northeastern Brazil. Rodriguésia 75: .
Drymonia cutervoensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the Cutervo National Park in northern Peru. Brittonia 76: 168.
Two peculiar new species of Heteranthera Ruiz & Pavón (Pontederiaceae) from Brazil, with notes on inflorescence architecture in the family. PhytoKeys 82: 35.
A new species of Megadiaptomus Kiefer, 1936 (Copepoda: Calanoida: Diaptomidae) from the Western Ghats of India, with notes on the biogeography and conservation status of the species of the genus. Journal of Crustacean Biology 38: 66.
A new species and a new record of Heisteria Jacq. (Olacaceae s.l.) from the Atlantic Forest of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 35: 562.
Adetogramma (Polypodiaceae), a new monotypic fern genus segregated from Polypodium. PhytoKeys 78: 109.
Three species of Coleus (Lamiaceae) from the Guinean Highlands: a new species, a new combination and clarification of Coleus splendidus. Kew Bulletin 74: .
Shifting shadows: Assessing the habitat and climate change response of binturong (Arctictis binturong) in the conservation landscape of the Asian continent. Ecological Informatics 85: 102941.
A synopsis of Monimiaceae (Laurales) in the Brazilian Amazon. Nordic Journal of Botany 2025: .
Aiouea albopunctata (Lauraceae), a new species from eastern Brazil. Brittonia 74: 388.
Centrosema flavescens (Fabaceae, Papilionoideae), a new species from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Botanical Sciences 101: 949.
Koernickanthe revisited: nomenclatural and taxonomic treatment of a monotypic genus of Marantaceae. Brittonia : .
Revision of Pycnandra subgenus Leptostylis and description of subgenus Wagapensia (Sapotaceae), a genus endemic to New Caledonia. Australian Systematic Botany 28: 91.
New record and expansion of the distribution of the rufous-vented ground cuckoo Neomorphus geoffroyi (Temminck, 1820) in a Caatinga-Cerrado ecotone area of northeastern Brazil. Ornithology Research 33: .
Andropogon dewetii (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Andropogoneae), a new species from South Africa. Kew Bulletin 77: 293.
Threatened Trees Characteristic of Mexican Tropical Montane Cloud Forests. Diversity 15: 42.
Integrative taxonomy led to recognising Clusia reginae (Clusiaceae), a new tree species from the Venezuelan Andes. Kew Bulletin 79: 191.
Microlicia deflexa and M. johnwurdackiana (Melastomataceae), two new species from the Brazilian Cerrado. PhytoKeys 181: 113.
Phaeoceros perpusillus var. scabrellus (Notothyladaceae, Anthocerotophyta), a new taxon from northern Thailand. PhytoKeys 244: 271.
Taxonomic inventory and distributions of Chenopodiaceae (Amaranthaceae s.l.) in Orenburg Region, Russia. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: .
Polystemma fishbeiniana (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from the Balsas Depression of Michoacán, Mexico. Botanical Sciences 100: 759.
Contribution to the taxonomy of little known Tragopogon species endemic to Turkey. Nordic Journal of Botany 39: .
Maranta bambusa: an endangered new species of Maranta (Marantaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 2024: .
Notes on cauliflory, sexual dimorphism and biogeography in Drypetes (Putranjivaceae, Malpighiales) and a taxonomic treatment for D. gabonensis and two new cauliflorous threatened species from Central Africa, D. aphanes sp. nov. and D. cauta sp. nov.. European Journal of Taxonomy 888: 175.
Global extinction risk reassessment of the threatened tree Vatica venulosa (Dipterocarpaceae). Pacific Conservation Biology 29: 357.
Five new species and a systematic synopsis of Pycnandra (Sapotaceae), the largest endemic genus in New Caledonia. Australian Systematic Botany 29: 1.
Evolution in the dark: Unexpected genetic diversity and morphological stasis in the blind, aquifer-dwelling catfish Horaglanis. Vertebrate Zoology 73: 57.
Rediscovery and revalidation of the Brazilian endemic Vanilla schwackeana Hoehne (Orchidaceae): its distribution and phylogenetic position. Plant Ecology and Evolution 157: 32.
Dilochia deleoniae (Orchidaceae), a new species from Mindanao, Philippines. PhytoKeys 139: 91.
A guide to conserve amphibian species in Iran. Biodiversity 24: 231.
Novelties in Hyptidendron (Hyptidinae – Lamiaceae) from Brazil: A new species and a rediscovery. Brittonia 71: 64.
Sinopsis del género Spigelia (Loganiaceae) en Norteamérica, Centroamérica y el Caribe. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Two new species, Cyrtandra bungahijau and C. vittata, and notes on Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) from Yapen Island, Indonesia. Kew Bulletin 74: .
An account of the Cunoniaceae in the Solomon archipelago and Vanuatu. Kew Bulletin 78: 433.
Syngonanthus androgynus, a Striking New Species from South America, its Phylogenetic Placement and Implications for Evolution of Bisexuality in Eriocaulaceae. PLOS ONE 10: e0141187.
O gênero Zygostates (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae) no estado do Paraná, Brasil. Rodriguésia 68: 1431.
Running rampant: the alien ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Cyprus. NeoBiota 88: 17.
Genetic Diversity, Morphometric Characterization, and Conservation Reassessment of the Critically Endangered Freshwater Snail, Heleobia atacamensis, in the Atacama Saltpan, Northern Chile. Biology 12: 791.
Microlicia campostriniae and Microlicia subtilis (Lavoisiereae: Melastomataceae): two new species from Rio Preto State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Kew Bulletin 79: 605.
Taxonomic revision of the peculiar genus Xylopodia (Loasaceae) with a new species from Argentina and Bolivia demonstrating an atypical trans-Andean disjunction. PhytoKeys 194: 47.
Vincetoxicum nakaianum (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae), a new species from Japan for Cynanchum magnificum Nakai, nomen nudum. PhytoKeys 247: 191.
Alectryon vitiensis: A New Species of Sapindaceae Endemic to Fiji. Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 25: 421.
New records and conservation of Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae s.s.) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 16: 115.
Toward the first Red List of Latvian lichens according to the IUCN criteria. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 158: 1244.
A new glassfrog of the genus Centrolene (Amphibia, Centrolenidae) from the Subandean Kutukú Cordillera, eastern Ecuador. Zoosystematics and Evolution 100: 923.
Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 17. Italian Botanist 18: 141.
Ruehssia magalloniae (Apocynaceae; Asclepiadoideae), una especie nueva del bosque mesófilo de montaña de la Sierra Norte de Oaxaca, México. Botanical Sciences 101: 608.
DNA barcoding indicates the range extension in an endemic frog Nyctibatrachus jog, from the Western Ghats, India. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 6: 2468.
A revision of Alpinia sect. Myriocrater (Zingiberaceae) of the Philippines with a description of a new species. Kew Bulletin 77: 541.
Novelties in Sapotaceae from the Espírito Santo state, Brazil: updated checklist and new records with emended descriptions for two species. Feddes Repertorium 131: 251.
Novitates neocaledonicae IV: Three new species ofCryptocaryaR.Br. (Lauraceae). Adansonia 38: 165.
A new species of Tanaecium (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae) from the Brazilian Amazon and its phylogenetic placement. Plant Systematics and Evolution 304: 1245.
Identity and taxonomic status of Canscora diffusa var. tetraptera (Gentianaceae). Kew Bulletin 76: 851.
Carolus tomentosus, a new species of Malpighiaceae endemic to northeastern Brazil. Nordic Journal of Botany 2024: .
Rarity and conservation status of the Colombian Speckled Tree Rat, Pattonomys semivillosus (I. Geoffroy, 1838). Mammalia 87: 34.
No one-size-fits-all solution to clean GBIF. PeerJ 8: e9916.
First record of Pleroma boraceiense (Brade) P.J.F. Guim. & Justino (Melastomataceae) in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Feddes Repertorium 129: 233.
Turnera fasciculifolia (Turneraceae, Passifloraceae s. l.): A New Species From the Jalapão Region, Tocantins, Brazil. Systematic Botany 45: 833.
Celtis atlantica (Cannabaceae): A new endangered tree species from southwest of Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 38: .
An Intriguing New Species of Sanchezia (Acanthaceae) from Southeastern Peru. Systematic Botany 46: 1080.
Redescription of Hisonotus notatus Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889 (Loricariidae: Hypoptopomatinae), the type species of the genus, and description of a new species from coastal drainages of southeastern Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology 14: .
Allium sphaeronixum (Amaryllidaceae), A New Species from Turkey. Plants 12: 2074.
A new endemic and critically endangered species of Butia (Arecaceae) with comments on morpho-anatomical novelties in the genus. Plant Systematics and Evolution 307: .
Revisión taxonómica de Microstelma (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae, Asclepiadeae, Gonolobinae), endémica de México, con dos especies nuevas. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Two New Species of PurpleCalibrachoa(Solanaceae) from Southern Brazil Grasslands Revealed by Molecular and Morphological Data. Systematic Botany 47: 242.
