Edward J. Bedrick (2020)
Data reduction prior to inference: Are there consequences of comparing groups using a t‐test based on principal component scores?.
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David H. Kavanaugh, David R. Maddison, W. Brian Simison, Sean D. Schoville, Joachim Schmidt, Arnaud Faille, Wendy Moore, James M. Pflug, Sophie L. Archambeault, Tinya Hoang, Jei-Ying Chen (2021)
Phylogeny of the supertribe Nebriitae (Coleoptera, Carabidae) based on analyses of DNA sequence data.
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Michael S. Caterino, Shelley S. Langton-Myers (2018)
Long-term population persistence of flightless weevils (Eurhoptus pyriformis) across old- and second-growth forests patches in southern Appalachia.
BMC Evolutionary Biology18: .
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