Gulenia orjani sp. n. Norwegian Sea, Gulen Dive Center. Holotype NTNU-VM-72482, living specimen 22 mm length: A dorsal view B lateral view C ventral view F details of cerata D Paratype ZMMU Op-538, living specimen 19 mm length, dorsal view E living specimens (not collected) on a hydroid colony G radular teeth, posterior part, SEM ZMMU Op-407 H jaw, SEM ZMMU Op-407 I details of masticatory process of jaw, SEM ZMMU Op-407 J reproductive system, SEM ZMMU Op-409 K penis, SEM ZMMU Op-409 L seminal reservoirs ZMMU Op-409. Abbreviations: a anus am ampulla fgm female gland mass go genital opening nc continuous notal edge p penis ps penial sheath pvd prostatic vas deferens rsd distal receptaculum seminis rsp proximal receptaculum seminis. Scale bars: G = 30 μm; H, J, K, L = 300 μm; I =30 μm. Photos and SEM images by T.A. Korshunova, A.V. Martynov.