"DELTA-Datafile (c) G.F. Weiller 1996; CSIRO Entomology 1997 ~dFdVG_UVG_UDELTA MASTER(Unlabelled)hL?(0ZG> V\4A~ VL?ͫL?ًA~ZA~*A~ 8'L'pU ^U^UpB^jiL'M F8>,:B.@H563(*<0JSFDR' OT9&!"#N$%PQM diVG_UVG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\cimagesolder\cimagesJv'~ Character images.v?7Data should be entered via the 'Character edit' dialog.diWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\cnotesFolder\cnotes{Jq&~ Character notes.q?7Data should be entered via the 'Character edit' dialog.d66iWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\headc Folder\headcJC?7~ Character headings (for printing the character list).: CHARACTER HEADINGS #1. \b{}Synonyms\b0{} #2. \b{}Habit, vegetative morphology\b0{} #12. \b{}Inflorescence\b0{} #25. \b{}Female-sterile spikelets\b0{} #26. \b{}Female-fertile spikelets, florets, fruit\b0{} #68. \b{}Photosynthetic pathway, leaf blade anatomy\b0{} #77. \b{}Special diagnostic feature\b0{} #78. \b{}Taxonomy, distribution\b0{} #87. \b{}Anatomical references\b0{} #88. \b{}Miscellaneous\b0{}diWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\layoutFolder\layoutڎJ 7N?5GxOYW{*4L&P3+~ Layout for natural-language descriptions.N5xY Specify slot in which image links will appear in HTML descriptions. There must be a corresponding character in the character list, and no data should be recorded against this character in the item descriptions (the data come from the TAXON IMAGES directive in the file 'timages').': CHARACTER FOR TAXON IMAGES 88 *848H6F( Group characters into sentences.$L,:BH5tlHeadings within in taxon descriptions. The numbers specify the character before which the heading is placed.P8\b{}Habitus\b0{}.H\b{}Mouthparts\b0{}.6\b{}Appendages\b0{}.F\b{}Sexual dimorphism\b0{}.imorphism\b0{}..}Sexual dimorphism\b0{}.hology\b0{}. #12. \b{}Inflorescence\b0{}. #25. \b{}Female-sterile spikelets\b0{}. #26. \b{}Female-fertile spikelets, florets, fruit\b0{}. #68. \b{}Photosynthetic pathway, leaf blade anatomy\b0{}. #77. \b{}Special diagnostic feature.\b0{} #78. \b{}Taxonomy, distribution\b0{}. #87. \b{}Anatomical references\b0{}. #88. \b{}Illustrations\b0{}.llustrations\b0{}.diWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\markhtmolder\markhtmARJ%dlR!~ Markup for HTML output.;3Change My_Title, My_Authors, and My_URL throughout.?R4!!–! range symbolMPRINT CHARACTER LIST: before each character (or character heading if present)PRINT CHARACTER LIST: before the first character (or character heading if present) (and before 2) (it was used for TYPSET tabs and indentations)

0PRINT CHARACTER LIST: before a character heading !!/PRINT CHARACTER LIST: after a character heading !

!+PRINT CHARACTER LIST: before each character!
!0PRINT CHARACTER LIST: before a state description !

!,PRINT CHARACTER LIST: before character notes !

!;PRINT ITEM DESCRIPTIONS: before item, with natural language !

!>PRINT ITEM DESCRIPTIONS: before item, without natural language !
!(PRINT ITEM DESCRIPTIONS: after item name not used ?NATURAL LANGUAGE: before each item (or item heading if present)N! My_Title - @NAME



!8NATURAL LANGUAGE: before item name if at start of a file !!!NATURAL LANGUAGE: after item name!

!ANATURAL LANGUAGE: before a character which begins a new paragraph!!.NATURAL LANGUAGE: before an emphasized feature!!-NATURAL LANGUAGE: after an emphasized feature!!0NATURAL LANGUAGE: before an emphasized character !!/NATURAL LANGUAGE: after an emphasized character!!8NATURAL LANGUAGE: before an emphasized state description !!7NATURAL LANGUAGE: after an emphasized state description!

!"PRINT ITEM NAMES: before item name!

!;PRINT UNCODED CHARACTERS: before list of uncoded characters>NATURAL LANGUAGE: before a non-comment section of an item name;NATURAL LANGUAGE: after non-comment section of an item name

3NATURAL LANGUAGE: after each item; precedes mark 29!!+NATURAL LANGUAGE: at the start of each file!

Cite this publication as: My_Authors (2000 onwards). My_Title: Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, and Information Retrieval. Version: 21st September 2000. http://My_URL. Dallwitz (1980) and Dallwitz, Paine and Zurcher (1993, 1995, 2000) should also be cited (see References).

