Distribution of Cinachyrella australiensis. Red dot: type locality, Tethya cranium var. australiensis Carter, 1886, Port Phillip Heads, Southeast Australia. Green dots: Indonesian localities where the species was collected recently. Yellow triangles: Non-Indonesian localities, Seychelles Islands, Southwest Madagascar, Zanzibar, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Northern Territory of Australia, and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Circled numbers: type localities of synonymized species 1 Spiretta raphidiophora Lendenfeld, 1888, Port Jackson, Sidney, Australia 2 Tetilla hirsuta Dendy, 1889, Gulf of Manaar, Sri Lanka 3 Tetilla lindgreni Lendenfeld, 1903, Christmas Island 4 Tetilla poculifera Dendy, 1905, Gulf of Manaar, Sri Lanka 5 Tethya hebes, 1907, at 19° South on the NW coast of Australia 6 Cinachyra isis Lendenfeld, 1907, Mermaid Strait, NW Australia 7 Tetilla cinachyroides Hentschel, 1911, Barrow Island, NW Australia 8 Cinachyra nuda Hentschel, 1912, Aru Island, Indonesia 9 Cinachyra vaccinata Dendy, 1922, Diego Garcia, Chagos Islands 10 Cinachyra providentiae Dendy, 1922, Providence Island, Seychelles 11 Cinachyrella anatriaenilla Fernandez, Kelly, Bell, 2017, American Samoa.