Non-metric multidimensional scaling of the dietary composition recorded in the gut contents of the Nacella species in Puerto del Hambre (a, c) and Otway Sound (b, d). a, b correspond to the winter months, and c, d to the summer months. The dashed line indicates the separation between species.

  Part of: Rosenfeld S, Marambio J, Ojeda J, Rodríguez JP, González-Wevar C, Gerard K, Contador T, Pizarro G, Mansilla A (2018) Trophic ecology of two coexisting Sub-Antarctic limpets of the genus Nacella: Spatio-temporal variation in food availability and diet composition of Nacella magellanica and N. deaurata in the Sub-Antarctic Ecoregion of Magellan . ZooKeys 738: 1-25.