Taxonomic Study of the Species of Maranta Plum ex. L. (Marantaceae) from Northeastern Brazil: A Neglected Diversity Center for the Genus with Five New Species. Systematic Botany 46: 582.
Heteropterys rosmarinifolia, a new species of Malpighiaceae with verticillate leaves from savannas grasslands of central Brazil. PhytoKeys 175: 45.
Completing the jigsaw: the first record of the female plant of Daphnopsis filipedunculata (Thymelaeaceae), an endemic species from the Brazilian Amazon. PhytoKeys 109: 93.
Ophiorrhiza ravifolia (Rubiaceae), a new endemic species discovered in Naga‐Kabasalan Protected Landscape (NKPL), Zamboanga Peninsula, southwestern Philippines. Nordic Journal of Botany 2024: .
Stryphnodendron flavotomentosum (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade), a New Species from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Systematic Botany 46: 70.
Rumohra adiantiformis var. laciniata (Dryopteridaceae), a New Variety Endemic to Southeastern Uruguay. American Fern Journal 113: .
A new species of Loricaria (Loricariidae: Loricariinae) from the upper Amazon River basin, Colombia. Neotropical Ichthyology 21: .
A New Species of Monrosia (Polygalaceae) from Argentina, and Revision of this Genus Endemic to the Southern Andes. Systematic Botany 45: 812.
Eragrostis episcopulus – a newly described grass species endemic to the island of St Helena, its ecology and conservation. Kew Bulletin 68: 121.
Taxonomic and ecological remarks on Solenopsis bivonae species complex (Campanulaceae). PhytoKeys 229: 77.
Biogeographical evaluation and conservation assessment of arboreal leafhoppers in the Mexican Transition Zone biodiversity hotspot. Diversity and Distributions 27: 1051.
Craterispermum capitatum and C. gabonicum (Rubiaceae): two new species from the Lower Guinean and Congolian Domains. PhytoKeys 83: 103.
New species and new status of Urophyllum Wall. (Rubiaceae) from Cambodia and Viêtnam. Adansonia 44: .
Monopyle glutinosa (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the western slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes. PhytoKeys 210: 15.
Eithea lagopaivae, a new critically endangered species in the previously monotypic genus Eithea Ravenna (Amaryllidaceae). PhytoKeys 85: 45.
Notes on Isoglossinae (Acanthaceae) in Madagascar, with four new species of Isoglossa. Kew Bulletin 78: 43.
Additions, corrections and comments to the Red List of bryophytes from mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands. Mediterranean Botany 40: 3.
Lapaea (Plantaginaceae, Gratioleae), a new genus endemic to the Espinhaço Range (Brazil) with a remarkable red-flowered new species. Systematics and Biodiversity 18: 739.
Malvaceae neotropicae novae vel minus cognitae XII. Nuevas especies de Matisia de Colombia y Panamá. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 48: 897.
A new black nightshade (Morelloid clade, Solanum, Solanaceae) from the caatinga biome of north-eastern Brazil with a key to Brazilian morelloids. PhytoKeys 108: 1.
Taxonomic revision of the native Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) species of Brazil. PhytoKeys 238: 33.
Clarifying the dubious identity of Vanilla dubia Hoehne (Orchidaceae) and its relatives. Plant Ecology and Evolution 157: 236.
Assessing extinction risk from geographic distribution data in Neotropical freshwater fishes. Neotropical Ichthyology 19: .
Lomandra reflexa (Asparagaceae: Lomandroideae), a new species from central Queensland, Australia. Kew Bulletin 79: 437.
The recently described Ruellia taboleirana (Acanthaceae) found in Maranhão, Brazil: new data on morphology, ecology and conservation. Kew Bulletin 79: 243.
Isocarpha spathulata (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae, Ayapaninae): a New Species Registered in the Northeast of Brazil. Systematic Botany 48: 365.
Lachesiodendron, a new monospecific genus segregated from Piptadenia (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae: mimosoid clade): Evidence from morphology and molecules. TAXON 67: 37.
Riqueza de especies y distribución geográfica de la subtribu Hippeastrinae (Amaryllidaceae) en México. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 58: .
Gastrochilus flabelliformis (Blatt. & McCann) C.J.Saldanha (Epidendroideae: Vandeae: Aeridinae), an addition to the orchid flora of Sri Lanka, with taxonomic notes on Gastrochilus dasypogon (Sm.) Kuntze. Feddes Repertorium 134: 257.
Status and Distribution of the Cave-Obligate Land Snails in the Appalachians and Interior Low Plateau of the Eastern United States. American Malacological Bulletin 36: 62.
Revisiting the taxonomy of the Neotropical Haemodoraceae (Commelinales). PhytoKeys 169: 1.
Cladoceras rovumense sp. nov. (Gentianales-Rubiaceae), a new species from southeast Tanzania and northeast Mozambique. European Journal of Taxonomy 833: 46.
Green Plants in the Red: A Baseline Global Assessment for the IUCN Sampled Red List Index for Plants. PLOS ONE 10: e0135152.
Dalechampia burchellii (Euphorbiaceae): rediscovered, new synonyms, and update of geographical distribution. Hoehnea 51: .
Conservation genomics of a critically endangered brown seaweed. Journal of Phycology 57: 1345.
Atlas Florae Europaeae notes, 34. Distributions and two conservation profiles of East European species of the Cytisus ratisbonensis group (Fabaceae). Biodiversity Data Journal 12: .
Exploring a critically endangered pitcher plant Nepenthes rigidifolia and predicting its distribution habitat in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal for Nature Conservation 80: 126645.
Two new non-spiny Solanum (Solanaceae) from the Gran Chaco Americano and a key for the herbaceous glandular-pubescent solanums from the region. PhytoKeys 74: 19.
Rediscovery of Angiopteris tonkinensis (Marattiaceae) after 100 years, and its revision. PhytoKeys 161: 1.
Salvia reginae and S. spellenbergii (Lamiaceae), two new species from Chihuahua, Mexico. Willdenowia 49: 319.
IUCNN – Deep learning approaches to approximate species' extinction risk. Diversity and Distributions 28: 227.
Geographic boundaries and natural history notes of the microendemic endangered frog Eupsophus migueli Formas, 1977 (Alsodidae) in the Mahuidanche Range, southern Chile. ZooKeys 929: 79.
Synopsis of the Piper subgenus Ottonia Spreng. (Piperaceae) from Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 36: .
On the discovery of new sub-populations of Bentinckia nicobarica (Kurz) Becc. (Arecaceae) in Andaman Islands,India: Mapping and updated red list assessment. Nelumbo : .
Myrcia lughadhai sp. nov. (Myrcia s.l., Myrtaceae), a new endemic species from the Brazilian highlands. Kew Bulletin 69: .
A new species of Lippia (Verbenaceae) from the Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 38: .
Ensete nepalense, a new combination, lectotypification and recognition as a distinct species endemic to Nepal. Kew Bulletin 78: 405.
Alchemilla cadinensis(Rosaceae), a new species from the Pyrenees (SW Europe). Willdenowia 45: 435.
Nicotiana rupicola sp. nov. and Nicotiana knightiana (sect. Paniculatae, Solanaceae), a new endemic and a new record for the flora of Chile. PhytoKeys 188: 83.
Phylogenetics and taxonomy of Habenaria sect. Micranthae (Orchidaceae), with the description of an overlooked new species from the Espinhaço mountain range, Eastern Brazil. Systematics and Biodiversity 20: 1.
Begonia fimbristipula subsp. siamensis (sect. Diploclinium, Begoniaceae), a new taxon of the megadiverse genus endemic to Thailand. PhytoKeys 218: 1.
Croton maranonensis: a new species of Euphorbiaceae from the tropical inter-Andean dry valleys. European Journal of Taxonomy 947: .
A new species of Mollinedia (Monimiaceae, Laurales) from the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil. PhytoKeys 234: 189.
Immature stages of the threatened butterfly Euptychia boulleti () (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and its conservation perspectives. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 68: .
Agave rosalesii (sect. Inermes , Asparagaceae), segregated from Agave ellemeetiana K. Koch (sect. Choritepalae ): a new species from the Mixteca Alta of western Oaxaca, Mexico. Botanical Sciences 100: 765.
Mapping the fern Blechnum heringeri (Blechnaceae, Polypodiopsida): recording the geographical distribution, ecological preferences and reporting a new record in northeastern Brazil. Hoehnea 46: .
Population status and conservation of the threatened and endemic tree Vatica javanica subsp. javanica (Dipterocarpaceae). Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 16: 653.
The unknown diversity of the genus Characidium (Characiformes: Crenuchidae) in the Chocó biogeographic region, Colombian Andes: Two new species supported by morphological and molecular data. Journal of Fish Biology 97: 1662.
