Maximum likelihood tree based on the mtDNA COI gene of 97 Glomeris marginata. Midpoint rooted. Roman numerals: Haplotype lineages I–V. Colour morphs of G. marginata: Common black = none; G = grey; R = red border; P = perplexa-markings. Scale bar = 1 % genetic ML distance.

  Part of: Reip HS, Wesener T (2018) Intraspecific variation and phylogeography of the millipede model organism, the Black Pill Millipede Glomeris marginata (Villers, 1789) (Diplopoda, Glomerida, Glomeridae). In: Stoev P, Edgecombe GD (Eds) Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Myriapodology, Krabi, Thailand. ZooKeys 741: 93-131.