Ventral view of male genitalia of type species of genera belonging to Lacosominae: Trogopterini and Lacosomini. Phallus/juxtal complex is figured below the genitalia in the lateral view. 18 Reinmara enthona, St Laurent diss.: 5-18-16:1 (CNC) 19Trogoptera cf notata, St Laurent diss.: 17-3-18:5 (MGCL) 20 Lacosoma chiridota, St Laurent diss.: 10-5-17:5 [reused with permission from St Laurent et al. (2018a), Systematic Entomology] (CRAS) 21 Vanenga mera, St Laurent diss.: 7-7-16:2 [reused with permission from St Laurent and Herbin (2017), ZooKeys] (NHMUK). Scale bar: 1 mm.