A new species of Chaetostoma (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Orinoco basin with comments on Amazonian species of the genus in Colombia. Journal of Fish Biology 98: 1091.
Found and lost again: Rediscovery of Mollinedia myriantha (Monimiaceae) after 123 years and perspectives for conservation of the family in Brazil. Kew Bulletin 78: 133.
To clean or not to clean: Cleaning open‐source data improves extinction risk assessments for threatened plant species. Conservation Science and Practice 2: .
Novitates neocaledonicae XI: A new endemic species of Garcinia L. (Clusiaceae), with an emended description of G. virgata Vieill. ex Guillaumin. Adansonia 43: .
Rediscovery of presumably extinct species of Aristida in São Paulo State, Brazil. Biota Neotropica 23: .
A checklist of rheophytes of Cameroon. PhytoKeys 121: 81.
Redescubrimiento de Chloraea multilineolata (Orchidaceae, Chloraeinae), una especie peruana en peligro de extinción. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Marsypianthes dunensis, a new species of Hyptidinae (Lamiaceae) from Brazilian coastal vegetation. Kew Bulletin 78: 319.
Karyotype asymmetry shapes diversity within the physaloids (Physalidinae, Physalideae, Solanaceae). Systematics and Biodiversity 19: 168.
Revision of Liparis (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae, Malaxidinae) in Brazil. Rodriguésia 74: .
Petalostelma of Brazil and the initial evolution of Metastelmatinae (Apocynaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 307: .
Plant diversity of Hyrcanian relict forests: An annotated checklist, chorology and threat categories of endemic and near endemic vascular plant species. Plant Diversity 44: 39.
Piper svenningii – a new species from Ecuador, Colombia, and Perú. Nordic Journal of Botany 2023: .
Truly Absent or Sampling Gaps? Insights on the Potential Distribution of Duttaphrynus hololius (Günther, 1876) from Peninsular India. Current Herpetology 41: .
Una especie nueva de Triumfetta (Malvaceae: Grewioideae) de la zona centro de Guerrero, México. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 95: e955302.
A New Endemic Species ofLoasaser.Macrospermae(Loasaceae) from Northern Chile. Systematic Botany 47: 1065.
Hydrangea marunoi (Hydrangeaceae), a new species from Osumi Peninsula, southern Japan. PhytoKeys 211: 33.
Ehretia pranomiana sp. nov. (Boraginales: Ehretiaceae), a new scrambler from Thailand. Nordic Journal of Botany 2023: .
Plant conservation assessment at scale: Rapid triage of extinction risks. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET 5: 386.
Distribution, conservation assessment and management perspectives of Chilean micro-snails of the family Charopidae. Nature Conservation 53: 297.
Population and conservation status reassessment of Etlingera balikpapanensis A.D. Poulsen, an endemic ginger in East Kalimantan. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 762: 012008.
A new species of Trichilia (Meliaceae) from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Rodriguésia 70: .
Taxonomic Studies on Malagasy Dalbergia (Fabaceae). III. Two New Species from Southeastern Madagascar and an Emended Description of the Rosewood Species Dalbergia maritima. Systematic Botany 47: 397.
Ajania flavida (Asteraceae, Anthemideae), a distinct new species from southwestern China. PhytoKeys 239: 205.
Taxonomic revision of Mcvaughia W.R.Anderson (Malpighiaceae): notes on vegetative and reproductive anatomy and the description of a new species. PhytoKeys 117: 45.
A new Vincetoxicum (Apocynaceae) species from Eastern Anatolia and its relationship based on biosystematic properties. Nordic Journal of Botany 39: .
Mabea dalyana (Euphorbiaceae-Hippomaneae): a new subshrub with xylopodia endemic to the savannas of the Brazilian Amazon. Acta Botanica Brasilica 36: .
Diversity, distribution, endemism and conservation status of Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) in SW Asia and adjacent countries. Plant Systematics and Evolution 306: .
Cyclamen brulloi (Primulaceae), a new species from Sicily (Italy). Kew Bulletin 79: 653.
A new species of Eriotheca (Malvaceae, Bombacoideae) from coastal areas in northeastern Brazil. PhytoKeys 167: 31.
A new genus and species of nicoletiid silverfish (Insecta, Zygentoma, Nicoletiidae) from caves of northern Alabama, USA. Subterranean Biology 49: 1.
Carex quixotiana (Cyperaceae), a new Iberian endemic from Don Quixote’s land (La Mancha, S Spain). PhytoKeys 221: 161.
Evaluating shortfalls and spatial accuracy of biodiversity documentation in the Atlantic Forest, the most diverse and threatened Brazilian phytogeographic domain. TAXON 69: 567.
The genus Malanea Aubl. (Rubiaceae) in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Plant Ecology and Evolution 156: 257.
Taxonomic studies on Amomum and related genera (Zingiberaceae) in China IV. Meistera vespertilio, the correct name for a widespread species in China, Laos and Vietnam previously misidentified as M. muricarpa. Nordic Journal of Botany 39: .
Taxonomic Novelties in Sapranthus (Annonaceae): a new large-sized species endemic to the mountain cloud forest of Central America. Brittonia 75: 369.
A new species from the Chocó Biogeographic Region in the northern Andes is discovered while unravelling the hypocyrtoid corolla complex in Drymonia (Gesneriaceae). Brittonia 76: 189.
New names and status for Pacific spiny species of Solanum (Solanaceae, subgenus Leptostemonum Bitter; the Leptostemonum Clade). PhytoKeys 145: 1.
CONSERVATION STATUS OF THREE RARE AND ENDEMIC SPECIES FROM TURKEY (Kalidium wagenitzii, Muscari adilii & Verbascum gypsicola). Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 21: 151.
Five new species of Englerophytum K. Krause (Sapotaceae) from central Africa. Candollea 71: 287.
A new epiphytic species of Notopleura (Rubiaceae) from Chucantí Nature Reserve, eastern Panama. Webbia 73: 195.
Conserving the Critically Endangered tree Vatica cauliflora: population and conservation status assessment. Oryx 55: 635.
Assessing the conservation status of Elaphoglossum stigmatolepis (Fee) T.Moore (Dryopteridaceae), an endemic fern in the Western Ghats of India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 17: 26394.
Five new species of Huberia (Melastomataceae) from the eastern Brazilian mountains. Plant Ecology and Evolution 158: 23.
A new species of Comolia (Marcetieae, Melastomataceae) from the Colombian Amazon. Brittonia : .
Chapelieria septentrionalis and C. multiflora spp. nov. (Rubiaceae, Octotropideae) and an emended description for C. madagascariensis. Nordic Journal of Botany 32: 691.
Phylogenetics of Serjania (Sapindaceae-Paullinieae), with emphasis on fruit evolution and the description of a new species from Michoacán, Mexico. Systematics and Biodiversity 20: 1.
A new species of African legless skink, genus Acontias Cuvier, 1816 “1817” (Squamata: Scincidae) from Serra da Neve inselberg, south-western Angola . African Journal of Herpetology 72: 145.
Revisiting the taxonomy of Helictotrichon schmidii (Poaceae, Poeae, Aveninae) from India, with updated regional distribution and conservation status. Nordic Journal of Botany 39: .
Deciphering the Heteropterys pannosa species complex (Malpighiaceae). PeerJ 10: e12937.
Morphological and anatomical evidence support a new wild cassava: Manihot fallax (Crotonoideae, Euphorbiaceae), from Mato Grosso, Brazil. PhytoKeys 91: 139.
Systematics of the Trembleya sensu stricto clade of Microlicia (Melastomataceae, Lavoisiereae). PhytoKeys 216: 1.
Phytosociological Status of a Monotypic Genus Indopiptadenia: A Near Threatened Tree from the Terai-Bhabar Region of Central Himalaya. Research Journal of Forestry 9: 35.
Didymocarpus phuquocensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Phu Quoc Island, South-western Vietnam. PhytoKeys 159: 35.
Expansion in the distribution of Blumenavia baturitensis Melanda, M.P. Martín & Baseia (Phallales) in Southeastern, Brazil. Hoehnea 50: .
The use of potential distribution models in the study of the distribution and conservation status of plants: The case of Plantago L. (Plantaginaceae) in Brazil1. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 143: 38.
First records of Curarea (Menispermaceae) in Southeastern Brazil. Kew Bulletin 77: 513.
On the genus Dendrophorbium (Compositae) in Ecuador: a new species and identification key. Candollea 78: .
Thesium muasyae (Santalaceae), a new species from the limestone fynbos of the Overberg, South Africa. PhytoKeys 201: 1.
Nomenclatural novelties in Lessingianthus (Asteraceae - Vernonieae): an extraordinary new species, a lectotypification, and a new combination from a resurrected synonym. Acta Botanica Brasilica 32: 521.
Campylocentrum brevifolium (Lindl.) E. M. Pessoa & M. Alves, a neglected and critically endangered orchid from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Kew Bulletin 70: .
