73Saprinus (S.) tenuistrius sparsutus Solsky, 1876 male genitalia: 8th sternite and tergite, ventral view 74 8th sternite and tergite, dorsal view 75 8th sternite and tergite, lateral view 76 9th + 10th tergites, dorsal view 77 9th + 10th tergites, lateral view 78 spiculum gastrale (9th sternite), ventral view 79 spiculum gastrale (9th sternite), lateral view 80 aedeagus, dorsal view 81 aedeagus, lateral view.

  Part of: Shayya S, Dégallier N, Nel A, Azar D, Lackner T (2018) Contribution to the knowledge of Saprinus Erichson, 1834 of forensic relevance from Lebanon (Coleoptera, Histeridae). ZooKeys 738: 117-152. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.738.21382