Choricotyle spp. from Haemulon plumieri from Campeche Bank, Mexico: Choricotyle sp. 1. (A), clamp (B), genital atrium (F), hook. Choricotyle sp. 2. (C), clamp (D), genital atrium (G), hook. Choricotyle sp. 3. (E), clamp. Scale bars: 100 µm and 20 µm for all figures, except E 50 µm and F, G 10 µm. Abbreviations: Ca = concentric arcs; Sc = sucker; Fi = filament; Mp = posterior portion of the medial sclerite; sh = shank.

  Part of: Mendoza-Franco EF, Rosado TMC, Duarte AAD, Rodríguez RER (2018) Morphological and molecular (28S rRNA) data of monogeneans (Platyhelminthes) infecting the gill lamellae of marine fishes in the Campeche Bank, southwest Gulf of Mexico. ZooKeys 783: 125-161.