Phylogenetic analyses of Phaseolinae (Leguminosae) reveal a new genus endemic to limestone outcrops in Seasonally Dry Forests of Bahia, Brazil. TAXON 72: 64.
Geographical distribution and conservation status of Goias parakeet, Pyrrhura pfrimeri (Aves: Psittacidae), endangered endemism of dry forests in karst reliefs in Central Brazil. Ornithology Research 31: 79.
A new species and a new record of Bambusa (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) from Thailand. Kew Bulletin 78: 597.
Two new endangered species of Polygala series Trichospermae (Polygalaceae), endemic to the Cerrado domain, Tocantins State, Brazil. European Journal of Taxonomy 762: 133.
Turnera carolina (Turneraceae, Passifloraceae s.l.): A New Species from Chapada das Mesas, Maranhão, Northeastern Brazil. Systematic Botany 48: 300.
Assembling the puzzle of Byrsonima fanshawei (Malpighiaceae): Emended description and new records for a rare species. Brittonia 70: 356.
Distribution and conservation status of the Endangered pepperbark tree Warburgia salutaris (Canellaceae) in Swaziland. Oryx 51: 451.
An integrative taxonomic approach reveals a new species of Eranthis (Ranunculaceae) in North Asia. PhytoKeys 140: 75.
Solanum medusae (Solanaceae), a new wolf-fruit from Brazil, and a key to the extra-Amazonian Brazilian Androceras/Crinitum Clade species. PhytoKeys 118: 15.
A revision of the genus Gouania (Rhamnaceae) in the Philippines and Sundaland. Kew Bulletin 75: .
A new species of Argyreia (Convolvulaceae) from Myanmar. Willdenowia 49: 65.
Evaluation of tropical–temperate transitions: An example of climatic characterization in the Asian Palmate group of Araliaceae. American Journal of Botany 109: 1488.
Discovery of a Remarkable New Boa from the Conception Island Bank, Bahamas. Breviora 549: 1.
A noodle in a haystack: determining the conservation status of the rare and Data Deficient Ravensthorpe Range slider, Lerista viduata. Pacific Conservation Biology 30: .
Novitates neocaledonicae XII: Two additional new species of Cryptocarya R.Br. from New Caledonia. Adansonia 43: .
A new species of Lasjia (Proteaceae) from Sulawesi: Lasjia griseifolia Utteridge & Brambach. Kew Bulletin 79: 429.
A new combination for a neglected member of Linaria subsect. Versicolores (Plantaginaceae, Antirrhineae) endemic to the Algarve, Portugal. PhytoKeys 243: 31.
Vochysia pongo-qonecensis (Vochysiaceae), a new species from the Peruvian Andean-Amazonian piedmont forests. Brittonia 74: 186.
Pedicularis rostratospicata subsp. marsica (P. Sect. Rostratae, Orobanchaceae), a New Subspecies from the Central Apennines (Italy). Plants 12: 2614.
Species delimitation in the Echinocereus pulchellus complex (Cactaceae). Brittonia 72: 433.
Solanaceae diversity in South America and its distribution in Argentina. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 92: .
Taxonomic notes for Portulaca (Portulacaceae) in South America II: synonymisation of P. diegoi under P. hatschbachii based on macro and microcharacters. Kew Bulletin 79: 223.
Henckelia davidwoodii (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Indian eastern Himalayas. Nordic Journal of Botany : .
Native range estimates for red-listed vascular plants. Scientific Data 9: .
Taxonomic studies of Araceae in Myanmar IV: A new species, a new record and a new synonym for the genus Amorphophallus. Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 67: 123.
Myrcia incompleta (Myrtaceae), a new species from Amazonian Brazil. Brittonia 69: 477.
Populations, conservation status and distribution modelling of the rare and narrow endemic Rhododendron frey-wysslingii (Ericaceae). Journal for Nature Conservation 83: 126762.
Reassessment of Varronia bellonis - a threatened, endemic plant from Puerto Rico. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: .
Assigning conservation value and identifying hotspots of endemic rattan diversity in the Western Ghats, India. Plant Diversity 39: 263.
Phyllanthus chacoensis (Phyllanthaceae): new record for the Brazilian Amazon and its lectotypification. Acta Amazonica 51: 52.
Castilleja eggeri (Orobanchaceae: Pedicularideae), a new endemic species from Mexico. Nordic Journal of Botany 2023: .
Espeletia saboyana(Millerieae, Asteraceae), a New Critically Endangered Caulirosula from Cordillera Oriental, Colombia. Systematic Botany 47: 593.
Novelties in Ruellia (Acanthaceae) for the Brazilian Cerrado. Systematic Botany 49: 1.
Oocephalus viscaria (Hyptidinae: Lamiaceae), a well-known new species from Central Brazil. Brittonia 71: 389.
Novitates neocaledonicae XIV: A third species of Goniothalamus (Blume) Hook.f. & Thomson from New Caledonia and lectotypification of G. obtusatus (Baill.) R.M.K. Saunders. Adansonia 45: .
Doomed before they are described? The need for conservation assessments of cryptic species complexes using an amblyopsid cavefish (Amblyopsidae: Typhlichthys) as a case study. Biodiversity and Conservation 22: 1799.
Evaluación de la Escala de Identidad Étnica en adolescentes mapuche de Chile. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Niñez y Juventud 18: 1.
Phylogeny, niche modelling and morphology unveil a new lianescent species of Sigmoidotropis (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) across rainforest enclaves within Brazilian dry vegetation. TAXON 73: 1226.
Lacunas: a web interface to identify plant knowledge gaps to support informed decision-making. Biodiversity and Conservation 23: 109.
Recircumscription of three Merostachys species (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae: Arthrostylidiinae) and description of a new species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Nordic Journal of Botany 39: .
Echeandia cholulensis (Asparagaceae), una especie nueva del centro de México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Discovering Karima (Euphorbiaceae), a New Crotonoid Genus from West Tropical Africa Long Hidden within Croton. PLOS ONE 11: e0152110.
Mainstreaming Flora Conservation Strategies into the Mitigation Hierarchy to Strengthen Environmental Impact Assessment. Environmental Management 71: 483.
The distribution of the freshwater crab Fredius reflexifrons (Ortmann, 1897) (Brachyura, Pseudothelphusidae) in an Environmental Protection Area of the Planalto da Ibiapaba, Northeastern Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 92: .
Conservation of Dehaasia pugerensis (Lauraceae), a tree endemic to East Java (Indonesia) and last collected in 1940. Journal for Nature Conservation 65: 126096.
Seis nuevas especies de Milla (Asparagaceae: Brodiaeoideae) de México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Coulteria delgadoana (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae), una especie nueva del Oeste de la Depresión del Río Balsas, México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
A new tree species of Compsoneura (Myristicaceae) from the Andean forests on the Eastern Cordillera Range, Colombia. PhytoKeys 251: 189.
A new species of hedgehog-lizard of the genus Echinosaura (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae) from Colombia and Panama with a reevaluation of the conservation status of the genus. Zootaxa 5583: 128.
Prioritising Important Plant Areas (IPAs) among the limestone karsts of Perak, Malaysia. Kew Bulletin 79: 409.
Buchnera nordestina (Orobanchaceae), an overlooked new species from Northeast Brazil, with an updated identification key for Buchnera of Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 34: 789.
Chlorophytum delicatulum (Asparagaceae), a newly described species from Zambia. Kew Bulletin 77: 675.
Updating the checklist of subtribe Hyptidinae (Lamiaceae) from Brazilian Amazonia, with three new taxa and notes on Hyptis sect. Eriosphaeria. Rodriguésia 72: .
Dalechampia (Euphorbiaceae, Acalyphoideae): synopsis of species from Northeast Brazil. Biota Neotropica 20: .
Conservation status of the idle crayfish Austropotamobius bihariensis Pârvulescu, 2019. Global Ecology and Conservation 50: e02847.
A morphological study of Aristolochia holostylis (Aristolochiaceae) reveals the presence of a new species. Brittonia 74: 227.
Tachigali amarumayu (Leguminosae), a new species from terra firme forests of Southwestern Amazonia. Brittonia 71: 39.
A new species of Habenaria (Orchidaceae, Asparagales) and a checklist of Orchidaceae from limestone outcrops of Brazil. European Journal of Taxonomy 828: .
Andrographis saxatilis (Acanthaceae), a new woody species from the Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, India. Nordic Journal of Botany 2025: .
Solanum hydroides (Solanaceae): a prickly novelty from the land of the sugar loaves, central Brazilian Atlantic Forest. PhytoKeys 139: 63.
A genetic snapshot before extinction: Museomics reveals the phylogenetic position of a critically endangered freshwater gastropod. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 34: .
Deparia × nanakuraensis K.Hori (Athyriaceae), a new hybrid pteridophyte from Japan. PhytoKeys 165: 69.
Indigofera morroensis (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae): A New Species from the Drylands of Northeastern Brazil. Systematic Botany 48: 9.