Index !NATURAL LANGUAGE: after the last item in a file; follows mark 27 PRINT CHARACTER LIST: after the character list; follows mark 40 KEY: at the end of the key file; follows mark 50%NATURAL LANGUAGE: before item heading$NATURAL LANGUAGE: after item heading (NATURAL LANGUAGE: before item subheading!'NATURAL LANGUAGE: after item subheading"• !GNATURAL LANGUAGE: between output file name and taxon name in index file$!!0NATURAL LANGUAGE: after taxon name in index file%• !5NATURAL LANGUAGE: between image file name and subject'!!?NATURAL LANGUAGE: after subject in 'character for taxon images'(

@PRINT CHARACTER LIST: after the character list; precedes mark 29)6!

Characters: @nchar in data, @ncincl included, @ncinkey in key.
Items: @ntaxa in data, @ntincl included, @ntinkey in key.
Parameters: Rbase = @rbase Abase = @abase Reuse = @reuse Varywt = @varywt
Characters included: @cmask
Character reliabilities: @rel !KEY: parameters*!

  • @state !$KEY: first lead of first node of key+!

    • @state !8KEY: first lead of any node of key except the first node, !
    • @state! KEY: subsequent lead of any node-!... @to!6KEY: first destination of a lead which is a taxon name.!, @to!BKEY: subsequent destination of a lead (which must be a taxon name)/
    • KEY: after taxon name(s)0$... @to5KEY: destination of a lead which is a node of the key1!
    !KEY: after each node2q!

