Flexor incus, AIM MA655142, paratype, 20.0 mm SL. A Hyopalatine arch and opercular series, right side in lateral view (image reversed) B Scanning electron micrograph of premaxilla, right side in oblique lateral view (image reversed). Asterisk (*) highlights location of replacement tooth crypt C Close up of posteriormost incisiviform teeth of premaxilla shown in A D Scanning electron micrograph of conical teeth located close to middle of dentary, right side in medial view (image reversed). Abbreviations: Ana, anguloarticular; Apa, autopalatine; CoT, conical tooth; Dn, dentary; Ect, ectopterygoid; Hy, hyomandibular; InT, incisiviform tooth; Iop, interopercle; Mx, maxilla; Op, opercle; Pop, preopercle; Q, quadrate; Ra, retroarticular; RInT, replacement incisiviform tooth; Sop, subopercle; Sym, symplectic.

  Part of: Conway KW, Stewart AL, Summers AP (2018) A new genus and species of clingfish from the Rangitāhua Kermadec Islands of New Zealand (Teleostei, Gobiesocidae). ZooKeys 786: 75-104. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.786.28539