Splitting Butia archeri (Arecaceae) of Brazilian central highlands: new taxonomical and conservation insights for Butia. Plant Systematics and Evolution 310: .
Xantolis weimingii (Sapotaceae), a new species from the Yuanjiang River basin, Yunnan, southwest China. PhytoKeys 246: 251.
Taxonomic revision of the. Australian Systematic Botany 33: 477.
First records and extension of the geographic distribution of Cynomops kuizha (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in the Colombian Caribbean. Mammalia 89: 103.
Phylogeny and Systematic Revision of the Gecko Genus Hemidactylus from the Horn of Africa (Squamata: Gekkonidae). Herpetological Monographs 33: 26.
Croton restingae sp. nov. (Euphorbiaceae), a new species of section Adenophylli from the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and its phylogenetic relationships. European Journal of Taxonomy 864: .
Restricted geographical distribution of Cremnophila Nutans (Crassulaceae): implications to the conservation of a micro-endemic, habitat specialist and ornamental Mexican plant. Folia Geobotanica 59: 63.
Biogeography and conservation assessment of Bactrurus groundwater amphipods (Crangonyctidae) in the central and eastern United States. Subterranean Biology 17: 1.
Anemia paripinnata (Anemiaceae), a New Species from Central Brazil. American Fern Journal 108: 1.
Parahellenia, a new genus segregated from Hellenia (Costaceae) based on phylogenetic and morphological evidence. Plant Diversity 44: 389.
Tinnea gombea (Lamiaceae), a new species from the Sudanian savanna region, Nigeria based on integrative evidence. PLOS ONE 18: e0280550.
Revised delimitation of Croton campestris (Euphorbiaceae), including description of two new species, molecular phylogenetic, anatomical and micromorphological data. Acta Botanica Brasilica 36: .
Progress, challenges and opportunities for Red Listing. Biological Conservation 234: 45.
Aerangis (Orchidaceae) in Madagascar, the Mascarenes, and the Comoro Islands. Kew Bulletin 79: 703.
Hidden biodiversity of Amazonian white-sand ecosystems: two distinctive new species of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) from Pará, Brazil. PhytoKeys 169: 75.
Threatened flora from the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil: Arecaceae. Hoehnea 46: .
Two new species of Monopyle (Gesneriaceae) from the western Andes of Ecuador and southern Colombia. Brittonia 75: 340.
Diversity, endemism and conservation status of native Mexican woody bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society : .
A Remarkable New Species of the Habenaria nuda Complex (Orchidaceae) from the Espinhaço Range of Eastern Brazil. Systematic Botany 46: 790.
new species of Lippia (Verbenaceae) from the Campos eco-region of the Grassland Ecosystems of Río de la Plata, Southeast South America. Balduinia : 02.
Pinnatella limbata (Bryophyta: Neckeraceae): reassessment of conservation status based on recent findings. Journal of Threatened Taxa 16: 26306.
Distribution of endemic angiosperm species in Brazil on a municipality level. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: .
Two new species of Stenostephanus (Acanthaceae) and a new record from Peru. Kew Bulletin 77: 959.
A revision of Ziziphus (Rhamnaceae) in Borneo. Kew Bulletin 76: 767.
Two new species of Merostachys (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest in the states of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais. Brittonia 73: 167.
A New Species of Dynamine Hübner, [1919] (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Biblidinae) from the Atlantic Forest in Southeastern Brazil. Neotropical Entomology 50: 948.
Morphological and Molecular Evidence Support Elevating Erythroxylum macrophyllum var. savannarum (Erythroxylaceae) to Specific Status. Systematic Botany 47: 467.
Regional Red List assessment of tree species in upper montane forests of the Tropical Andes. Oryx 49: 397.
Valeriana praecipitis (Caprifoliaceae), a species new to science and endemic to Central Chile. PhytoKeys 189: 81.
Phyllanthus fluitans (Phyllanthaceae): un nuevo registro de planta acuática para la flora de Panamá. Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Uma nova ocorrência de Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae) para o estado de Goiás, Brasil. Rodriguésia 71: .
Taxonomic revision of Amorimia W.R. Anderson (Malpighiaceae). Hoehnea 45: 238.
Xylopia maasiana (Annonaceae), a New Species from the Brazilian Amazon, and Taxonomic Notes on Xylopia nitida Dunal. Systematic Botany 46: 273.
Possibly Extinct or Data Deficient? A challenge for conservation status assessment based on single locality: Insights from Beilschmiedia lancifolia Miq.. Acta Botanica Brasilica 37: .
New records of fern species from New Caledonia in the genera Davallia , Dicranopteris , Dryopteris , Pteris , and Trichomanes . New Zealand Journal of Botany 61: 232.
Ballistochory in the herbaceous bamboo genus Reitzia (Poaceae, Bambusoideae, Olyreae): the second report of this dispersal syndrome in grasses. Brazilian Journal of Botany 46: 1079.
A new species of Chusquea (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae) in the C. meyeriana informal group from southeastern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Botany 45: 1249.
Acordando de um sono de cem anos: uma nova espécie de Nothoscordum (Amaryllidaceae, Allioideae) da Floresta Atlântica brasileira. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 58: .
New locality records and call description of the Resplendent Shrub Frog Raorchestes resplendens (Amphibia: Anura: Rhacophoridae) from the Western Ghats, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 12: 16502.
Clarification of Prosthechea guttata (Orchidaceae) and description of an “old” new Prosthechea species from southern Mexico and Guatemala. Botanical Sciences 103: 295.
A New Species of Lithocarpus (Fagaceae) from Ca Dam Mountain of Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam. Systematic Botany 47: 729.
The genera of Cyperaceae of Madagascar. Plant Ecology and Evolution 156: 276.
Refining area of occupancy to address the modifiable areal unit problem in ecology and conservation. Conservation Biology 32: 1278.
The Discovery of a New Species of Convolvulaceae: Dicranostyles yrypoana from the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. Systematic Botany 48: 88.
'Endangered' or 'Near Threatened', distribution status of Karaavali Skittering frog from the west coast of peninsular India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India : 355.
Arachnitis uniflora: first report of Corsiaceae for the Peruvian Flora. Kew Bulletin 74: .
A morphological analysis of the Mammillaria fittkaui species complex (Cactaceae) reveals a new species from Jalisco, México. Botanical Sciences 101: 619.
Immature Stages, Natural History, Systematics and Conservation of an Endangered Neotropical Butterfly: the Case of Scada karschina delicata (Nymphalidae: Ithomiini). Neotropical Entomology 49: 685.
Terminalia carinata Sabatier & J.Engel, sp. nov. (Combretaceae), a new large tree species from the Guiana shield revealed by re-examination of material previously identified as T. guyanensis Eichler. Adansonia 42: .
Magnolia amalfiensis, a new species of Magnoliaceae from Antioquia Province, Colombia. Brittonia 76: 217.
Tovomita cornuta (Clusiaceae): a new and threatened species from the Amazonian campinaranas revealed by ecological field research. Acta Botanica Brasilica 35: 554.
Cyperus prophyllatus: An endangered aquatic new species of Cyperus L. (Cyperaceae) with a exceptional spikelet disarticulation pattern among about 950 species, including molecular phylogenetic, anatomical and (micro)morphological data. PLOS ONE 16: e0249737.
Distribución y conservación de Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) en Cuba. Botanical Sciences 100: 300.
Hidden treasures in the cabinets: an overlooked new species of Solanum (Solanaceae) from northeastern Brazil described almost two centuries after its first collection. Acta Botanica Brasilica 37: .
A new species of frog of the genus Noblella Barbour, 1930 (Amphibia: Strabomantidae) from the Cordillera del Cóndor, Ecuador. PeerJ 12: e17939.
Eugenia ochracea (Myrtaceae, Myrteae), a new species from Atlantic forest of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Brittonia 71: 318.
Taxonomic revision of Saxicolella (Podostemaceae), African waterfall plants highly threatened by Hydro-Electric projects. Kew Bulletin 77: 403.
A revision of Ventilago (Rhamnaceae) in New Caledonia and Vanuatu with notes on dyeing properties. Willdenowia 50: 253.
A new species of Bonnetia Mart. (Bonnetiaceae) from the Pantepui of South America. PhytoKeys 247: 55.
Novelties in wild cassava (Manihot, Euphorbiaceae) from Brazil. Brittonia 72: 164.
Notes on the distribution, ecology and conservation status of two very rare sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae) rediscovered in Sicily (Italy). Botany Letters 164: 339.
Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 9. Italian Botanist 9: 111.
Accelerating the discovery of rare tree species in Amazonian forests: integrating long monitoring tree plot data with metabolomics and phylogenetics for the description of a new species in the hyperdiverse genus Inga Mill. PeerJ 10: e13767.
Nassauvia falklandica (Compositae: Mutisieae: Nassauviinae), a new endemic species for the Falkland Islands. Kew Bulletin 68: 317.
