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Integrating presence‐only and detection/non‐detection data to estimate distributions and expected abundance of difficult‐to‐monitor species on a landscape‐scale. Journal of Applied Ecology 61: 1441.
Predation risk for hoary marmots in Washington’s North Cascades Mountains. Journal of Mammalogy 105: 1403.
High genomic diversity and candidate genes under selection associated with range expansion in eastern coyote (Canis latrans) populations. Ecology and Evolution 8: 12641.
Scavengingvshunting affects behavioral traits of an opportunistic carnivore. PeerJ 10: e13366.
The public pedagogy of neighborhood Facebook communities: negotiating relations with urban coyotes. Environmental Education Research 26: 189.
The differential contribution of coyotes and passerines on future biotic carbon storage through juniper seed dispersal. Ecography 2024: .
Mismatched spatial scales can limit the utility of citizen science data for estimating wildlife‐habitat relationships. Ecological Research 36: 87.
First Record of Coyote (Canis latrans) in an Urban Area of Southeastern Mexico: The Case of Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. Western North American Naturalist 84: .
Ampliación del ámbito de distribución del coyote (Canis latrans) en la Península de Osa, Costa Rica. Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología (Nueva Epoca) 10: 17.
Spatiotemporal relationships of coyotes and free-ranging domestic cats as indicators of conflict in Culver City, California. PeerJ 10: e14169.
Of Rarity and Symbolism: Understanding Human Perceptions of Charismatic Color Morphs. Human Ecology 52: 461.
Risk from a top predator and forest structure influence scavenging by smaller carnivores. Ecosphere 14: .
Genetic diversity and relatedness of a recently established population of eastern coyotes (Canis latrans) in New York City. Urban Ecosystems 23: 319.
Frugivory and Seed Dispersal by Carnivorans. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: .
Effects of early-life experience on innovation and problem-solving in captive coyotes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76: .
At a fine scale, hardwood patches support wildlife diversity in longleaf pine woodlands. Wildlife Letters 1: 71.
Using community science data to investigate urban Coyotes (Canis latrans) in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 26: 163.
Resource pulses shape seasonal and individual variation in the diet of an omnivorous carnivore. Ecology and Evolution 14: .
Coyote diet in North America: geographic and ecological patterns during range expansion. Mammal Review 52: 480.
Seasonal space use of transient and resident coyotes (Canis latrans) in North Carolina, USA. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97: 326.
From past habitats to present threats: tracing North American weasel distributions through a century of climate and land use change. Landscape Ecology 39: .
Coyotes in New York City Carry Variable Genomic Dog Ancestry and Influence Their Interactions with Humans. Genes 13: 1661.
Modeling eighteen years of community science data reveals extensive recolonization of bobcats in Illinois, USA. Landscape Ecology 38: 597.
What can osteometric analyses tell us about domestic dogs recovered from a multicomponent indigenous site in Vermont?. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 33: 196.
Identifying and Controlling for Variation in Canid Harvest Data. The Journal of Wildlife Management 84: 1234.
Evolutionary legacy of the extirpated red wolf clings to life in gulf‐coast canids. Molecular Ecology 31: 5419.
The founder sociality hypothesis. Ecology and Evolution 11: 14392.
Boreal predator co‐occurrences reveal shared use of seismic lines in a working landscape. Ecology and Evolution 10: 1678.
Prey partitioning between sympatric wild carnivores revealed by DNA metabarcoding: a case study on wolf (Canis lupus) and coyote (Canis latrans) in northeastern Washington. Conservation Genetics 22: 293.
Severe environmental conditions create severe conflicts: A novel ecological pathway to extreme coyote attacks on humans. Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 353.
A note on investigating co‐occurrence patterns and dynamics for many species, with imperfect detection and a log‐linear modeling parameterization. Ecology and Evolution 11: 8507.
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Coexistencia de Vulpes macrotis y Canis latrans (Carnivora: Canidae) en la Reserva de la Biosfera de Mapimí, México. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 91: .
