Habitats and live specimens, Wallaconchis sinanui, Indonesia, Ambon, Lateri. A Type locality, mudflat adjacent to a shallow river through a mangrove (st 128) B Close up of mud with a few individuals of W. sinanui (same locality as A) C Wider view of the mud with many individuals of W. sinanui (same locality as A) D Dorsal view, 9 mm long [2746] (UMIZ 00059) E Holotype, dorsal view, 9 mm long [2737] (UMIZ 00058) F Dorsal view, 9 mm long [2740] (UMIZ 00059).

  Part of: Goulding TC, Khalil M, Tan SH, Dayrat B (2018) Integrative taxonomy of a new and highly-diverse genus of onchidiid slugs from the Coral Triangle (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Onchidiidae). ZooKeys 763: 1-111. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.763.21252