Three new species ofBertolonia(Melastomataceae) from Espírito Santo, Brazil. PeerJ 4: e2822.
Anthurium bromelicola and A. sterilispadix (Araceae): two distinct bromeliad commensals with highly unusual inflorescence morphology endemic to Northeast Brazil. Plant Systematics and Evolution 307: .
Expanding the distribution of Tapanhuacanga campinorum (K.Krause) P.L.R.Moraes (Rubiaceae, Rubioideae) to central-western Brazil: the first record for the State of Mato Grosso, in the Parque Estadual do Cristalino. Hoehnea 51: .
Assessment of threat status of the holly fern Cyrtomium micropterum (Kunze) Ching (Polypodiopsida: Dryopteridaceae) in India using IUCN Regional guidelines. Journal of Threatened Taxa 13: 17554.
A new genus for the freshwater crab Potamonemus asylos Cumberlidge, 1993, (Brachyura: Potamoidea: Potamonautidae) from Cameroon, Central Africa, with a key to the genera of the Potamonautinae. Journal of Natural History 53: 659.
Two new species of Mikania Willd. (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae) from Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 36: .
Low extinction risk for an important plant resource: Conservation assessments of continental African palms (Arecaceae/Palmae). Biological Conservation 221: 323.
Catalogue and red list of Acalypha L. (Euphorbiaceae) from South America. European Journal of Taxonomy 886: 1.
A new endangered species of Mollinedia (Monimiaceae, Laurales) endemic to the Atlantic forest in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, supported by morphology and genome size estimation. Acta Botanica Brasilica 37: .
Dovyalis keniensis (Salicaceae), a new species from the coastal forests of Kenya . Kew Bulletin 72: .
Another step through the crux: a new microendemic rock-dwelling Paroedura (Squamata, Gekkonidae) from south-central Madagascar. ZooKeys 1181: 125.
Novelties in Brazilian Tradescantia L. (Commelinaceae). PhytoKeys 80: 1.
Comprehensive approaches for assessing extinction risk of endangered tropical pitcher plant Nepenthes talangensis. PLOS ONE 18: e0289722.
A new species of Myriopus (Heliotropiaceae) from Brazil. Brittonia 74: 180.
Monograph of Doselia (Solanaceae), a new hemiepiphytic genus endemic to the northern Andes. PhytoKeys 202: 73.
Predicting Distribution and Range Dynamics of Three Threatened Cypripedium Species under Climate Change Scenario in Western Himalaya. Forests 14: 633.
Dasyophthalma (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae): systematics, distribution, and conservation perspectives of a butterfly genus endemic from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 81: 455.
A monograph of the African and Madagascan species of Cyperus sect. Incurvi (Cyperaceae). Kew Bulletin 77: 819.
Cathedra (Olacaceae s. l.): A New Species and Morphological, Nomenclatural, and Distributional Updates. Systematic Botany 46: 700.
Ecological Features and Conservation of Urtica rupestris Guss. (Urticaceae): A Narrow Endemic Species of Sicily. Plants 12: 164.
The role of citizens in conservation science: a case study with threatened Brazilian butterflies. Journal of Insect Conservation 28: 1149.
An assessment of the conservation status of a presumed extinct tree species Wendlandia angustifolia Wight ex. Hook.f. in southern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 12: 15468.
Contribution to the knowledge on the flora of Numrug Strictly Protected Area and some parts of East Mongolia. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 12: 284.
The Genus Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae) in Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico: A New Species, Richness and Distribution. Systematic Botany 47: 319.
Marantapilosissima (Marantaceae), a new species from Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Nordic Journal of Botany 2022: .
Euphorbia vasudevaraoi (Euphorbiaceae): a new species from Ballari district, Karnataka, India. Kew Bulletin 78: 381.
Rediscovery and conservation of Actinodaphne quercina Blume (Lauraceae), an endemic and Critically Endangered tree last collected in 1841. Journal for Nature Conservation 72: 126349.
Ecological Aspects of Distribution and Population Status Assessment of Rhamnus erythroxyloides subsp. sintenisii (Rich.f) Mabb., a Relict Species in the Kyzylkum Desert of Uzbekistan. Plants 13: 3154.
Global analyses underrate part of the story: finding applicable results for the conservation planning of small Sardinian islets’ flora. Biodiversity and Conservation 25: 1091.
Systematics, distribution and conservation of Cascabela (Apocynaceae: Rauvolfioideae: Plumerieae) in Mexico. Plant Systematics and Evolution 303: 337.
A new species of perennial Bromus (Bromeae, Poaceae) from the Iberian Peninsula. PhytoKeys 121: 1.
Philodendron luisae (Araceae), a new species from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Botanical Studies 56: .
Brazilian efforts towards achieving a comprehensive extinction risk assessment for its known flora. Rodriguésia 69: 1529.
Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 13. Italian Botanist 13: 85.
Quantifying progress toward a conservation assessment for all plants. Conservation Biology 32: 516.
Parapolystichum villosissimum (Dryopteridaceae): A new and threatened species from Cuba. Brittonia 71: 235.
Nine new species and a new country record for Meriania (Melastomataceae) from Peru. Willdenowia 52: .
A threatened new species of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) from the Brazilian Cerrado revealed by morpho-anatomical analysis. PhytoKeys 151: 93.
Systematics and Taxonomy of the Hymenophyllum polyanthos Complex in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Domain. Systematic Botany 48: 55.
Current distribution and conservation status reassessment of the Cyprus Tulip (Tulipa cypria: Liliaceae), new data from northern Cyprus. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 151: 394.
Two new hybrids of the genus Diplazium (Athyriaceae) from Japan. PhytoKeys 172: 39.
How data curation and new geographical records can change the conservation status of threatened brazilian butterflies. Journal of Insect Conservation 27: 403.
Good news for a rare plant: Fine‐resolution distributional predictions and field testing for the critically endangered plant Dianthus pseudocrinitus. Conservation Science and Practice 4: .
Leaf venation reveals its potential for the taxonomy of Hyptidendron Harley (Lamiaceae - Hyptidinae) and supports the recognition of a new species, Hyptidendron cerradoense. Acta Botanica Brasilica 36: .
Taxonomic revision of Neotropical Murdannia Royle (Commelinaceae). PhytoKeys 74: 35.
Synopsis of Argythamnia, Chiropetalum and Philyra (Euphorbiaceae) in South America. Acta Botanica Brasilica 38: .
Cousinia azmarensis (Asteraceae, Cardueae), a New Species from Kurdistan, Iraq. Harvard Papers in Botany 22: 71.
Habitat preferences, spatial distribution and current population status of endangered giant flower Amorphophallus titanum. Biodiversity and Conservation 31: 831.
A new species and new records of Solanum (Solanaceae) from Colombia. PhytoKeys 195: 63.
Out of the mud: two new species of Hippeastrum (Amaryllidaceae) from the Doce and Jequitinhonha River basins, Brazil. Plant Systematics and Evolution 308: .
Two new species and a new combination in the genus Pauridiantha Hook.f. (Rubiaceae) from tropical Africa. Adansonia 41: 29.
Revision of Hymenophyllum subg. Sphaerocionium (Hymenophyllaceae) in the Atlantic Forest Domain (Brazil), Based on Molecular and Morphological Evidence. Systematic Botany 45: 707.
Taxonomic revisions in Fridericia (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae) I: the “Acrodromous venation” and “Piriadacus” clades. Willdenowia 51: .
Taxonomic revision of the threatened African genus Pseudohydrosme Engl. (Araceae), with P. ebo, a new, critically endangered species from Ebo, Cameroon. PeerJ 9: e10689.
Tadpole morphology of Jerdon’s Narrow-mouthed Frog Uperodon montanus (Jerdon, 1853) with a range and elevation extension report from Western Ghats, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 15: 22623.
A new species, new synonyms, typifications, and a name correction in Neomarica from Brazil (Trimezieae, Iridaceae). Brittonia 71: 144.
A synopsis of the African genus Whitfieldia (Acanthaceae: Whitfieldieae) and a key to the species. Kew Bulletin 76: 191.
Microendemism, high diversity and taxonomic novelties in Bromeliaceae: Studies from an Atlantic Forest hotspot in Bahia, Brazil. Journal for Nature Conservation 79: 126599.
Extinction risk and threats to plants and fungi. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET 2: 389.
Towards Conservation of the Remarkably High Number of Daisy Trees (Asteraceae) in Mexico. Plants 10: 534.
Diagnostics, taxonomy, nomenclature and distribution of perennial Sesuvium (Aizoaceae) in Africa. PhytoKeys 92: 45.
Two new species of Barleria (Acanthaceae) from the Soutpansberg of Limpopo Province, South Africa. Kew Bulletin 77: 475.
An endangered new species of Podorungia (Acanthaceae), with notes on the tribe Barlerieae in Madagascar. Kew Bulletin 71: .
Distribution update, male genitalia, natural history, and conservation of the stump-tailed porcupine Coendou rufescens in South America. Mammalia 86: 160.