    !$KEY: at end of key; precedes mark 293<NATURAL LANGUAGE: before item name if not at start of a filediWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\markrtfolder\markrtfհJ$1R ~ Markup for RTF output. R4! !\endash{}! range symbolMPRINT CHARACTER LIST: before each character (or character heading if present)PRINT CHARACTER LIST: before the first character (or character heading if present) (and before 2) (it was used for TYPSET tabs and indentations)>!\par\pard\plain\s10\ql\sb300\sa100\li0\fi0\keep\keepn\fs24{}!0PRINT CHARACTER LIST: before a character heading/PRINT CHARACTER LIST: after a character heading4!\par\pard\plain\s11\ql\sb0\sa0\li705\fi-705\fs20{}!+PRINT CHARACTER LIST: before each character4!\par\pard\plain\s12\ql\sb0\sa0\li705\fi-200\fs20{}!0PRINT CHARACTER LIST: before a state description3!\par\pard\plain\s13\ql\sb0\sa0\li505\fi400\fs20{}!,PRINT CHARACTER LIST: before character notes +!\par\pard\plain\ql\sb300\sa0\keepn\fs20{}!;PRINT ITEM DESCRIPTIONS: before item, with natural language +!\par\pard\plain\ql\sb300\sa0\keepn\fs20{}!>PRINT ITEM DESCRIPTIONS: before item, without natural language #!\par\pard\plain\ql\sb0\sa0\fs20{}!(PRINT ITEM DESCRIPTIONS: after item name not used ?NATURAL LANGUAGE: before each item (or item heading if present):!\pard\plain\s21\ql\sb0\sa100\li0\fi0\keep\keepn\b\fs24{}!8NATURAL LANGUAGE: before item name if at start of a file !\fs20\b0{}!!NATURAL LANGUAGE: after item name1!\par\pard\plain\qj\s22\sb0\sa0\li0\fi340\fs20{}!ANATURAL LANGUAGE: before a character which begins a new paragraph!\i{}!.NATURAL LANGUAGE: before an emphasized feature!\i0{}!-NATURAL LANGUAGE: after an emphasized feature!\b\i{}!0NATURAL LANGUAGE: before an emphasized character !\i0\b0{}!/NATURAL LANGUAGE: after an emphasized character!\b\i{}!8NATURAL LANGUAGE: before an emphasized state description !\i0\b0{}!7NATURAL LANGUAGE: after an emphasized state description#!\par\pard\plain\ql\sb0\sa0\fs20{}!"PRINT ITEM NAMES: before item name!\par\pard\ql\sb200\sa0{}!;PRINT UNCODED CHARACTERS: before list of uncoded characters>NATURAL LANGUAGE: before a non-comment section of an item name;NATURAL LANGUAGE: after non-comment section of an item name3NATURAL LANGUAGE: after each item; precedes mark 29!{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff0{} \deflang3081\paperw11906\paperh16838\margl1418\margr1418\margt1418\margb1418{} {\fonttbl {\f0\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{}Times New Roman;} {\f1\froman\fcharset2\fprq2{}Symbol;} {\f2\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{}Arial;} } {\stylesheet {\qj\fi340\fs20\snext0{}Normal;} {\s1\qc\sb500\sa100\keepn\b\f2\fs32\kerning28\sbasedon0\snext0{}Heading 1;} {\s2\qc\sb500\sa100\keepn\b\f2\fs28\kerning28\sbasedon0\snext0{}Heading 2;} {\s3\ql\sb500\sa100\keepn\b\f2\fs24\sbasedon0\snext0{}Heading 3;} {\s6\ql\sb0\sa0\li340\fi-340\fs20\sbasedon0{}References;} {\s10\ql\sb300\sa100\li0\fi0\keep\keepn\fs24\sbasedon0{}Character Heading;} {\s11\ql\sb0\sa0\li705\fi-705\fs20\sbasedon0{}Feature;} {\s12\ql\sb0\sa0\li705\fi-200\fs20\sbasedon0{}State;} {\s13\ql\sb0\sa0\li505\fi400\fs20\sbasedon0{}Character Note;} {\s20\qc\sb300\sa0\li0\fi0\keep\keepn\fs24\sbasedon0{}Taxon Heading;} {\s21\ql\sb300\sa100\li0\fi0\keep\keepn\b\fs24\sbasedon0{}Taxon Name;} {\s22\qj\sb0\sa0\li0\fi340\fs20\sbasedon0{}Description;} {\s30\ql\sb0\sa0\fi-907\li907\tx680\tqr\tldot\tx9072\fs20\sbasedon0{}Key;} {\s31\ql\sb100\sa0\fi-907\li907\tx680\tqr\tldot\tx9072\fs20\sbasedon30{}Key First Lead;} } \widowctrl{}!NATURAL LANGUAGE: at the start of each file. Current settings are Australian English, A4 paper, margins 2.5cm. For US English, Letter paper, margins 1", substitute the following. \deflang1033\paperw12242\paperh15842\margl1440\margr1440\margt1440\margb1440{} !