Inverse relationships between coyote and wild turkey population time series: Implications for future studies of predator–prey interactions. Wildlife Letters 1: 171.
Safe space in the woods: Mechanistic spatial models for predicting risks of human–bear conflicts in India. Biotropica 55: 504.
The role of anthropogenic dispersal in shaping the distribution and genetic composition of a widespread North American tree species. Ecology and Evolution 11: 11515.
Genetics of urban colonization: neutral and adaptive variation in coyotes (Canis latrans) inhabiting the New York metropolitan area. Journal of Urban Ecology 5: .
Seasonal and daily shifts in behavior and resource selection: how a carnivore navigates costly landscapes. Oecologia 194: 87.
Co‐occurrence of bobcats, coyotes, and ocelots in Texas. Ecology and Evolution 10: 4903.
Resource selection by coyotes (Canis latrans) in a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem: effects of anthropogenic fires and landscape features. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97: 165.
Mammal Diversity in Oil Palm Plantations and Forest Fragments in a Highly Modified Landscape in Southern Mexico. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2: .
Habitat connectivity and resource selection in an expanding bobcat (Lynx rufus) population. PeerJ 9: e12460.
Syntopic species interact with large boreal mammals' response to anthropogenic landscape change. Science of The Total Environment 822: 153432.
Creating constellations of coexistence through connections between people in human–wildlife conflict areas. Conservation Biology 38: .
Rethinking Habitat Occupancy Modeling and the Role of Diel Activity in an Anthropogenic World. The American Naturalist 200: 556.
Habituation and tolerance in coyotes (Canis latrans), a flexible urban predator. Wildlife Letters 1: 153.
Predator exclusion cages as visual attractants to coyotes. Urban Ecosystems 26: 981.
Are pioneering coyotes, foxes and jackals alien species? Canid colonists in the changing conservation landscape of the Anthropocene. Oryx 54: 392.
First density estimates for a recovering bobcat population in Ohio using DNA from scat. Population Ecology 66: 294.
Persistence and expansion of cryptic endangered red wolf genomic ancestry along the American Gulf coast. Molecular Ecology 31: 5440.
Integrating robotics into wildlife conservation: testing improvements to predator deterrents through movement. PeerJ 11: e15491.
Seven decades of southern range dynamics of Canada lynx. Ecology and Evolution 11: 4644.
Live-Capture Techniques for Colonizing Nine-Banded Armadillos. Northeastern Naturalist 28: .
An approach for using multiple indices for monitoring long-term trends of mesopredators at broad spatial scales. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 3529.
Diet selection in the Coyote Canis latrans . Journal of Mammalogy 104: 1338.
Anthropogenic driven range expansion of Asian elephant Elephas maximus in an agricultural landscape and its consequences in South West Bengal, India. Journal for Nature Conservation 73: 126374.
Applied ecology of fear: A meta‐analysis on the potential of facilitating human‐wildlife coexistence through nonlethal tools. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 5: .
Zooarchaeological assemblages contextualize the historical ecology and harvest of fur-bearing mammals in Vermont. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: .
Hepatozoon spp. infection in wild canids in the eastern United States. Parasites & Vectors 16: .
Bush Dogs in Central America: Recent Range Expansion, Cryptic Distribution, or Both?. Tropical Conservation Science 12: .
“Ecology of fear” in ungulates: Opportunities for improving conservation. Ecology and Evolution 12: .
A Systematic Review of Zoonotic Enteric Parasites in Synanthropic Mammalian Species in Florida. Pathogens 13: 1065.
Range-wide phylogeography of the golden jackals (Canis aureus) reveals multiple sources of recent spatial expansion and admixture with dogs at the expansion front. Biological Conservation 290: 110448.
Novel hybrid finds a peri-urban niche: Allen’s Hummingbirds in southern California. Conservation Genetics 21: 989.
Testing for Mississippian Period Turkey Management in the Archaeological Record of the Southeastern United States. American Antiquity 86: 794.