Harnessing biodiversity and conservation knowledge products to track the Aichi Targets and Sustainable Development Goals. Biodiversity 16: 157.
Las Hydrangeas trepadoras (Hydrangeaceae) de México, incluyendo la descripción de seis nuevas especies en peligro (crítico). Acta Botanica Mexicana : .
Aymoreana(Nelsonioideae, Acanthaceae), a New Genus Endemic to Brazil. Systematic Botany 46: 211.
Four new species of Capsicum (Solanaceae) from the tropical Andes and an update on the phylogeny of the genus. PLOS ONE 14: e0209792.
Red-list of Italian bryophytes. 2. Mosses. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 158: 1031.
Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 16. Italian Botanist 16: 121.
Species conservation profile and amended distribution of Cousinia knorringiae (Asteraceae), a narrow endemic of the Western Tian-Shan. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: .
A revision of the African genus Mesanthemum (Eriocaulaceae). Kew Bulletin 74: .
A New Species of Clinopodium (Lamiaceae) from Alabama. Castanea 85: 296.
Rhabdotosperma saudiarabicum (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from Saudi Arabia. Kew Bulletin 77: 987.
Resolving the early‐diverging clades of Loasaceae subfam. Loasoideae – Segregating the new genus Prosa from the Atacama Desert genus Huidobria. TAXON : .
Integrating hotspot analysis and priority setting for enhanced endemic Bornean palms conservation. Journal for Nature Conservation 84: 126859.
Impact of past climatic changes and resource availability on the population demography of three food‐specialist bees. Molecular Ecology 24: 1074.
Bumble Bee Watch community science program increases scientific understanding of an important pollinator group across Canada and the USA. PLOS ONE 19: e0303335.
Predictive distribution modeling of Swertia bimaculata in Darjeeling-Sikkim Eastern Himalaya using MaxEnt: current and future scenarios. Ecological Processes 10: .
Curcuma diversicolor (Zingiberaceae), a New Species from Northern Thailand, and Notes on C. sirirugsae. Annales Botanici Fennici 61: .
Increasing knowledge on the diversity of canelas-de-ema in the campo rupestre: two new species of Vellozia (Velloziaceae) from the southern Espinhaço Range, Brazil. Plant Ecology and Evolution 155: 343.
Distribution, conservation status and proposed measures for preservation of Radiodiscus microgastropods in Chile. PeerJ 11: e14027.
Clarifying the identity of Merostachys speciosa (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae), type species of the genus, through redescription and second-step lectotypification. Kew Bulletin 76: 453.
Microcos magnifica (Sparrmanniaceae) a new species of cloudforest tree from Cameroon. PeerJ 5: e4137.
Three New Species of Lychnocephalus (Asteraceae: Vernonieae) from the Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Systematic Botany 46: 476.
Potential distribution and conservation of the hog-nosed skunk (genus Conepatus, Mammalia: Mephitidae). Journal for Nature Conservation 77: 126519.
Peltogyne barbata (Leguminosae, Detarioideae), a new species endemic to the Trombetas River area, Brazil. Kew Bulletin 75: .
Lepidagathis gandhii (Barlerieae: Acanthaceae), a new species from Tamil Nadu, India. Kew Bulletin 78: 203.
A taxonomic synopsis of unifoliolate continental African Vepris (Rutaceae). Kew Bulletin 78: 469.
Dichorisandra forzzae sp. nov. (Commelinaceae) from Espírito Santo State, Brazil, with notes on the Dichorisandra acaulis group. Nordic Journal of Botany 38: .
Isolated, neglected, and likely threatened: a new species of Magoniella (Polygonaceae) from the seasonally dry tropical forests of Northern Colombia and Venezuela revealed from nuclear, plastid, and morphological data. Frontiers in Plant Science 15: .
A new bluish-leaved Syagrus (Arecaceae) from an overlooked OCBIL in the Espinhaço Range (Brazil). Plant Ecology and Evolution 156: 129.
New Insights from Solanum fernandesii (Solanaceae). Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 16: 2013.
Tragopogon abbreviatus (Asteraceae): a little-known species inferred from morphological and molecular analysis. Turkish Journal of Botany 44: 269.
Phlomis iranica (Lamiaceae: Lamioideae), a new species fromthe Khorassan-Kopet Dagh floristic province, NE Iran. TURKISH JOURNAL OF BOTANY 41: 392.
Flora do Espírito Santo: Aristolochiaceae. Rodriguésia 68: 1505.
Typification of names in Pachira aquatica Aubl. (Malvaceae, Bombacoideae) with a new combination and new status from the Brazilian Amazon forest. Acta Botanica Brasilica 36: .
A conceptual framework to inform conservation status assessments of non-charismatic species. Journal of Environmental Management 372: 123423.
Sirdavidia, an extraordinary new genus of Annonaceae from Gabon. PhytoKeys 46: 1.
Phylogeny, extinction and conservation: embracing uncertainties in a time of urgency. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370: 20140002.
Taxonomía, distribución y conservación de Funastrum (Apocynaceae; Asclepiadoideae) en México. Botanical Sciences 100: 1073.
A New Cryptic Species of the Adenomera andreae Clade from Southwestern Amazonia (Anura, Leptodactylidae). Herpetologica 75: 233.
Raising awareness through the Global Tree Assessment: Extinction risk of six fully assessed tree groups. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET 5: 563.
Important Plant Areas: revised selection criteria for a global approach to plant conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 1767.
Two new narrow endemic species of Microlicia (Melastomataceae, Lavoisiereae) from Serra do Porco Gordo, Bahia, Brazil. Nordic Journal of Botany 2022: .
Catasetum krahlii (Orchidaceae, Catasetinae): a new and threatened species from the Brazilian Amazon. Acta Botanica Brasilica 37: .
Threatened medicinal and economic plants of the Sudan Savanna in Katsina State, northwestern Nigeria. Bothalia 49: .
Xenikophyton Garay (Orchidaceae — Aeridinae), a new synonym of Schoenorchis Reinw. ex Blume. Kew Bulletin 69: .
Invasion history ofHarmonia axyridis(Pallas, 1773) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Ecuador. PeerJ 8: e10461.
Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity: Threats and opportunities. Science 378: .
Meta‐analysis of Red List conservation assessments of Mexican endemic and near endemic tree species shows nearly two thirds of these are threatened. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET 5: 581.
Revision of the Afro-Madagascan genus Costularia (Schoeneae, Cyperaceae): infrageneric relationships and species delimitation. PeerJ 7: e6528.
Pleopeltis guttisquamata (Polypodiaceae): a new epiphytic fern from the inselbergs of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Brittonia 73: 152.
From Megamexico to the Amazon: Phylogeny, systematics and macroevolution of Clowesia (Orchidaceae: Catasetinae). TAXON 71: 758.
Microlicia donii (Melastomataceae: Microlicieae), an endangered new species from Serra do Cabral, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Kew Bulletin 74: .
Integrative taxonomy reveals a newGammarusspecies (Crustacea, Amphipoda) surviving in a previously unknown southeast European glacial refugium. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 57: 272.
Citizen science data as an efficient tool for mapping protected saproxylic beetles. Biological Conservation 208: 139.
Lilium huanglongense (Liliaceae): a newly-discovered species in north-western Sichuan, China. PhytoKeys 252: 9.
Areas of endemism and conservation status of Galianthe species (Spermacoceae, Rubiaceae) in the Neotropics. Systematics and Biodiversity 20: 1.
A red listing gap analysis of molluscs and crustaceans in Northern Europe: What has happened in the last 10 years?. Biological Conservation 286: 110247.
Accelerating and standardising IUCN Red List assessments with sRedList. Biological Conservation 298: 110761.
Characteristics of the Madagascan genus Canephora (Rubiaceae: Octotropideae), and the description of two new species. Kew Bulletin 71: .
Thesium nautimontanum, a new species of Thesiaceae (Santalales) from South Africa. PhytoKeys 109: 41.
Three new species of Piptolepis (Vernonieae, Asteraceae) from the Diamantina Plateau, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Systematic Botany 46: 493.
Chlorohiptage (Tetrapteroids, Malpighiaceae), a distinct new genus endemic to Vietnam based on morphological and molecular data. Plant Ecology and Evolution 157: 125.
Building Capacity for the Achievement of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in the Caribbean Region1. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 99: 147.
Two new Brazilian species of Verbenaceae from the Espinhaço Range: Stachytarpheta olearyana and S. vianae. Kew Bulletin 77: 729.
Taxonomic revision of Sobralia section Racemosae Brieger (Sobralieae, Orchidaceae). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: .
Eleocharis multinerviglumis, a remarkable new aquatic sedge species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest biome. Acta Botanica Brasilica 37: .
Ampelocera percyhernandezii (Ulmaceae), an Endangered New Tree Species from the Colombian Dry Forest Remnants. Harvard Papers in Botany 29: .