}!NATURAL LANGUAGE: after the last item in a file; follows mark 27 PRINT CHARACTER LIST: after the character list; follows mark 40 KEY: at the end of the key file; follows mark 50<!\par\pard\plain\s20\qc\sb0\sa0\li0\fi0\keep\keepn\fs24\b{}!%NATURAL LANGUAGE: before item heading !\b0\fs20{}!$NATURAL LANGUAGE: after item heading (NATURAL LANGUAGE: before item subheading!'NATURAL LANGUAGE: after item subheading"7NATURAL LANGUAGE: before output file name in index file#GNATURAL LANGUAGE: between output file name and taxon name in index file$0NATURAL LANGUAGE: after taxon name in index file%{\par\pard\plain\s21\qc\sb300\sa0\li0\fi0\fs20\keepn{\field{\*\fldinst { INCLUDEPICTURE "D:\\\\DELTA\\\\sample\\\\images\\\\xNATURAL LANGUAGE: before image file name in 'character for taxon images'; note that absolute path for images must be set&J" \\* MERGEFORMAT \\d }}}\par\pard\plain\s21\qj\sb200\sa0\li0\fi0\fs20\b{}5NATURAL LANGUAGE: between image file name and subject'!\b0{}!?NATURAL LANGUAGE: after subject in 'character for taxon images'(@PRINT CHARACTER LIST: after the character list; precedes mark 29)w\par\pard\plain\s6\sb100\li340\fi-340\fs20{}\i{}Characters:\i0{} @nchar in data, @ncincl included, @ncinkey in key. \par\sb0{}\i{}Items:\i0{} @ntaxa in data, @ntincl included, @ntinkey in key. \par{}\i{}Parameters:\i0{} Rbase = @rbase Abase = @abase Reuse = @reuse Varywt = @varywt \par{}\i{}Characters included:\i0{} @cmask \par\sa100{}\i{}Character reliabilities:\i0{} @relKEY: parameters*X!\par\pard\plain\s30\fi-907\li907\sb240\tx680\tqr\tldot\tx9070\fs20{}@node.\tab{}@state!$KEY: first lead of first node of key+_!\par\pard\plain\s30\fi-907\li907\sb240\tx680\tqr\tldot\tx9070\fs20{}@node(@from).\tab{}@state!8KEY: first lead of any node of key except the first node,P!\par\pard\plain\s31\fi-907\li907\sb0\tx680\tqr\tldot\tx9070\fs20{}\tab{}@state! KEY: subsequent lead of any node-\tab{} \b{}@to\b0{}6KEY: first destination of a lead which is a taxon name.8\par\pard\plain\s31\tqr\tx9070\fs20{}\tab{} \b{}@to\b0{}BKEY: subsequent destination of a lead (which must be a taxon name)/KEY: after taxon name(s)0 \tab{} @to5KEY: destination of a lead which is a node of the key1KEY: after each node2$KEY: at end of key; precedes mark 293@!\par\pard\plain\s21\ql\sb300\sa100\li0\fi0\keep\keepn\b\fs24{}!<NATURAL LANGUAGE: before item name if not at start of a filediWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\ofilesFolder\ofileszJAE=5~ Specify character containing names of output files.Specifies a text character containing an abbreviation of the taxon name. The abbreviation must not contain spaces. The value recorded for the character is used in 'tonatsr' and 'tonath' to generate a file name to contain the natural-language of the taxon. The information is also used in 'toint' to provide links in Intkey to descriptions generated by 'tonatsr'. The character should be specified 'mandatory' in the 'Character edit' dialog.Example. Character for output files: 89. Taxon name: Festuca baffinensis. Character recorded in item description as: 89. Output file name: pofeba.rtf (RTF output) or pofeba.htm (HTML output).': CHARACTER FOR OUTPUT FILES 891)Text used in Intkey 'Information' dialog.Full descriptiondiWG_UWG_U DirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\ofontsFolder\ofontsJ+'~ Set fonts for image overlays.dkWG_UWG_U Img Inf Desc:4DEFAULT FONT: used as the default for all text boxes"MS Sans Serif.BUTTON FONT: used for the text on push buttons"MS Sans Serif5FEATURE FONT: used for feature description text boxes"MS Sans SerifdiWG_UWG_U DirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\printcholder\printchJ ,by E U ( Print the character list - HTML.2*Change My_Title and My_Authors throughout. printch.lst www\chars.htm specsE markhtm headc cnotesph My_Title - Character List



