Mahdi Rajabizadeh, Jérôme Morinière, Hossein Rajaei (2021)
Adaptation to the hottest spot on earth: Dietary ecology of an enigmatic desert gecko based on DNA metabarcoding.
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Axel Hausmann, Andreas H. Segerer, Thomas Greifenstein, Johannes Knubben, Jerôme Morinière, Vedran Bozicevic, Dieter Doczkal, Armin Günter, Werner Ulrich, Jan Christian Habel (2020)
Toward a standardized quantitative and qualitative insect monitoring scheme.
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Muhammad Tayyib Naseem, Muhammad Ashfaq, Arif Muhammad Khan, Akhtar Rasool, Muhammad Asif, Paul D. N. Hebert, Feng ZHANG (2019)
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Michael J. Raupach, Karsten Hannig, Jérome Morinière, Lars Hendrich (2020)
A DNA barcode library for ground beetles of Germany: the genus Agonum Bonelli, 1810 (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae).
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Michael J. Raupach, Karsten Hannig, Jérome Morinière, Lars Hendrich (2020)
A DNA barcode library for ground beetles of Germany: the genus Pterostichus Bonelli, 1810 and allied taxa (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae).
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Maria-Magdalena Dascălu, Florina-Georgiana Caba, Lucian Fusu (2022)
DNA barcoding in Dorcadionini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) uncovers mitochondrial-morphological discordance and the hybridogenic origin of several subspecies.
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High molecular diversity in Carabus (Hygrocarabus) variolosus and C. nodulosus.
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Laura A. Hardulak, Jérôme Morinière, Axel Hausmann, Lars Hendrich, Stefan Schmidt, Dieter Doczkal, Jörg Müller, Paul D. N. Hebert, Gerhard Haszprunar (2020)
DNA metabarcoding for biodiversity monitoring in a national park: Screening for invasive and pest species.
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Jérôme Morinière, Michael Balke, Dieter Doczkal, Matthias F. Geiger, Laura A. Hardulak, Gerhard Haszprunar, Axel Hausmann, Lars Hendrich, Ledis Regalado, Björn Rulik, Stefan Schmidt, Johann‐Wolfgang Wägele, Paul D. N. Hebert (2019)
A DNA barcode library for 5,200 German flies and midges (Insecta: Diptera) and its implications for metabarcoding‐based biomonitoring.
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Michael J. Raupach, Karsten Hannig, Jérome Morinière, Lars Hendrich (2019)
About Notiophilus Duméril, 1806 (Coleoptera, Carabidae): Species delineation and phylogeny using DNA barcodes.
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Konrad Dettner, Zsolt Kovács, Tomasz Rewicz, Zoltán Csabai (2024)
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First DNA barcodes of Bembidion species (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Iran.
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Hans Turin, D. Johan Kotze, Stefan Müller-Kroehling, Pavel Saska, John Spence, Theodoor Heijerman (2022)
Ecology and conservation of the Dutch ground beetle fauna.
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