Strict consensus cladogram for 13 genera of Ptiloneuridae under implied weights for K = 2 (L = 76; IC = 48; IR = 61). Full circles (black, red, or green) indicate unique character changes, black circles (unambiguous), color circles (ambiguous); empty circles indicate parallelisms or reversals. ACCTRAN (green circles) and DELTRAN (red circles) optimization. Character number above and character states below each circle. Bootstrap (bold numbers on the branches) and Symmetric resampling (bold numbers under the branches) values>50.

  Part of: González-Obando R, Aldrete ANG, Carrejo-Gironza N, Mendivil J (2018) A new genus of Ptiloneuridae, its position within the family, and descriptions of five species (Psocodea, ‘Psocoptera’). ZooKeys 780: 11-34.