    Character List

    charsdiWG_UWG_U DirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\printcrolder\printcr7J +BQf wE x  'Print the character list - RTF. printcr.lst rtf chars.rtf specsE markrtfx headc cnotesME \pard\plain\s1\qc\sb0\sa100\keepn\b\f2\fs32\kerning28 Character List charsdiWG_UWG_U DirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\timagesolder\timages}J3#~ Taxon images.3:2Data should be entered via the 'Item edit' dialog.d^^iWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\todis Folder\todisJ 'Uj {;H #Translate into DIST format.*": HEADING Grass Genera #TIME #DATE todis.lst specs;H": EXCLUDE CHARACTERS 78-86ditems itemsd  iWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\toint Folder\tointlJ)>|& 7=?xGg%[ m     %Translate into INTKEY format. toint.lst:2Heading which will appear in the Intkey title bar.#: HEADING DELTA Sample Data<4Subheading which will appear in the Intkey log file.?7: REGISTRATION SUBHEADING Version: 21st September 2000. specs=xzSpecify a text character or characters containing synonyms, common names, etc. These characters can be searched in Intkey.": CHARACTER FOR SYNONOMY 1Specify character(s) for which the word 'or' will be omitted between states in descriptions. Typically used for geographical-distribution characters.": OMIT OR FOR CHARACTER 86": EXCLUDE CHARACTERS 88-89Influences the order in which characters appear in 'best' order in Intkey. A reliability of 0 causes the character to be omitted from the 'best' list, and from diagnostic descriptions.: CHARACTER RELIABILITIES 1,0 2-5,7 6,5 7-10,7 11-13,8 14-24,7 25,0 26,7 27,8 28-38,7 39,5 40-43,7 44,8 45-47,7 48,8 49-63,7 64,6 65,7 66,8 67,7 68,3 69,0 70,5 71-76,0 77,7.1 78-87,0B:: NEW PARAGRAPHS AT CHARACTERS 1-2 12 25-26 68 77-78 87-89tlHeadings within in taxon descriptions. The numbers specify the character before which the heading is placed.2*: ITEM SUBHEADINGS #1. \pard\li0\fi340 #2. \pard\li0\fi340\b{}Habit, vegetative morphology\b0{}. #12. \pard\li0\fi340\b{}Inflorescence\b0{}. #25. \pard\li0\fi340\b{}Female-sterile spikelets\b0{}. #26. \pard\li0\fi340\b{}Female-fertile spikelets, florets, fruit\b0{}. #68. \pard\li0\fi340\b{}Photosynthetic pathway, leaf blade anatomy\b0{}. #77. \pard\li0\fi340\b{}Special diagnostic feature.\b0{} #78. \pard\li0\fi340\b{}Taxonomy, distribution\b0{}. #87. \pard\li0\fi340\b{}Anatomical references\b0{}. #88. \pard\li0\fi340\b{}Miscellaneous\b0{}. cnotes ofonts cimages timagesIf you want Intkey to link to descriptions generated by 'tonatsr', activate the following directive. Before running this file (toint), you must modify 'ofiles', and make additions to your data as described in 'ofiles'.: INPUT FILE ofilesichars charsiitems itemsdiWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\tokey Folder\tokeyJ&ez >* m$ + "Translate into KEY format.;3: HEADING Grass Genera. Data converted #TIME #DATE. tokey.lst specs> *>IANumeric characters for which 'extreme' values are not to be used.,$: USE NORMAL VALUES 3 26 38 44 54 60IAHigher values make a character more likely to be used in the key.: CHARACTER RELIABILITIES 2-5,7 6,5 7-10,7 11-13,8 14-26,7 27,8 28-38,7 39,5 40-43,7 44,8 45-47,7 48,8 49-63,7 64,6 65,7 66,8 67,7 68,2 69,1 70,2 71-76,1 77,8 78-85,1 86,6nfSpecify how numeric characters are to be converted into multistate characters by dividing into ranges.\T: KEY STATES 3,~2/2-5/5-25/25-75/75-150/150-300/300-1000/1000~ 7,1-3/4-6/7 8,~1/1-3/3-5/5-12/12-25/25-50/50-100/100~ 11,1/2-3/4 26,~0.9/0.9-2/2-5/5-15/15-30/30~ 38,0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8-9/10-12/13-19/20~ 41,0/1/2~ 44,1/2/3~ 48,1/2/3/4/5/6-8/9/10/11/12/13-23/24~ 54,0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8-9/10-12/13-19/20~ 60,0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7-15/15~ 62,1/2/3/4-5/6/7~kchars charskitems itemsitems itemsdM M iWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\tonathFolder\tonath My_Title - Index




