Shell and operculum morphology of Limatium aureum sp. n. (A–H, K, L, N) and Limatium sp. (I, J, M). Limatium aureum sp. n.: A Holotype, MNHN IM-2013-42460. Austral Islands, Maria B Austral Islands, Pointe Kauira, RAPA 2002 stn. 36 (MNHN IM-2014-6920) C New Caledonia, CORAIL 2 stn. DW26 (MNHN IM-2014-6921) D Tonga, between Eua and Tongatapu, BORDAU 2, stn. DW1512 (MNHN IM-2014-6922) E Austral Islands, NW of Tauna Islet, RAPA 2002 stn. 44 (MNHN IM-2014-6923) F New Caledonia, Grand Récif Aboré off Nouméa, MONTROUZIER stn. 1352 (MNHN IM-2014-6924). G Loyalty Islands, LIFOU 2000 stn. 1423 (MNHN IM-2014-6925) H Loyalty Islands, LIFOU 2000 stn. 1418 (MNHN IM-2014-6926) K Protoconch, New Caledonia, Grand Récif Aboré off Nouméa, MONTROUZIER stn. 1352 (MNHN IM-2014-6927) L Protoconch, Austral Islands, SE of Tauna Islet, RAPA 2002 stn. 8 (MNHN IM-2014-6928) N Operculum, Austral Islands, Pointe Kauira, RAPA 2002 stn. 36 (MNHN IM-2014-6829) (same as in 3B). Limatium sp.: I Philippines, W of Mindoro, MUSORSTOM 3 stn. DR117 (MNHN IM-2014-6830) J Vanuatu, Santo, W of Tutuba, SANTO 2006 stn. DS103 (MNHN IM-2014-6831) M Protoconch, Vanuatu, Santo, West of Tutuba I., SANTO 2006 stn. DS103 (MNHN IM-2014-6832) (same as in 3J). Scale bars: 5 mm (A–J); 100 µm (K–M); 500 µm (N).

  Part of: Strong EE, Bouchet P (2018) A rare and unusual new bittiine genus with two new species from the South Pacific (Cerithiidae, Gastropoda). ZooKeys 758: 1-18.