Ptomaphaginus, male genital segment (urite IX), dorsal view. a P. anas Schilthuizen & Perreau, Ulu Gombak (RMNH) b P. bryantioides Schilthuizen & Perreau c P. burckhardti Schilthuizen & Perreau, Gunung Kinabalu, holotype (MHNG) d P. grandis sp. n., Gunung Mulu, paratype (NHMUK), left pleurite missing e P. isabellarossellini sp. n., Gunung Kinabalu, holotype (RMNH.INS.1086160) f P. kinabaluensis Schilthuizen & Perreau, Gunung Kinabalu, paratype (RMNH.INS.63302) g P. muluensis sp. n., Gunung Mulu, paratype (NHMUK) h P. sabahensis Schilthuizen & Perreau, Gunung Kinabalu, holotype (MHNG) i P. scaphaner Szymczakowski, Gunung Mulu (NHMUK) j P. latimanus Schilthuizen & Perreau, Gunung Trusmadi (RMNH) k P. louis sp. n., Gunung Mulu, paratype (NHMUK) l P. similipes Schilthuizen & Perreau, Gunung Mulu (NHMUK). Scale bar represents 0.05 mm for Figure 9e.

  Part of: Schilthuizen M, Perreau M, Njunjić I (2018) A review of the Cholevinae from the island of Borneo (Coleoptera, Leiodidae). ZooKeys 777: 57-108.