Paratetilla bacca. A,B, G-MRMNH.POR.11292, Kakaban Lake, Indonesia (left side). C–F neotype material of Paratetilla bacca, ZMA.POR.13029, Tutuila Island, American Samoa (right side). Ain situ photograph B preserved specimen showing the porocalices (scale bar 1 cm) C skeleton showing oxeas, calthrops and triaenes D skeleton, showing anatriaenes, protriaenes and oxeas E skeleton showing detail of the ‘calthrop’ zone F sigmaspires G oxea, detail H, I anatriaene, cladus and rhabd end, J thin microxea, K thin microxea, detail L calthrops M sigmaspires. Scale bars: 200 μm (A–C); 40 μm (D, G–I); 200 μm (E); 20 μm (F); 50 μm (J); 10 μm (K, M); 100 μm (L).