The first instar larvae of Sinhomidia uniseta sp. nov. 33 Dorsal cephalic chaetotaxy 34 chaetotaxy of Th. II–Abd. III tergites 35 chaetotaxy of Abd. IV–VI tergites 36 chaetotaxy of Ant. I–III 37 distal part of Ant. IV 38 labium 39 ventral tube 40 manubrium 41 dens 42 tenaculum 33–37, 39–42 dorsal view 38 ventral view. Scale bars: 50 μm.

  Part of: Pan Z-X, Si C-C, Zhang S-S (2019) Close relationship between the genera Sinhomidia and Homidia (Collembola, Entomobryidae) revealed by adult and first instar characters, with description of a new Sinhomidia species. ZooKeys 872: 41-55.