Apata pricei komandorica subsp. n. North West Pacific, Commander Islands. ZMMU Op-533, living specimen 8 mm in length: A dorso-lateral view B ventral view (fixed) C details of cerata D rhinophores, SEM E jaw, SEM F details of masticatory process of jaw, SEM G radular teeth, posterior part H reproductive system, SEM. Abbreviations: a anus am ampulla cr ceratal rows fgm female gland mass go genital opening ps penial sheath pvd prostatic vas deferens r rhinophores rsd distal receptaculum seminis. Scale bars: D, E, H = 300 μm; F = 10 μm; G = 30 μm. Photos of living specimens by N.P. Sanamyan other photos and SEM images by A.V. Martynov.