Mesopredator frugivory has no effect on seed viability and emergence under experimental conditions. Ecosphere 12: .
Coyote (Canis latrans) use of marine resources in coastal California: A new behavior relative to their recent ancestors. The Holocene 28: 1781.
People or predators? Comparing habitat‐dependent effects of hunting and large carnivores on the abundance of North America's top mesocarnivore. Ecography 2025: .
Considering Pleistocene North American wolves and coyotes in the eastern Canis origin story. Ecology and Evolution 11: 9137.
Where have all the flowers gone? A call for federal leadership in deer management in the United States. Frontiers in Conservation Science 5: .
Spatiotemporal predictions of the alternative prey hypothesis: Predator habitat use during decreasing prey abundance. Ecosphere 14: .
Tracing Eastern Wolf Origins From Whole-Genome Data in Context of Extensive Hybridization. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40: .
Distribution, bioclimatic niche and sympatry of two Erinaceidae in Tunisia. African Journal of Ecology 58: 193.
Variation in dental size between Pleistocene and living coyotes (Canis latrans Say, 1823) from México. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 111: 103500.
Evaluating anthropogenic influence on a mesopredator: opossum (Didelphis virginiana) isotope values influenced by corn agriculture more than urbanization. Canadian Journal of Zoology 101: 307.
Carnivore coexistence in Chicago: niche partitioning of coyotes and red foxes. Urban Ecosystems 26: 1293.
Canid collision—expanding populations of coyotes (Canis latrans) and crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) meet up in Panama. Journal of Mammalogy 100: 1819.
Effects on white‐tailed deer following eastern coyote colonization. The Journal of Wildlife Management 83: 916.
The impact of language in conflicts over urban coyotes. Journal of Urban Ecology 7: .
Urban Human–Coyote Conflicts: Assessing Friendliness as an Indicator of Coexistence. Animals 13: 2903.
Infectious Diseases of Eastern Spotted Skunks (Spilogale putorius) within a One Health Framework. Southeastern Naturalist 20: .
Serologic Evidence for the Exposure of Eastern Coyotes ( Canis latrans ) in Pennsylvania to the Tick-Borne Pathogens Borreliella burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum . mSphere 5: .
A review of sarcoptic mange in North American wildlife. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 9: 285.
Intraguild interactions and abiotic conditions mediate occupancy of mammalian carnivores: co‐occurrence of coyotes–fishers–martens. Oikos 2024: .
High Genetic Diversity and Low Differentiation in Colonized Coyote Populations Across South Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist 23: .
Maternal behaviors influence survival of ungulate neonates under heavy predation risk. Ecology and Evolution 14: .
Interface of Human/Wildlife Interactions: An Example of a Bold Coyote (Canis latrans) in Atlanta, GA, USA. Diversity 13: 372.
Spatial population genetics reveals competitive imbalances threatening local apex predator persistence. Biological Conservation 256: 109062.
Limitations of current knowledge about the ecology of Grey Foxes hamper conservation efforts. Journal of Threatened Taxa 13: 19079.
White‐tailed deer and coyote colonization: a response to Kilgo et al. (2019). The Journal of Wildlife Management 83: 1641.
Wildlife value orientations and their relationships with mid-size predator management. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 24: 418.
The reasons for the range expansion of the grey wolf, coyote and red fox. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 11: 46.
Simulated effects of roadkill and harvest on the viability of a recovering bobcat population. The Journal of Wildlife Management 87: .
Coyote (Canis latrans) in South America: potential routes of colonization. Integrative Zoology 15: 471.
A heavy burden: Metal exposure across the land-ocean continuum in an adaptable carnivore. Environmental Pollution 327: 121585.
Limited cougar recolonization of eastern North America predicted by an individual-based model. Biological Conservation 298: 110756.
An apex carnivore’s life history mediates a predator cascade. Oecologia 196: 223.
Holocene faunal procurement and species response to climate change in the Ohio River valley. North American Archaeologist 40: 192.
