F. inoculata 81 Appearance 82 Position of macrosetae, setae of p-row, and s-setae on corpus 83PAO, variations (83, 84 Japan 85 Caucasus) 86–88 Manubrium, lateral view (Germany: Helgoland, coll. J. Schulz (86), Caucasus: Aibga (87), Japan: central Honshu (88) 89 Scatterplot of 84 individuals from five large regions of Palearctic basing on nine length ratios (for explanations see the Methods part). Abbreviations: pr, l2–groups of setae on posterior side of manubrium (notation as in Fjellberg, 2007), C–Caucasus, E–Europe, FE–Far East of Russia, J–Japan, S–Siberia, U–Ural.

  Part of: Potapov M, Hasegawa M, Kuznetsova N, Babenko A, Kuprin A (2018) Isotomidae of Japan and the Asiatic part of Russia. I. Folsomia ‘inoculata’ group. ZooKeys 750: 1-40. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.750.22764