M. troglomorpha sp. n. A detail of head and antenna I and II (♀ allotype) B detail of antenna I with accessory flagellum (♀ allotype) C antenna II peduncle articles and proximal part of flagellum (♀ allotype) D upper lip (♂ holotype) E lower lip (♂ holotype) F left mandible (♀ allotype) G maxilliped (8 mm ♂) H maxilla 1 (♀ allotype) I maxilla II (♀ allotype) J maxilla I outer plate (♂ holotype).

  Part of: Angyal D, Chávez Solís E, Magana B, Balázs G, Simoes N (2018) Mayaweckelia troglomorpha (Amphipoda, Hadziidae), a new subterranean amphipod species from Yucatán state (Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico). ZooKeys 735: 1-25. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.735.21164