Distribution of Pterotricha spp. and Iranotricha lutensis Zamani & Marusik, sp. n. in Iran (white symbols refer to literature records, and black symbols refer to our new data): 1 P. cf. dalmasi 2 P. kovblyuki Zamani & Marusik, sp. n. 3 P. lentiginosa (?) 4 P. strandi 5 P. montana Zamani & Marusik, sp. n. 6 P. pseudoparasyriaca 7 I. lutensis Zamani & Marusik, sp. n.
Part of: Zamani A, Seiedy M, Saboori A, Marusik YM (2018) The spider genus Pterotricha in Iran, with the description of a new genus (Araneae, Gnaphosidae). ZooKeys 777: 17-41. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.777.26745