Cinachyrella paterifera. A, C, E-H, MRMNH.POR.11207, Berau Reef, Indonesia (left side). B, D, I-L, N holotype USNM 21314, Timundao Reef, Sulu Archipelago, Philippines (right side) A specimen recently collected showing typical pink color, porocalices and stalk B Holotype, showing porocalices and stalk C skeleton showing radial bundles D spicules showing oxeas (ox) and strongyle (st), (scale bar 500 μm); E oxea, end detail F strongyle, end detail G protriaene H anatriaenes with short or abnormal cladus I oxea, end detail J strongyle, end detail K protriaenes L anatriaene with short or abnormal cladus M, N sigmaspires. Scale bars: 1 cm (A, B); 500 μm (C, D); 40 μm (E–L); 5 μm (M, N)