Amphibians from Santa Teresa: A Dendropsophus minutus B Dendropsophus ruschii C Dendropsophus seniculus D Itapotihyla langsdorffii E Ololygon arduous F Ololygon argyreornata G Ololygon heyeri H Ololygon kautskyi I Pithecopus aff. rohdei J Phasmahyla exilis K Phyllomedusa burmeisteri L Phyllodytes kautskyi M Phyllodytes luteolus N Phyllodytes aff. luteolus O Scinax alter. Photographs by RB Ferreira (A, D, J), AT Mônico (B, C, E, F, G, I, K, N, O), T Silva-Soares (H), CZ Zocca (L, M).

  Part of: Ferreira RB, Mônico AT, da Silva ET, Lirio FCF, Zocca C, Mageski MM, Tonini JFR, Beard KH, Duca C, Silva-Soares T (2019) Amphibians of Santa Teresa, Brazil: the hotspot further evaluated. ZooKeys 857: 139-162.