Haplotype network for the Cirripectes alboapicalis complex. COI sequences for Cirripectes alboapicalis from Austral Islands (Maria and Rurutu), Gambier Islands, Rangitāhua-Kermadec Islands (Raoul Island) and Rapa Nui. Sequence for C. obscurus from Austral Islands. Each circle corresponds to a unique sequence (i.e., haplotype); size of the circle indicates the frequency of the haplotype.

  Part of: Delrieu-Trottin E, Liggins L, Trnski T, Williams JT, Neglia V, Rapu-Edmunds C, Planes S, Saenz-Agudelo P (2018) Evidence of cryptic species in the blenniid Cirripectes alboapicalis species complex, with zoogeographic implications for the South Pacific. ZooKeys 810: 127-138. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.810.28887