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Nematocerous Diptera
Infraorder Tipulomorpha (F Brodo)
Nymphomyiidae and Deuterophlebiidae (BJ Sinclair)
Infraorder Psychodomorpha (G Curler and BJ Sinclair)
Infraorder Ptychopteromorpha (BJ Sinclair)
Infraorder Culicomorpha (A Borkent and DC Currie)
Axymyiidae (BJ Sinclair)
Infraorder Bibionomorpha s. lat. (BJ Sinclair)
Infraorder Bibionomorpha s. str. (BJ Sinclair)
Suborder Brachycera: Lower Brachycera
Infraorder Xylophagomorpha (BJ Sinclair)
Infraorder Tabanomorpha (BJ Sinclair)
Infraorder Stratiomyomorpha (M Hauser)
Acroceridae and Nemestrinidae (BJ Sinclair)
Infraorder Asilomorpha (BJ Sinclair)
Suborder Brachycera: Eremoneura
Superfamily Empidoidea (JM Cumming and BJ Sinclair)
Suborder Brachycera: Eremoneura: Cyclorrhapha
Lower Cyclorrhapha (“Aschiza”)
Lonchopteridae (J Skevington and JM Cumming)
Superfamily Platypezoidea (J Skevington and JM Cumming)
Superfamily Phoroidea (J Skevington and JM Cumming)
Superfamily Syrphoidea (J Skevington)
Schizophora: Acalyptratae
Superfamily Diopsoidea (O Lonsdale)
Superfamily Nerioidea (O Lonsdale)
Superfamily Sciomyzoidea (JF Gibson)
Superfamily Lauxanioidea (JF Gibson)
Superfamily Tephritidoidea (O Lonsdale)
Superfamily Opomyzoidea (O Lonsdale)
Superfamily Carnoidea (JF Gibson)
Superfamily Ephydroidea (JF Gibson)
Superfamily Sphaeroceroidea (SA Marshall and O Lonsdale)
Schizophora: Calyptratae
Superfamily Hippoboscoidea (J Savage)
“Muscoid Grade” (J Savage)
Superfamily Oestroidea (JE O’Hara)
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