The small home ranges and large local ecological impacts of pet cats. Animal Conservation 23: 516.
Updating the Bibliography of Interbreeding among Canis in North America. Journal of Heredity 111: 249.
DNA metabarcoding reveals that coyotes in New York City consume wide variety of native prey species and human food. PeerJ 10: e13788.
When carnivores collide: a review of studies exploring the competitive interactions between bobcatsLynx rufusand coyotesCanis latrans. Mammal Review 52: 52.
Survival and cause-specific mortality of coyotes in Wisconsin. Journal of Mammalogy 104: 833.
Improving evaluation of nonlethal tools for carnivore management and conservation: evaluating fladry to protect an endangered species from a generalist mesocarnivore. Animal Conservation 25: 125.
Dirofilaria immitis and Dirofilaria striata (Spirurida: Onchocercidae) detected in wild carnivores from Texas, United States. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 24: 100954.
Rapid spread and emergence of heartworm resulting from climate and climate-driven ecological changes in Hungary. Veterinary Parasitology 280: 109067.
There goes the neighborhood: Urban coyotes and the politics of wildlife. Journal of Urban Affairs 44: 156.
Assessing spatiotemporal patterns of mesocarnivores along an urban‐to‐rural gradient. The Journal of Wildlife Management 87: .
Carnivore community response to anthropogenic landscape change: species-specificity foils generalizations. Landscape Ecology 34: 2493.
The effect of urbanization on spatiotemporal interactions between gray foxes and coyotes. Ecosphere 13: .
Predictors of Mammalian Diversity in the New York Metropolitan Area. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: .
Compensatory human and predator risk trade-offs in neonatal white-tailed deer. Global Ecology and Conservation 36: e02089.
Relative abundance of coyotes (Canis latrans) influences gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) occupancy across the eastern United States. Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 63.
Forest and snow rather than food or foe limit the distribution of a generalist mesocarnivore in winter. Ecosphere 14: .
New Geographic Records for Trichinella nativa and Echinococcus canadensis in Coyotes (Canis latrans) from Insular Newfoundland, Canada. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 60: .
Interactions with humans shape coyote responses to hazing. Scientific Reports 9: .
Golden jackal expansion in northernmost Europe: records in Finland. Mammalian Biology 104: 101.
Regional and local temporal trends in the prevalence of canine heartworm infection in the contiguous United States: 2012–2018. Parasites & Vectors 12: .
Investigating Cause-Specific Mortality of Sheep to Determine the Impacts of Carnivores on Domestic Livestock. Rangeland Ecology & Management 88: 39.
Extralimital terrestrials: A reassessment of range limits in Alaska’s land mammals. PLOS ONE 19: e0294376.
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawn survival and the influence of landscape characteristics on fawn predation risk in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. PLOS ONE 18: e0288449.
Review of small cat ecology and status within India. Mammal Review 54: 341.
Landscape-scale population trends in the occurrence and abundance of wildlife populations using long term camera-trapping data. Biological Conservation 290: 110398.
Supplementation of seasonal natural resources with year‐round anthropogenic resources by coyotes in natural fragments within a high‐density urban area. Wildlife Biology 2023: .
Relaciones humanos-coyotes en la provincia de Cartago, Costa Rica. Humanidades: revista de la Universidad de Montevideo : 63.
A novel human-based nature-conservation paradigm in Guatemala paves the way for overcoming the metabolic rift. Capital & Class 45: 11.
Mortality of a large wide-ranging mammal largely caused by anthropogenic activities. Scientific Reports 10: .
Recursive use of home ranges and seasonal shifts in foraging behavior by a generalist carnivore. Ecology and Evolution 12: .
Umbrella effect of monitoring protocols for mammals in the Northeast US. Scientific Reports 12: .
Using the BirdNET algorithm to identify wolves, coyotes, and potentially their interactions in a large audio dataset. Mammal Research 69: 159.
