Typical Baetis habitats in Israel and the Palestinian Authority: A Senir Stream, a main source of the Jordan River B Hula nature reserve, a marshland habitat C Keziv Stream, a pristine stream in a forested area in the Upper Galilee D Ateret Fortress, a site in the Upper Jordan River system E Maymon Spring, a small spring-fed brook in the Upper Jordan River system, the Golan Heights F Zippori Stream, a lowland stream in the Lower Galilee G Perat Stream (Wadi Qelt) in the eastern Judean Mountains H Arugot Stream, a desert stream in the arid water system of the Dead Sea.

  Part of: Yanai Z, Gattolliat J-L, Dorchin N (2018) Taxonomy of Baetis Leach in Israel (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae). ZooKeys 794: 45-84. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.794.28214