Habitus of C. explodens sp. n. allotype, male; a full-face view b wings (see insert for illustration of measurements 2r and 4RsM) c lateral (see insert for detailed view of petiole), and d dorsal view.

  Part of: Laciny A, Zettel H, Kopchinskiy A, Pretzer C, Pal A, Salim KA, Rahimi MJ, Hoenigsberger M, Lim L, Jaitrong W, Druzhinina IS (2018) Colobopsis explodens sp. n., model species for studies on “exploding ants” (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), with biological notes and first illustrations of males of the Colobopsis cylindrica group. ZooKeys 751: 1-40. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.751.22661