Eriauchenius sama sp. n. A male (holotype, CASENT9012014) habitus, lateral view, image reversed B–C female (CASENT9012341) internal genitalia: B dorsal view C anterior view D–L male pedipalpal bulbs (holotype, CASENT9012014), arrow showing the change in direction in the curve of the conductor tip D–F right bulb, image reversed G–L left bulb D, G, J prolateral view E, H, K ventral view F, I, L retrolateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm (A); 0.25 mm (B, D).

  Part of: Wood HM, Scharff N (2018) A review of the Madagascan pelican spiders of the genera Eriauchenius O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1881 and Madagascarchaea gen. n. (Araneae, Archaeidae). ZooKeys 727: 1-96.