Sinhomidia uniseta sp. nov. 10 Cephalic chaetotaxy on dorsal side 11 basis of Ant. I 12 basis of Ant. II 13 distal part of Ant. II 14 Ant. III organ 15 distal part of Ant. IV 16 labrum 17 clypeal chaetotaxy 18 labium 19 labial palp 20 maxillary outer lobe 10–16 dorsal view 17–19 ventral view 20 lateral view. Scale bars: 50 μm.

  Part of: Pan Z-X, Si C-C, Zhang S-S (2019) Close relationship between the genera Sinhomidia and Homidia (Collembola, Entomobryidae) revealed by adult and first instar characters, with description of a new Sinhomidia species. ZooKeys 872: 41-55.