    Introduction • Citation • Acknowledgements • References

    Identification and Information Retrieval (Windows 95/NT or later)

    Character List

    Implicit Attributes


    chars My_Title - Implicit Attributes



    Implicit Attributes

    Unless indicated otherwise, the following attributes are implicit throughout the descriptions, except where the characters concerned are inapplicable. items

    Cite this publication as: My_Authors (2000 onwards). My_Title: Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, and Information Retrieval. Version: 21st September 2000. http://My_URL. Dallwitz (1980) and Dallwitz, Paine and Zurcher (1993, 1995, 2000) should also be cited (see References).

    DELTA Home Page diWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\tonatrFolder\tonatr?JLbq ? Sr H@Translate into natural language - RTF, single file for all taxa. tonatr.lst rtf descrip.rtf specs? markrtf layout charsxpActivate the following two directives if you have characters with implicit values (see 'Character edit' dialog).: PRINT COMMENT \pard\plain\s2\qc\sb500\sa400\keepn\b\f2\fs28\kerning28{} Implicit Attributes \par\pard\plain\qj\sa300\fs20{}Unless indicated otherwise, the following attributes are implicit throughout the descriptions, except where the characters concerned are inapplicable.#: TRANSLATE IMPLICIT VALUESQI \par\pard\plain\s2\qc\sb500\sa400\keepn\b\f2\fs28\kerning28 Descriptions itemsiptions itemsd  iWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\tonatsrolder\tonatsrJP-y ?    '/ LDTranslate into natural language - RTF, separate file for each taxon.H@++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++H@Warning. This will not work properly unless you have a characterA9specifying names for the output files. See file 'ofiles'.H@++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ tonatsr.lst info implicit.rtf specs? markrtf ofiles layout chars  \pard\plain\s2\qc\sb500\sa400\keepn\b\f2\fs28\kerning28 Implicit Attributes \par\pard\plain\qj\sa300\fs20 Unless indicated otherwise, the following attributes are implicit throughout the descriptions, except where the characters concerned are inapplicable. itemsd{{iWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\tonex Folder\tonex= J(Vk @EHA   $Translate into Nexus format.*": HEADING Grass Genera #TIME #DATE tonex.lst tonex.prt specs@EH": EXCLUDE CHARACTERS 78-86nfSpecify how numeric characters are to be converted into multistate characters by dividing into ranges.: KEY STATES 3,~199/200-499/500~ 7,1-3/4-6/7 8,~4.9/5~ 26,~14.9/15~ 38,~1/2/3~ 41,~1/2~ 44,1/2~ 48,1/2-5/6~ 54,~1/2-7/8~ 60,~2/3/4~ 62,1/2/3~ 64,1-2/3 charsnexdata items #NEXUS #DATA #DIMENSIONS #HEADING #FORMAT #CHARLABELS #STATELABELS #MATRIX #END #ASSUMPTIONS OPTIONS DEFTYPE=unord PolyTCount=MINSTEPS; #TYPESET #WTSET #ENDdiWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBdiststߊ%9K !Generate distance matrix.dist.lstditems @d iWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Switzerland\DELTA\intkey.inktkey.inkr\ȿY/.'R9lI+[*m%T  ?t![> MF[;i)v$ mW   m#Intkey initialization file.Rimages linfo+iitems*ichars% toolbar.inp T? ,$: DEFINE CHARACTERS "nomenclature" 1*": DEFINE CHARACTERS "habit" 2-5 132*: DEFINE CHARACTERS "vegetative form" 2-111): DEFINE CHARACTERS " culms (form)" 3-63+: DEFINE CHARACTERS " leaves (form)" 7-11.&: DEFINE CHARACTERS " ligules" 10-11@8: DEFINE CHARACTERS "reproductive organization" 12 23-246.: DEFINE CHARACTERS "inflorescence form" 13-245-: DEFINE CHARACTERS "femsterile spikelets" 2580: DEFINE CHARACTERS "femfertile spikelets" 26-63-%: DEFINE CHARACTERS " glumes" 32-3891: DEFINE CHARACTERS " incomplete florets" 39-43?7: DEFINE CHARACTERS " florets (female-fertile)" 44-63>6: DEFINE CHARACTERS " lemmas (female-fertile)" 45-54D<: DEFINE CHARACTERS " awns of female-fertile lemmas" 47-51>6: DEFINE CHARACTERS " paleas (female-fertile)" 55-56H@: DEFINE CHARACTERS " lodicules (female-fertile florets" 57-59H@: DEFINE CHARACTERS " androecium of female-fertile florets" 600(: DEFINE CHARACTERS " gynoecium" 61-63)!: DEFINE CHARACTERS "fruit" 64-67KC: DEFINE CHARACTERS "photosynthetic pathway-related features" 68-700(: DEFINE CHARACTERS " biochemistry" 69C;: DEFINE CHARACTERS "ts anatomy of the leaf blade" 68 70-76G?: DEFINE CHARACTERS "diagnostic features of individual taxa" 772*: DEFINE CHARACTERS "classification" 78-84B:: DEFINE CHARACTERS " subfamilies and supertribes" 78-79-%: DEFINE CHARACTERS " tribes" 80-84/': DEFINE CHARACTERS "species number" 85*": DEFINE CHARACTERS "geography" 86+#: DEFINE CHARACTERS "references" 87: DEFINE CHARACTERS "morphology" veg repro infl femster femfert glumes incompl florets lemmas paleas lodicu androec gynoec fruit diagIA: DEFINE NAMES cereals Echinochloa, Eleusine, Oryza, Panicum, Zeathe followingcommandifyouwanttousefull descriptions generatedby 'tonatsr'.Seealso'toint', 'ofiles'./m'"Full description" "describe ?S /c all"G?: DEFINE CHARACTERS "brief description" nom class spec geog refG?: DEFINE INFORMATION "Brief description" "describe ?S /c brief"3m+"Diagnostic description" "diagnose ?S none"d11iWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Switzerland\DELTA\toolbar.inplbar.inpɿY/ . ~ Intkey toolbar. CLEAR intros.bmp "CONTENTS contents.ind" "Introduction and references" "This button allows you to display an introduction to the package, or a list of references."deeiWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\key5w Folder\key5J* Ta*p()&Confirmatory characters - RTF.& Key 5. Confirmatory characters @@ *rtf(markrtfL)D \pard\plain\s3\sa200\keepn\fs24\b Key 5. Confirmatory characters\b0>FDdiWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\key5a Folder\key5aJ+a *).('Confirmatory characters - HTML.2*Change My_Title and My_Authors throughout.' Key 5a. Confirmatory characters @@ *www)z My_Title - Key 5a. Confirmatory characters



