SEM micrographs of the male palp of Porrhoclubiona bosmansi sp. n. (a–c), P. moradmandi sp. n. (d–f) and P. leucaspis (g–i). a, d, g retrolateral b, e retro-ventral h ventral c, i tibia and proximal part of bulb and cymbium; retrolateral f cymbium and part of tegulum, retrolateral. Abbreviations: At–anterior part of tegulum, Eb–base of embolus, Fl–filamentous extension, Pt–prolateral tibial apophysis, St–subtegulum, Tg–tegular groove, Ts–sclerotised part of tegulum, Tu–tutaculum.

  Part of: Marusik YM, Omelko MM (2018) A survey of the Porrhoclubiona Lohmander, 1944 from Central Asia (Araneae, Clubiondae). ZooKeys 802: 19-38.