One more step into the resolution ofPanicum(Poaceae) polyphyly:Drakkaria, a new segregate genus from neotropical Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society : .
Waltheria marielleae (Byttnerioideae, Malvaceae), a new species from north-eastern Brazil supported by morphological and phylogenetic evidence. Plant Ecology and Evolution 155: 353.
A New Species of Anthurium (Araceae) From the Amazon Domain. Systematic Botany 47: 846.
Two new species of Athenaea Sendtn. (Solanaceae) from the Atlantic forests of south-eastern Brazil. PhytoKeys 178: 1.
Abundance and spatial distribution analyses of Stemonoporus moonii Thwaites (Dipterocarpaceae) - a critically endangered species endemic to Sri Lanka. Journal of Threatened Taxa 14: 20426.
A new species of Namib Day Gecko (Gekkonidae: Rhoptropus Peters, 1869) from the Serra da Neve inselberg, southwestern Angola. Zootaxa 5569: 439.
New species, additions and a key to the Brazilian species of the Geminata clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in Brazil. PhytoKeys 47: 1.
Bonamia eustachioi (Convolvulaceae), a new species from the Brazilian Cerrado and Caatinga. Brittonia 73: 203.
Gesneria tuberifera (Gesneriaceae), a new lithophytic species from the Sierra de Bahoruco, Barahona Peninsula of southern Hispaniola (Dominican Republic). PhytoKeys 235: 43.
Riqueza y distribución geográfica de la tribu Tigridieae (Iridaceae) en Norteamérica. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 86: 80.
A new species of Paranecepsia (Euphorbiaceae-Acalyphoideae) from Madagascar and its relationships among the ‘alchorneoids clade’. European Journal of Taxonomy 834: .
Vitex pomerana (Lamiaceae; Viticoideae), a new unifoliolate species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Kew Bulletin 77: 941.
Stachytarpheta eimeariae and S. praetermissa (Verbenaceae): two new species and an updated identification key to the Radlkoferiana group, endemic to the Chapada Diamantina (Bahia, Brazil). Kew Bulletin 79: 941.
The rediscovery of the rare Vietnamese endemic Eriophorum scabriculme redefines generic limits in the Scirpo-Caricoid Clade (Cyperaceae). PeerJ 7: e7538.
Conservation assessment and action on Lotus sanguineus (Fabaceae), a critically endangered endemic species to Turkey. Hacquetia 19: 307.
Distribución y estado de conservación de las especies del género Bartlettina (Eupatorieae, Asteraceae) endémicas de México. Botanical Sciences 103: .
Eugenia paranapanemensis (Myrtaceae), The Pitanga-amarela, and a Key to Eugenia sect. Eugenia Species from São Paulo State, Brazil. Systematic Botany 47: 498.
A new species and putative hybrids of Manihot (Euphorbiaceae) from Brazil. Plant Systematics and Evolution 305: 663.
A monograph of the Hydriastele wendlandiana group (Arecaceae: Hydriastele). Kew Bulletin 73: .
Taxonomy and morphology of Thalictrum (Ranunculaceae) in New Guinea. Kew Bulletin 76: 805.
Resurrection, lectotypification and synonymy of Sida hassleri (Malvoideae: Malvaceae): a new record of occurrence for Brazil. Kew Bulletin 77: 239.
Novelties in Oocephalus (Hyptidinae, Lamiaceae) from Central Brazil: Two new species from Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park. Systematic Botany 47: 525.
Phylogenetic, biogeographical, and morphological diversity of the Paronychia chartacea (Caryophyllaceae) clade from the Coastal Plain Floristic Province of North America. Brittonia 73: 383.
Cryptanthus euglossinii (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae), a new species from Chapada Diamantina, Bahia. Rodriguésia 73: .
Living in extreme environments: distribution of Lycium humile (Solanaceae), an endemic halophyte from the Altiplano-Puna region, South America. PhytoKeys 185: 1.
Ocotea mellosilvae (Lauraceae): a new species from the Espinhaço Range, Brazil. Kew Bulletin 75: .
A new species of Casearia Jacq. (Salicaceae) from Central Panama and insights into its phylogenetic position within the genus. PhytoKeys 236: 97.
Discovery of the Blue Ridge Springsnail, Fontigens orolibas, Hubricht, 1957 (Gastropoda: Emmericiidae) in East Tennessee and Its Conservation Implications. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation 24: .
A new species of Rhaptopetalum (Lecythidaceae) from south-western Gabon. PhytoKeys 128: 39.
Ecology, population biology and conservation status of Euphorbia schoenlandii Pax, an endemic to the Succulent Karoo, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 170: 48.
Conservation status and recovery of Podocarpus angustifolius: a threatened tree of Cuba. Oryx 56: 295.
New taxa of Barleria sect. Prionitis (Acanthaceae) from the Horn of Africa biodiversity hotspot in Somalia. Webbia 79: 19.
Population and conservation of Smilax nageliana A.DC., a climber species endemic to Java Island, Indonesia. Journal for Nature Conservation 84: 126803.
Cyphostemma auriculatum (Roxb.) P. Singh & B. V. Shetty (Vitaceae): typification and a new generic record confirmed for Thailand. Kew Bulletin 70: .
Integrating laboratory experiments and biogeographic modelling approaches to understand sensitivity to ocean warming in rare and common marine annelids. Oecologia 199: 453.
New species of Memecylon (Melastomataceae) from Madagascar: treasures of the TEF Herbarium. Candollea 75: .
Assessment of the rarity and conservation status of the Colombian endemic brown hairy dwarf porcupine Coendou vestitus. Oryx 55: 765.
Two new taxa of Clethra (Clethraceae: sect. Cuellaria, ser. Tomentosae) from Honduras. Botanical Sciences 101: 270.
A targeted study to determine the conservation status of a Data Deficient montane lizard, the Eungella shadeskink (Saproscincus eungellensis). Pacific Conservation Biology 30: .
The genus Lepechinia Willd. (Lamiaceae - Salviinae) in Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 33: 592.
Two new genera of Acanthaceae from tropical Africa. Kew Bulletin 74: .
Diversity of the Passiflora L. in the Serra do Mar ecoregion and the relationships with environmental gradients, South and Southeast, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 37: .
A New Species of Cedrela (Meliaceae) from a Colombian Dry Forest and an Updated Key for the Species of the Genus. Harvard Papers in Botany 28: .
A new endemic species and species richness distribution of the genus Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, Mexico. Botanical Sciences 102: 995.
Reassessment of Strobilanthes recurva (Acanthaceae), an endangered plant from Manipur, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 16: 25613.
Gesneria clasei (Gesneriaceae), a new lithophilous species from the Sierra de Bahoruco, Dominican Republic. Brittonia 76: 175.
Hiding in the Atlantic Forest: Leaf geometric morphometrics redefines endangered Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) sibling species and allows conservation strategies. Acta Botanica Brasilica 38: .
The status and distribution of a newly identified endemic galaxiid in the eastern Cape Fold Ecoregion, of South Africa. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28: 55.
Two New Species ofDoliocarpus(Dilleniaceae) from Eastern Brazil, with an Emended Key for Species of Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Systematic Botany 47: 952.
WITHDRAWN: Wandering throughout South America: Taxonomic revision of Tradescantia subg. Austrotradescantia (D.R.Hunt) M.Pell. (Commelinaceae). PhytoKeys 101: 1.
Salvia gomezpompae (Lamiaceae), a new species from Veracruz, Mexico. Botanical Sciences 99: 976.
Towards a practical threat assessment methodology for crop landraces. Frontiers in Plant Science 15: .
Taxonomic Circumscription of Columnea lophophora (Gesneriaceae) Supports the Recognition of Two New Species from the Andes of Ecuador and Peru. Systematic Botany 49: 236.
Amended description and conservation status of Stigmaphyllon carautae (Malpighiaceae). Rodriguésia 68: 1471.
Conservation assessments and Red Listing of the endemic Moroccan flora (monocotyledons). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 177: 504.
Nota sobre el redescubrimiento de Tigridia hintonii (Tigridieae: Iridaceae) en el estado de Guerrero, México. Acta Botanica Mexicana : 75.
Monograph of wild and cultivated chili peppers (Capsicum L., Solanaceae). PhytoKeys 200: 1.
Living on the edge: composition, biogeography, and conservation of ferns in rocky environments of Southern Amazonia. Brazilian Journal of Botany 46: 227.
Hyptis albolanata (Hyptidinae, Lamiaceae), a new species from the Cerrado of Brazil. Nordic Journal of Botany 2023: .
Four new species of Matelea (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) endemic to Mexico. Kew Bulletin 78: 519.
Reinstatement of the New Caledonian endemic fern Blechnum deplanchei as distinct from B. opacum (Blechnaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany 59: 476.
Phylogeny and biogeography of the Daniellia clade (Leguminosae: Detarioideae), a tropical tree lineage largely threatened in Africa and Madagascar. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 146: 106752.