    Key 5a. Confirmatory characters

    (markhtmdiWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\specs Folder\specsxJ %!2$:#B"J&R'ZIbTjg!~ Dataset specifications. !zE$#"&'ITgdwwiWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\chars Folder\charscJ~ Character list.dyyiWG_UWG_UDirFile DescBC:\Users\cenef\Dropbox\Niphargus\Switzerland\DeltaPaper\DELTA\items Folder\itemstJ~ Item descriptionsdhG_UG_UItem Desc;f( *,!.10;3E5O6Y8c:m<}>@BDFHJ virei    Ad gbUbUGChar TextBFs^uropod I sexually dimorphic: inner ramus elongated and measures 1.3-2.0 of outer ramus in males. Females with subequal rami.sexually non-dimorphic: the ratio between inner and outer ramus is roughly the same both sexessexual dimorphism not knowsexually dimorphic: inner ramus elongated and measures 1.3-2.0 of outer ramusdhG_UG_UItem Desc;c(*,#.-073A5K6U8_:i<s>}@BDFHJ caspary@ AddhWWQItem Desc;W(*&,0.:0D3N6X8b:l<v>@BDFJSB - (cf.thienemanni)AddhG_UG_U#Item Desc;p(*,%./093C5M6W8a:k<u>@BDFHJS  setiferus@d%dhG_UG_UItem Desc;x( *,!.10;3E5O6Y8c:m<}>@BDFHJS virei    A dhG_UG_U#Item Desc;^(*,%./093C5M6W8a:k<u>@BDFHJ  setiferus@ dhG_UG_U$Item Desc;`(*,'.10;3E5O6Y8c:m<w>@BDFHJ thienemanni@ dhG_UG_U%Item Desc;_(*,&.00:3D5N6X8b:l<v>@BDFHJ thuringius`Adh5H_U5H_U&Item Desc;c(*,$.40>3H5R6\8f:p<z>@BDFHJ murimali  @AddhG_UG_UItem Desc;p(*,%./093C5M6W8a:k<u>@BDFHJS  auerbachi@dccf`U`U(Char BaseS)dg`U`U)Char TextB("gnathopod dactylus with single seta at outer marginmore than one seta on outer margindccf`U`U*Char BaseS+d55g`U`U+Char TextB*)dactylus of pereopod III-VIIat most one spine at the base of the nailat least one additional spine in addition to the spine at the base of the nail (some polymorphism may exist, e.g., left-right assymetry, spines not on all appendages)dkkf`U`U,Char BaseS-dg`U`U-Char TextB, !telson withapical spines aloneapical and lateral spinesapical, lateral and dorsal spinesapical and dorsal spinesdccf`U`U.Char BaseS/d@@g`U`U/Char TextB.nvepimeral plate IIIsubrounded, posterior and ventral corner always convex, postero-ventral corner sometimes marked only with setaangular, ventral margin slightly convex, posterior margin straight or concave, postero-ventral corner always distinct dccf`U`U0Char BaseS1dg`U`U1Char TextB040dactyli III-IVlong and slender, longer than 1/2 of propodus lenghtslender or stout, at most 1/2 of propodus lengthhdgbUbU2Char TextB3CRpropodus of gnathopod II much larger than propodus of gnathopod I, larger than head capsulaeslightly larger than propodus of gnathopod I, at most of the size of head capsulaedccfbUbU3Char BaseS2dkf aU aU5Char BaseS4 spines, typically inner with several denticle and other with at most three denticlesmore than 7 spines, all fine pectinated forming combswith 7 spines, all with several denticlesggf aU aU5Char BaseS4dggfaUaU6Char BaseS7dPPgaUaU7Char TextB6(8PNpropodus and carpus of gnathopods I - IIcarpus longer than propodus, propods elongated and smallcarpus as long as propodus or shorter, propodus mid-sized and of quadratic shapecarpus as long as propodus or shorter, propodus large and in a shape of a hoofhoofdccf)dU)dU8Char BaseSLddhG_UG_UItem Desc;u(*,#.