Understanding the co-occurrence of Asian small-clawed otter and smooth-coated otter in a human-dominated landscape. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78: .
Public interactions, attitudes, and conflict regarding management of a “novel” urban species. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 27: 16.
Late Pleistocene onset of mutualistic human/canid ( Canis spp.) relationships in subarctic Alaska . Science Advances 10: .
Zooarchaeological analysis: The curious case of canid identification in North America. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 17: .
Vigilance Response of a Key Prey Species to Anthropogenic and Natural Threats in Detroit. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: .
Applying a hierarchical Bayesian framework to reveal how fear and animal ownership drive human's valuation of and interactions with coyotes. Conservation Science and Practice 6: .
Factors influencing risk of predation by subsidized predators on juvenile Mojave desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii). Global Ecology and Conservation 55: e03220.
Domestic Cat Abundance and Activity Across a Residential Land Use Gradient. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: .
Evaluating human–coyote encounters in an urban landscape using citizen science. Journal of Urban Ecology 7: .
Impacts of coyote colonization on coastal mammalian predators. Scientific Reports 14: .
Shining the spotlight on small mammalian carnivores: Global status and threats. Biological Conservation 255: 109005.
Spatiotemporal patterns of male and female white‐tailed deer on a hunted landscape. Ecology and Evolution 12: .
The coyote in the cloud. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 7: 1054.
Public perspectives on the management of urban coyotes. Journal of Urban Ecology 5: .
Ecology, distribution and habitat suitability analysis of the North African sengi (Petrosaltator rozeti, Macroscelidea, Afrotheria) in Tunisia. Mammalia : .
A Genome-Wide Perspective on the Persistence of Red Wolf Ancestry in Southeastern Canids. Journal of Heredity 111: 277.
Assessing springtime vertebrate prey of sympatric mesopredators in the southeastern United States using metabarcoding analysis. PLOS ONE 18: e0293270.
Population Dynamics of a Declining White-Tailed Deer Population in the Southern Appalachian Region of the United States. Animals 13: 3675.
Most Random-Encounter-Model Density Estimates in Camera-Based Predator–Prey Studies Are Unreliable. Animals 14: 3361.
Identification of small circular DNA viruses in coyote fecal samples from Arizona (USA). Archives of Virology 169: .
Coyotes take advantage of ungulate carrion subsidies as wolves recolonize Washington. Canadian Journal of Zoology 102: 798.
Living on the edge: spatial response of coyotes (Canis latrans) to wolves (Canis lupus) in the subarctic. Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 279.
Large carnivore response to human road use suggests a landscape of coexistence. Global Ecology and Conservation 30: e01772.
Substantial red wolf genetic ancestry persists in wild canids of southwestern Louisiana. Conservation Letters 12: .
Prevalence and geographic distribution of Echinococcus genus in wild canids in southern Québec, Canada. PLOS ONE 19: e0306600.
Survival of white‐tailed deer fawns on Marine Corps Base Quantico. The Journal of Wildlife Management 86: .
Landscape characteristics and predation risk influence spatial variation in auditory courtship of an upland game bird. Landscape Ecology 38: 1221.
Impacts of urban heterogeneity in environmental and societal characteristics on coyote survival. Urban Ecosystems 28: 1.
First confirmed record of a Cape fox, Vulpes chama, in Zimbabwe. African Journal of Ecology 57: 411.
Pleistocene origins, western ghost lineages, and the emerging phylogeographic history of the red wolf and coyote. Molecular Ecology 30: 4292.
Geographic patterns in morphometric and genetic variation for coyote populations with emphasis on southeastern coyotes. Ecology and Evolution 9: 3389.
Engaging urban residents in the appropriate actions to mitigate human–wildlife conflicts. Conservation Science and Practice 6: .
Urbanization and primary productivity mediate the predator–prey relationship between deer and coyotes. Ecosphere 15: .
Rangeland Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. Chapter 16: 549.
Mexican Fauna in the Anthropocene. Chapter 10: 215.
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