Shell and external morphology of Limatium pagodula sp. n. A Holotype, UF 427943. French Polynesia, Society Islands, Moorea B Paratype, USNM 1462731. Tuamotu Islands, Makemo, Pohue (ex. coll. Letourneux) C Paratype, MNHN IM-2014-6933. Vanuatu, Santo, W. of Tutuba I., SANTO 2006 stn. DS104 D Subadult. Tuamotu Islands, Makemo, Arikitamiro (coll. Letourneux) E Protoconch, USNM 1462729. Tahiti, grotte du chenal d’Arue (ex. coll. Letourneux) F Protoconch. Tuamotu Islands, Makemo, Arikitamiro (coll. Letourneux) (same as in 2D) G Protoconch, Tuamotu Islands, Makemo, Arikitamiro (coll. Letourneux) H Living animal, holotype UF 427943. French Polynesia, Society Islands, Moorea. Scale bars: 5 mm (A–C); 1 mm (D, H); 100 µm (E–G).