-073A5K6U8_:i<s>}@BDFHJS caspary@ AdccfEbUEbU:Char BaseS;dgEbUEbU;Char TextB: " telson with3, rarely 4 apical spines per lobe5 or more apical spines per lobedccfbUbU<Char BaseS=dgbUbU=Char TextB<7qcoxal plate IVmuch deeper than broad, proximally with deep excavationmore broad than deep, or as broad as deep, or slightly deeper than broad, but never with deep proximal excavationd__f:bU:bU>Char BaseS?dWWg:bU:bU?Char TextB>body size up tommdccfobUobU@Char BaseSAdgobUobUAChar TextB@,7urosoma segment Isingle seta or spine dorso-postero-laterallytwo or more setae and/or spines dorso-postero-laterallydccfbUbUBChar BaseSCdgbUbUCChar TextBB*.telson spines long, longer than 1/2 of the telson lenghtshort-to mid sized, at most 0.4 telson lengthdggfhbUhbUDChar BaseSEdghbUhbUEChar TextBD `uropod IIIsexually dimorphic: distal article of expopodite in males elongated and measures 0.3-1.0 of proximal article. In females and juvenile individuals at most 0.1 of proximal aticle.sexually non-dimorphic: distal article of expodite at most 0.1 of proximal article in both sexessexual dimorphism not knowndgcfm0Zm0ZSChar BaseSUGdgfbUbUFChar BaseSGGexually dimorphic: inner ramus elongated and measures 1.3-2.0 of outer ramus in males. Females with subequal rami.sexually non-dimorphic: inner ramus not elongate and measures 1.0-1.2 of outer ramus in both sexessexual dimorphism not knowsexually dimorphic: inner ramus elongated and measures 1.3-2.0 of outer ramusdccfbUbUHChar BaseSIdgbUbUIChar TextBHinner lobe of maxilla Ione to two setaethree or more setaedccf cU cUJChar BaseSKg cU cUKChar TextBJ35uropod Ilong setae distally on rami (broom-like appearance)distal setae on rami not remakably longer than spinessdmmg)dU)dULChar TextB8  body sizeup to 10 mmmore than 10 mmddhG_UG_U$Item Desc;r(*,'.10;3E5O6Y8c:m<w>@BDFHJS thienemanni@ dhgUgUNItem Desc;_( *, .*043>5H6R8\:f<p>z@BDFHJstyxA   dhKWKWOItem Desc;_(*,&.00:3D5N6X8b:l<v>@BDFHJ inopinatus@gbUbUGChar TextBFsbOuropod I sexually dimorphic: inner ramus elongated and measures 1.3-2.0 of outer ramus in males. Females with subequal rami.sexually non-dimorphic: inner ramus not elongate and measures 1.0-1.2 of outer ramus in both sexessexual dimorphism not knowsexually non-dimorphic: inner ramus as long or slightly longer than outer ramussexually dimorphic: inner ramus elongated and measures 1.3-2.0 of outer ramusdg aU aU4Char TextB5[5)douter lobe of maxilla Iwith 7 spines, typically inner with several denticle and other with at most three denticlesmore than 7 spines, all fine pectinated forming combswith 7 spines, all with several denticleswith 7 spines, inner four with several denticles, the outer three can have less than three denticlese USSddhG_UG_U%Item Desc;q(*,&.00:3D5N6X8b:l<v>@BDFHJS thuringius`Ad}g cU cUKChar TextBJ35uropod I long setae distally on rami (broom-like appearance)distal setae on rami not remakably longer than spiness dh+Z+ZRItem Desc;b(*,#.-073A5K6U8_:i<s>}@BDFHJ aquilex A  dhG_UG_U Item Desc;t(*,#.-073A5K6U8_:i<s>}@BDFHJS forelii@  dgm0Zm0ZUChar TextBSH2uropod I inner ramus slightly to remarkably longer than outer ramus in both sexesinner ramus shorter than outer ramus in both sexesdh .Z .ZTItem Desc;f(*,'.10;3E5O6Y8c:m<w>@BDFHJ luchoffmaniA  ddhG_UG_U!Item Desc;|(*,$..083B5L6V8`:j<t>~@BDFHJS puteanuspA A  d/dhG_UG_U"Item Desc;('*1,;.E0O3Y5c6m8w:<>@BDFHJS#rhenorhodanesis species complexA  ddh5H_U5H_U&Item Desc;u(*,$.40>3H5R6\8f:p<z>@BDFHJS murimali  @Addh@BDFHJS  brixianus  pA  d"dh"bU"bU9Item Desc;(*,".,063@5J6T8^:h<r>|@BDFHJS muotae A      d dh_gU_gUMItem Desc;}(*",,.<0F3P5Z6d8n:x<>@BDFHJSA - (cf.stygius)  pAddhgUgUNItem Desc;q( *, .*043>5H6R8\:f<p>z@BDFHJSstyxA  ddhKWKWOItem Desc;q(*,&.00:3D5N6X8b:l<v>@BDFHJS inopinatus@ddhWWPItem Desc;y(*,(.20<3F5P6Z8d:n<x>@BDFHJS tonywhitteni@A  dh+Z+ZRItem Desc;t(*,#.-073A5K6U8_:i<s>}@BDFHJS aquilex A  ddh .Z .ZTItem Desc;x(*,'.10;3E5O6Y8c:m<w>@BDFHJS luchoffmaniA  ddhG_UG_U Item Desc;n(*,#.-073A5K6U8_:i<s>}@BDFHJS forelii@ddh+Z+ZRItem Desc;t(*,#.-073A5K6U8_:i<s>}@BDFHJS aquilex A